The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 319 Grand Celebration

Chapter 319 Grand Celebration (2)
Such a person is really courageous enough. The person Xuanyuan Ming wanted to assassinate was obviously her Hong Zhuxiang, but when he acted, he didn't care that she was with Ah Zhan.Isn't she afraid that if something happens to Ah Zhan, his daughter's position as queen will also be lost?This Xuanyuan Ming, she has to pay close attention to it!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan has been away from the country for a long time, so there are not many opportunities to attend important celebrations. This morning, the ministers were busy greeting him, and they couldn't get away for a while. Leisurely and carefree, almost no one dares to approach her, of course, except for a certain "wonderful flower"...

"Xiang'er, is it boring to be alone? I'm here to accompany you." Leng Yishuang's carefree voice came, and instantly brought everyone's attention.Does she know that this arrogant voice is flat?
"I think you are the one who is bored, right? Did you quarrel with someone just now?" Hong Zhuxiang asked amusedly.The little face was flushed red, and it looked like he was angry.

"How can I? Do I look like such a troublesome person? If those women insisted on stopping me to tell them about my cousin, I would have come here a long time ago. It's really annoying." Leng Yishuang picked up the tea next to him , I drank it in a big gulp, and the one who was cold was choked and coughed non-stop.

Mingyue suddenly felt that their side was much brighter. When she looked up, she saw pairs of eyes with different expressions.Well, the audience's eyes were instantly attracted by Princess Leng.

Hong Zhuxiang didn't mind, but shook her head helplessly, and patted Leng Yishuang's back tenderly. However, she accidentally glanced at a pair of apologetic eyes, which were Leng Yishuang's father, Leng Gonghao.

Hong Zhuxiang smiled and nodded towards Lord Leng, indicating that he needn't be like this. Although Leng Yishuang is sometimes pissed off, but that is also part of her frankness, which is much better than those fake masks.

In fact, Leng Gonghao felt very happy in his heart. Shuang'er has changed a lot. Maybe others can't see it, but he, the father, knows it. Now she no longer wants to be the regent princess, but gets along well with the princess. Great, his father is also bright.

"Princess Wang is so beautiful today..." Che Zimei walked over with a smile on her face. She was dressed in a water-blue spring gauze and put on light makeup. Under the golden sunlight, she looked extremely beautiful. It is said that the most beautiful woman in the Hanhai Kingdom is Xuanyuan Yifeng, according to Hong Zhuxiang, the beauty of the car is even better. If she is a man, she will definitely be attracted by the beauty of the car.

There must have been a lot of behind-the-scenes manipulation of these so-called reputations, and Che Zimei had no intention of these false names, which is why Xuanyuan Yifeng won the crown of the most beautiful woman in Hanhai Kingdom.

"How come Zimei's mouth has become as slippery as Shuang'er's?" Hong Zhuxiang couldn't help joking.Che Zimei smiled, the princess is really beautiful, she is not exaggerating at all.

"Why? I'm different from her, I'm not slippery!" Before Che Zimei could answer, Leng Yishuang jumped up.

"Princess, you don't know, she, when she saw me in the past, she would either fire immediately or carry a gun with a stick. Now that she is like this, Zimei is already thankful." The corner of her clothes was torn, but she herself was fighting against Leng Yishuang at that time. You think it's really strange that two people who used to think they couldn't fight each other can now tease each other casually here? !
"It seems that I also acted as a peace envoy." Hong Zhuxiang couldn't help laughing, "Zimei, can you call me Xiang'er? This princess is really strange."

"Princess, this is the rule. Even if we have a good relationship, we can't call you by your name casually. If those stubborn old people listen to it, they should impeach the elder brother and the younger sister." , I don’t care about it at all, God knows how many times Lord Leng has been impeached by ministers for such things, one Leng Yishuang is enough, there is no need for another car beauty.

"Okay." After all, this is ancient times, and the status hierarchy is very strict. She Hongzhuxiang can't change it alone, as long as the people who have a good relationship with her don't treat themselves as outsiders. It's just a title.

Leng Yishuang pursed her lips, could she be covered by her aunt, or else she would be able to get along so smoothly?She wants to have a good time while she is young, those old rules, go to hell.

"Xiang'er, those women are here, you can figure it out!" Leng Yishuang looked in Xuanyuan Yifeng's direction coldly, just in time to see them walking this way, she knew they would come to trouble Xiang'er Well, this group of women really won't give up until they reach the Yellow River.

At the critical moment, she can compete with them for her image without shame, no one can beat her, right?
Xuanyuan Yifeng was as proud as a peacock, with a tall bun, exquisite makeup, and a radiant look. She walked over step by step, followed by five or six bold women, one of them was Ruan Ling'er, Red Bamboo Fragrance She has noticed them a long time ago, and she has been mentally prepared for them. Why should she be kind to those who come here?
"My daughter pays homage to the concubine!" Xuanyuan Yifeng led the crowd to salute to Hongzhuxiang. This kind of courtesy is still required, but before Hongzhuxiang said anything, they stood up straight, how could they look like saluting?

Mingyue felt uncomfortable all of a sudden, these people are here to find fault, right?He didn't even pay attention to the princess, how could he be saluting?
"Wuying..." Hong Zhuxiang yelled into the void as if she didn't see anyone, and immediately, a black figure flew over quickly, cold and serious, standing in front of all the women with her sword in her arms .

"Princess, what order do you have?" Wu Ying saw these women, and he knew it in his heart. If he wanted to trouble the concubine, he was really ambitious.

As soon as Wuying appeared, the people behind Xuanyuan Yifeng couldn't help taking a step back. Although Xuanyuan Yifeng stood still, her heart trembled inexplicably. Hongzhuxiang wouldn't let Wuying throw them away at this time. go out?At this moment, Mingyue couldn't help laughing, it seems that Wuying has left a lot of shadow in the hearts of the ladies!
Leng Yishuang couldn't help being stupefied, Wuying, even she was afraid, usually she wasn't afraid, once she offended her cousin, what she was most afraid of was Wuying, because almost every time Wuying threw her directly. When he went out, it was useless to say anything to Wuying at that time, his attitude was as hard as ice.

"It's nothing, it's just that I haven't seen you for a long time, and I thought you were dereliction of duty." Hong Zhuxiang said as if joking, and then said softly, "The weather is really nice today!"

Xuanyuan Yifeng couldn't hold back for a moment, they were ignored? !It was the first time for her to be ignored by a woman, even the Empress would not treat her like this, Hong Zhuxiang treated her like this.

(End of this chapter)

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