Chapter 321 Hypocrisy (2)
"Hahahaha...Emperor Shengtian is really young and promising!" Xuanyuan Ce laughed loudly, but he did not forget that Murong Rui is still Zhan'er's rival in love!

If Hong Zhuxiang knew Xuanyuan Ce's thoughts at this moment, she would have to sigh the tacit understanding between their father and son. Born in the royal family, it is also a blessing for Ah Zhan to have such a father.

"Emperor Hanhai is still as heroic as before, and the younger generation sincerely admires him!" Murong Rui smiled warmly, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. It really is true that a tiger father has no dogs. Xuanyuan Tianzhan, that black-hearted guy, really has something to do with his father Gotta fight.However, compared to his father, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's behavior is even worse... haughty!
Everyone exchanged a few words, and Murong Rui and Yun Feihong also took their seats. After the incident in the snow waves and blue sea, the two of them stood on the united front tacitly, fighting against Xuanyuan Tianzhan overtly and secretly.

"I am very curious about what congratulatory gifts the Prince of Nanyue Kingdom brought?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan suddenly said, his sexy voice caused a commotion among the women below. He knew that Murong Rui was generous, so he deliberately did not pick on Murong Rui's congratulatory gifts. He wanted to see what gift Yun Feihong brought.

"It's just some treasures from Nanyue Kingdom. Come here, open the box and show it to Lord Zhan." Yun Feihong was very confident this time. The Feiyun Brocade of the royal family of Nanyue Kingdom is famous all over the world, ten gold can hardly buy an inch. It was transported by the Nanyue Kingdom caravan to the Hanhai Kingdom to sell at a high price, and he has no better idea at the moment, so he had to bear the pain and give it to Xuanyuan Tianzhan for nothing.

This brocade red bamboo fragrance is naturally recognized. When she was with her mother, she saw her mother's embroidery stitch by thread. The stitches used in it are varied and complicated, and it is difficult for ordinary people to learn... It takes several days for one person to embroider just one foot of brocade.

"I have heard for a long time that the Feiyun Brocade of the Nanyue Kingdom royal family is as smooth as silk. It is soft in texture but has exquisite and unique embroidery patterns. When I saw it today, I really like it. The Prince of the Nanyue Kingdom has a heart." The queen praised it very much.

Hong Zhuxiang glanced around, and saw that the eyes of all the ladies were about to fall into the big wooden box. Well, women's love for clothes is really innate, no matter in modern times or in ancient times, beautiful clothes are always Loved by women!

"Xiang'er, do you like it? If you like it, the queen mother will decide and give you a horse?" The queen looked at Hongzhuxiang lovingly. She really loves this daughter-in-law very much. She is generous and eclectic. She is a rare good girl!
"Mother, Xiang'er likes it, but this flying cloud brocade is rare, so let's keep it. When Xiang'er returns to Nanyue Kingdom, hehe... Mother will understand!" When she returned to Nanyue Kingdom, didn't she want How much is there?What's more, what she likes is the silk brocade made of silkworm, which has been specially processed and woven into unique clothes. She also likes to appreciate the flying cloud brocade.

The queen instantly understood that this ghostly and clever girl really made it impossible to guess what she was thinking, no wonder she was able to win Zhan'er's heart so much!

Hearing Hong Zhuxiang's words, Yun Feihong's face didn't change, but he was crazy in his heart, who is Xiang'er's closest relative? !
Xuanyuan Tianzhan felt warm in his heart, and unconsciously wrapped his big hands around the little woman's slender waist. With a wife like this, what more could a husband ask for?Xiang'er, I will definitely pave the red carpet for thousands of miles for my husband, shocking the world, and marry you as my wife.

"Auntie, Shuang'er wants it." Leng Yishuang stood up, a coquettish voice came from the noble lady's seat, and as soon as she finished speaking, everyone was shocked and sighed.

Leng Yishuang didn't realize it at all, and secretly complained why Xiang'er didn't accept it?It's okay to give such a good brocade to her. After receiving Leng Yishuang's gaze, Hong Zhuxiang helplessly supported her forehead. Who knew that her carefree temperament would like these girls' things?Could it be that she has a sweetheart?
"Okay, I'll reward Shuang'er for this orange horse." The queen readily agreed, hearing that this girl has been quieter recently, it's time to reward her.

Leng Yishuang stepped forward, touched the cloth happily, and let the servant girl hold it carefully. During this time, she even took the opportunity to make a face at Hong Zhuxiang.

The ladies are so envious, why don't they have the guts?The empress has always been virtuous and virtuous, so even if she doesn't want to give it, she won't embarrass everyone, but they don't have the guts? !
"Who else wants it? I will make the decision together, and I will give you another horse." To everyone's surprise, the queen spoke again.

"Yifeng, you are the most qualified here, stand up and say you want it!"

"Yes, yes, the empress will definitely give it to you for your father's sake, please speak up..."

"Yifeng, hurry up!" The other woman couldn't help urging, Xuanyuan Yifeng did this every time, she was not in a hurry, she was really anxious to death.

"Empress, can you please, little girl?" Just as Xuanyuan Yifeng was about to stand up, Ruan Ling'er beside her stood up with a "chuckle" and said cautiously.

Ruan Wenhua's eyes were also full of astonishment when everyone's eyes focused on this woman who was not very outstanding at ordinary times. His daughter was usually dull and rarely made a sound, but now she stood up in front of so many people, she was quite courageous. !

Xuanyuan Yifeng's face turned green, she never thought that Ruan Ling'er would beat her, what a careless friendship!It's really in vain that she has always regarded Ruan Ling'er as a good sister and obeyed her advice. The girls around Xuanyuan Yifeng also looked at Ruan Ling'er with contempt. They usually look at her in a proper way, but they didn't expect her appetite to be so big. After a toss, maybe even the prince knows her.

Not to mention, not only did Xuanyuan Tianzhan notice Ruan Ling'er, but Hong Zhuxiang also noticed her. This woman is not simple, but she obviously offended Xuanyuan Yifeng by doing so. How should she continue to rely on Xuanyuan Yifeng in the future? What about this big tree?Regarding this point, Hong Zhuxiang was very curious.

"Why do you want it?" Finally, the Queen's voice broke the silence.

"I think Sister Yifeng likes purple very much, and I want to give it to Sister Yifeng. Sister Yifeng is the style of everyone. Ling'er is afraid that Sister Yifeng is too embarrassed to speak, so I asked the empress, if possible, Linger still I think this purple flying cloud brocade is the most suitable for Sister Yifeng." Ruan Ling'er spoke slowly, not in a hurry.

She really likes this purple flying cloud brocade, she almost made a big mistake when she had an impulse just now, but fortunately she reacted quickly, otherwise Xuanyuan Yifeng would be offended for no reason, and her life would be difficult in the future.

"What a good boy, I'm sure." The queen said something vaguely, and rewarded Ruan Ling'er with the purple flying cloud brocade. As for what she wanted to give to Xuanyuan Yifeng, that was her business.

Ruan Ling'er not only gained a good reputation, but also made everyone look at her with admiration. For a while, everyone was full of praise for Ruan Ling'er, and everyone praised her for her generosity, noble temperament, and even her beauty and beauty. , Leng Yishuang really can't listen to it anymore, isn't this too exaggerated?Now, even Ruan Wenhua took the credit of his own daughter, and was praised by the ministers for being good at teaching daughters.

(End of this chapter)

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