Chapter 320 Hypocrisy (1)
"My little girl sees the concubine." Helpless, Xuanyuan Yifeng had no choice but to bow her knees again. This time, she didn't stand up first, so Hong Zhuxiang slowly turned her head and looked at them pretending to be surprised.

"The young ladies are here to see me? Don't be too polite, but I don't remember you? Why don't you introduce yourself?" Hong Zhuxiang smiled, she was an absolutely dignified lady.

Leng Yishuang's eyes widened, Xiang'er's acting skills are really good!The concubine was also very airy, and she liked to see these women nodding and bowing.

"The little girl is the daughter of King Ming—Xuanyuan Yifeng!" Xuanyuan Yifeng didn't know what Hong Zhuxiang was going to do, didn't she know her?They even tried it a few months ago, Hong Zhuxiang won't forget her so soon, right?

"Oh... so she is the most beautiful woman in the Hanhai Kingdom! Where does this concubine seem to have met you? I just don't remember. Look at my memory. I am old and my memory is not very good. Moreover, sometimes I have a bad temper. That's great..." Hong Zhuxiang raised her eyelids, and stared at the women with great interest, what she hated was King Ming, Xuanyuan Yifeng actually moved her father out, she really thought her father was Li Gang Woolen cloth?

Ruan Ling'er suddenly felt that the atmosphere was not right, so she immediately pulled Xuanyuan Yifeng to show her to speak carefully, Xuanyuan Yifeng was also taken aback by Hongzhuxiang's sentence "Sometimes the temper is not very good". , Hong Zhuxiang is trying to show her off?
"It's normal that the princess doesn't remember the little girl. The little girl just came to see the princess. Since I have already met the princess, we can't bother you!" idea.

"Then you all back down!" Hong Zhuxiang said with a kind smile.

Leng Yishuang couldn't believe it, how many people were dismissed so easily? !Isn't it, is this the character problem that Xiang'er said?sweat……

Xuanyuan Yifeng was furious, what kind of tone did Hong Zhuxiang say? She hasn't married the prince yet, but she puts on the airs of a princess and doesn't give them face. Who is the princess?
"Ling'er, why did you stop me just now? It's rare that the prince is not by her side, isn't this the best time for us to frame her?" Xuanyuan Yifeng held her breath in her heart, her face flushed, Hongzhuxiang is really a difficult master, Now that many ministers have recognized her, it will become more and more difficult for her to become a queen in the future.

"I don't know, I just have a bad premonition." Ruan Ling'er felt her chest constricted, as if a pair of eyes were staring at her, Ruan Ling'er looked at Hong Zhuxiang again, but she inadvertently saw Xuanyuantian Zhan stood on the corridor not far away, looking at the red bamboo fragrance with soft eyes.

Fortunately, they didn't move just now, otherwise, from the angle that the prince is now, everything will be seen clearly by the prince. Even if they all speak with one voice, who can speak more than the prince?But, how could she, Hongzhuxiang, be treated like this by the prince?
The jealousy in Ruan Ling'er's heart was like water plants in early spring, growing wildly, she was going crazy, the prince would look at the red bamboo fragrance so tenderly, but he would not even leave a look to their admirers.

They have liked the prince for so many years, what is the red bamboo fragrance?No, she absolutely can't let Hong Zhuxiang marry the prince, she, Ruan Ling'er, wants to find a glorious life for herself.

"Xiang'er, do you want to be a husband?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan walked to Hong Zhuxiang's side and asked in a doting tone.He was wearing a white brocade robe today, and he looked like a handsome young man.

Not to mention all the girls in Hanhai Kingdom, Hongzhuxiang is all fascinated by him, okay?Such a man of extraordinary elegance, if he doesn't provoke peach blossoms when he goes out, it's really unreasonable!
"I want, I really want..." Hong Zhuxiang pulled out her voice, sweet and sweet, just like her red lips, very alluring.Xuanyuan Tianzhan felt itchy in his heart, did Xiang'er know that it was a crime to seduce him like this?
Leng Yishuang said that goosebumps are flying all over the sky, I really can't tell, the Bingshanhong beauty who looked like dealing with Xuanyuan Yifeng just now turned into a sweet and petite woman in an instant, her little heart can't bear it!
Looking at the happy and sweet couple, Che Zimei smiled softly, her water blue clothes were covered with a layer of warm sunshine, and the clouds in her eyes slowly turned into longing, Murong Rui, that her The man who is haunted by dreams, will he look at her more today?

Che Zimei closed her eyes, took a deep breath, it doesn't matter, she is Che Zimei, even if Murong Rui doesn't look at her, she won't give up, once a person catches a glimmer of hope, he should follow the light to find it. Brightness... She believed that she would be able to find her own happiness!

When the banquet officially started, both Leng Yishuang and Che Zimei sat back in their seats, Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Hong Zhuxiang drank wine casually, laughing constantly, but the wine had been replaced by Xuanyuan Tianzhan Not intoxicating sweet wine, the two of them chatted together, so pleasant.

"The emperor is here, the empress is here!" Tian Fu's high-pitched voice came without warning. Everyone stood up and knelt down to salute. Standing hand in hand, bowing down to salute.

This is the first time Hong Zhuxiang has seen such a grand scene. No wonder the emperor always gets older and more ineffective. With so many people surrendering and praising him, his heart will naturally become swaying slowly. Over time, he will forget It has deviated from the original intention and deviated from the original track.

"You don't need to be too polite! This time the attack on the snow waves and blue sea is a complete victory, and the whole country should celebrate it!" Xuanyuan Ce's deep voice echoed in the hall. He is not wearing a dragon robe today, and he is even more mighty in black brocade. Red bamboo Xiang seems to have seen Xuanyuan Tianzhan in his 40s, still domineering and tough, and the heroic spirit between his brows is really unstoppable.

Empress Yan Ruyun sat beside Xuanyuan Ce, the rumors that the husband and wife were in harmony with each other, and they loved each other, were definitely not just talk. Has anyone ever seen an emperor who only had one wife in his life, and the harem was vacant?Xuanyuan Ce is an exception, Xuanyuan Tianzhan is an exception, and Murong Rui is also an exception, Hong Zhuxiang is puzzled, there are quite a lot of infatuated men in ancient times, this is unscientific!

Aren't all men playful?Why not be able to have so many beauties openly and aboveboard?Well...she's evil, if that's the case, she'll have a headache!

"Emperor Sheng Tian is here, the prince of Nanyue Kingdom is here!"

"These two guys really prepared a big gift." Hong Zhuxiang was a little amused, what are these big boxes?Aren't they all congratulatory gifts?
"Xiang'er, don't give Murong Rui too much face for a while, you will be jealous of your husband." As soon as he saw Murong Rui, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's mood suddenly became bad, and he followed Xiang'er like a tail all day long, so he was not afraid of him Sheng Tian's court turned upside down, and when he got angry one day, he directly fired at Sheng Tian, ​​catching Murong Rui by surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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