Chapter 328
"I thought I could see the princess again." Xiaobai's face was also full of disappointment. Ever since they saw the princess climbing the wall on the roof of the palace, they never had a chance to see the princess again.

This is the sorrow of being a hermit guard, and even more the sorrow of being a high-level hermit guard. They can only hide in the dark all their lives, and only have the opportunity to come out when the master needs it. I can only keep hiding behind the scenes...

"Wuying, who is in charge of Wuyue Tower now?" What is even more depressing is Hong Zhuxiang, why is it not her turn to make a move every time?Ah Zhan is raising her like a flower in a greenhouse!Moreover, brother, this is your Nanyue Kingdom, you have ambushed so many Wuyuelou masters, don't you feel that you have failed?
After being cast a strange look by his sister, Yun Feihong's face turned red instantly, why did his guards of Nanyue Kingdom move so slowly?

"Wuyuelou has many strongholds in various places. Every time the princess goes to a place, there will be different people from Wuyuelou to protect them. In fact, different people appear every time. If the princess wants to know who is the leader, just ask Just know. Is the princess looking for him?" Wuying patiently explained.

"So that's it! I just said why those people have been beaten like chicken blood? They are different people." That's right, these Wuyuelou masters are all dressed in black. Although they are all extremely handsome, they are always different After the enemy was dealt with, they retreated automatically. How could Hong Zhuxiang tell who was who?

With the joining of Wuyuelou masters, Hong Zhuxiang is not in a hurry to try her skills. Seeing the enemy in front of her fall in a pool of blood, her heart is already at peace. Lord, life and death are up to you.

"Does the concubine feel bored?" Wu Ying couldn't help but sneered seeing her concubine's bored look.

"What do you think?" It's enough to know it, so you still say it?

"..." Wuying choked instantly, he said?He can't say it well, the concubine's thoughts are really...very unusual.However, although he can't figure out what the princess is thinking, he is very clear about the protective net that the prince has set up around the princess.There are no less than a thousand masters in the open and in the dark. Unless they really meet a peerless master, it will be difficult for ordinary people to break through the defense line.

On the top of the mountain, the orange-red woman's eyes changed a lot. She activated her internal energy to inquire about the information below the canyon. What kind of woman is Hongzhuxiang?Her style and performance are really unpredictable. Is this why she attracts the prince?

"Do it!" The woman's cherry lips parted slightly, her eyes shuddered, and a pair of pure white jade hands pointed directly at the bottom of the valley. Her tone was gentle, but with a strong murderous intent.Hongzhuxiang, let me meet you!
"Yes, young master!" The woman in white clothes couldn't stop the excitement and excitement in her eyes after receiving the order. After being invisible for so long, the sisters can finally show their talents, and it is the young master's personal plan this time, which is their honor .

There was a slight movement, and Hong Zhuxiang's ears moved suddenly. She didn't expect there to be murderous aura around here. Hearing the slight sound of footsteps, these people came from all directions. Who are they?Can so many masters be deployed in Nanyue Kingdom?
If Hongzhuxiang thought it was Xuanyuan Ming at first, she is a little suspicious now. Although Xuanyuanming is not small, Hongzhuxiang has been investigated secretly. With Xuanyuanming's current power, it is unlikely that there are so many masters who are silent Ambushes into Nanyue Kingdom without interest.

So, who has such a powerful force, and has a deep hatred with her, who wants to take her life recklessly?

"Be careful in the sky!" Hong Zhuxiang was shocked. These people actually came from the canyon. It's also hard to spot them.

What is even more shocking is that these people turned out to be women, all covered in white gauze, with a veil on their faces... Red Bamboo Fragrant Cold Sword swung back the woman who was attacking from above.

But soon, the woman flew down again. From the slight difference in figure, it can be seen that this woman is not the one just now. They took turns provoking her one by one, but they were not in a hurry to attack...

So they were pestering her to delay?Oops, mother!
Hong Zhuxiang looked in the direction of Han Bingxue, and sure enough, most of the people gathered at Han Bingxue's carriage, Han Bingxue had already got out of the carriage, and fought with the enemy.

Long Yuyan was also very puzzled, why these people have been pestering him so hard all this time?Moreover, they are all women in white clothes, and they are highly skilled in martial arts. Such an organization has never been heard of in the world.What is the purpose of their appearance?Isn't their goal to besiege Xiang'er?Why are you pointing at Ouyang Ren and Han Bingxue specifically?
Ouyang Ren didn't know any martial arts at all, and Xiao Fan was so frightened that his tears rolled down his face. Since Han Bingxue knew martial arts, Long Yuyan was much more relaxed, but he tightly protected Ouyang Ren's master and apprentice very well.

"Let's go out to save the princess!" Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai have been looking forward to going out to meet Hong Zhuxiang, but when they really have the opportunity, they are worried.

A group of master hidden guards of the royal family made an impressive move, and soon joined the fierce fighting. The scorching sun hung high, amplifying the smell of blood. The entire canyon looked extremely tragic, with limbs and arms broken, heads in different places, and conspiracy and assassination everywhere. markup.

Yun Feihong's gaze was locked on Han Bingxue's body. Even though the Nanyue guards who had arranged to protect them had arrived, he still felt powerless. The moves of these men in white were very different from those of ordinary masters. They must have undergone special training. , who on earth is so presumptuous on the territory of his Nanyue Kingdom? !
"Uh..." Han Bingxue suddenly injured her right wrist, and her long sword fell to the ground. She felt very different from Long Yuyan. The women in white clothes around her were all top experts, and they all appeared The trick is strange and weird, and it is very difficult to deal with it.

"Mother Concubine!" "Mother!" "Sister!" "..."

"Back off! Or I'll kill her!" A sword rested on Han Bingxue's neck, icy cold, and the woman behind her touched her acupuncture points, and Han Bingxue couldn't move.

What Han Bingxue was most afraid of was that these people would catch her and threaten her daughter. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be like this. She was already prepared to die if she missed, but who knew that this person actually tapped her acupuncture points?
Red Bamboo Fragrance's face was covered with glaciers, these people dared to touch her mother, none of them would even want to live, mother had gone through so many hardships and suffered so much, she would not let her suffer any more wronged.

"The hidden guards retreat, and the people in Wuyue Tower also retreat!" Hong Zhuxiang waved to his people, signaling them to retreat.At this moment, there was no trace of mischievousness or slack on the woman's face. Under the thick eyelashes, the black eyes glowed with a strong killing intent, which made people feel a sense of fear for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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