Chapter 329
The woman in white was shocked. What the young master said was really good. Hongzhuxiang is not an ordinary woman. When she was above the canyon, she only observed Hongzhuxiang from a distance. Only now did she deeply feel the dangerous aura coming from her. .

"And the man next to me, let him back down too!" The woman in white looked in Long Yuyan's direction. This man's martial arts were unfathomable. Standing by her side would make her bottomless. She might not be able to deal with the attack when she launched an attack.

While the woman in white was speaking, she also tightened the sword in her hand and moved closer to Han Bingxue's neck. Everyone gasped, not daring to relax in the slightest.

"Eldest senior brother, you should step down too." Since they have worked so hard to capture Mother, they must negotiate a deal with her. If they hurt Mother now, they will anger her instead, which must not be their ultimate goal.

Long Yuyan retreated in the direction of Hongzhuxiang, a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes, the junior sister begged him to take care of his mother, but he was careless... Hongzhuxiang gave Long Yuyan a reassuring look, and then looked To the woman in white, waiting for her next words.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blows through, and a charming fragrance enters the nostrils, followed by a woman in an orange dress, with a veil covering her face, people can only see her exquisite and enchanting body Figure, as you can imagine, the veil must be a beautiful woman who is all over the world.

Her whole body is orange, matching the bright red of the red bamboo fragrance, the bright red in the canyon is flying, and it looks extremely dazzling under the hot sun. Right, people couldn't see where she came from, two sharp gazes met in the air, two arrogance spread, they were hostile across the air, the surrounding air pressure dropped suddenly, and everyone panicked.

Hong Zhuxiang immediately made a three-word judgment on this woman in her heart - not easy.But who is she?What kind of deep enmity is there between them, so that she wants to kill herself with all her heart?

"Hehe... The little girl has long heard that the Ice Concubine of the Nanyue Kingdom is unparalleled and looks all over the world. I came here today just to see the Ice Concubine. Miss Xiang'er, I think you don't mind?" The orange-red woman said yes To look at Han Bingxue's appearance, his eyes were fixed on Hongzhuxiang.

"Who is your Excellency?" Hong Zhuxiang's expression remained the same, but she was shocked in her heart. Only those close to her mother knew her mother's identity. This woman actually already knew her mother. It seems that she has done a lot of homework. Other than Xuanyuan Yifeng and Ruan Linger, who else would want to embarrass her?
But not like it?It's really not like that!Not to mention that the voice is different, the eyes are also different, and the temperament of the body and the occasional evil spirit are not comparable to those of the ladies of the Hanhai Kingdom, let alone possessing such a mysterious power.So, who is this woman who turned out to be her enemy?What's the purpose?
"Miss Xiang'er can call me like the wind, because I always come in the wind and go in the wind...haha..." The woman chuckled lightly, her hand was already stretched out to Han Bingxue's face, and the white veil was caught by her corner.


"Stop!" Two stern voices recalled that it was Hong Zhuxiang and Yun Feihong brother and sister.

Hong Zhuxiang clenched her fists tightly, her eyes hurt like never before, couldn't she even protect the last trace of her mother's face?Yun Feihong's eyes were already red, and his voice was almost roaring. With so many people here, what this woman did was a humiliation to his concubine mother.

The woman on the opposite side had a smile in her eyes, and with a wave of her orange sleeves, the veil on Han Bingxue's face was instantly torn off to the ground, an unexpected face was instantly exposed in front of everyone, Hong Zhuxiang didn't even have time to call Wuyue The people in the building and the hidden guard closed their eyes. Everyone's eyes were focused on one point. Now, almost everyone was forced to see Han Bingxue's face, and they were stunned.

That half of the stunningly beautiful, jade-white face, combined with the other half's ferocious and terrifying face that climbed up the traces of fire, is shocking... Hong Zhuxiang felt a sudden pain in her heart, and looked at Han Bingxue with distress, mother, Xiang I'm sorry!
Ouyang Ren trembled all over, with remorse in his eyes, he had been looking for the medicine to treat Han Bingxue's scars, and he already had a clue, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen at this moment.He should have been earlier...

Hong Zhuxiang originally thought that this woman who claimed to be Rufeng should at least be more cautious, or put forward conditions on her, but she didn't expect this woman to take off her mother's veil just like that...Her purpose was to humiliate her mother Dear?
Seeing the pain in Hong Zhuxiang's eyes, the orange-red woman's mouth widened into a triumphant smile, that's it, her purpose was to make Hong Zhuxiang feel pain, and when Hongzhuxiang was in pain, she was happy.

"Xiang'er, Hong'er, mother is fine." Han Bingxue is extremely calm at the moment, as long as Xiang'er and Hong'er are well, she doesn't care about her appearance anymore, so what if people see her?She is no longer a woman in her 20s, she has taken a lot of light.

"Rufeng, right? What on earth do you want?!" Hong Zhuxiang was angry, and her tone was colder than ever before. She didn't know the strength of this woman, so she didn't dare to attack at will, but she wanted to attack the one behind her. The woman in white with the knife on Niangqin's neck will be much easier to deal with.

"I just want to see the true face of the Bing Concubine, the Bing Concubine is so beautiful." Rufeng's slender fingertips walked back and forth on Han Bingxue's intact face, and the smile in her eyes was even bigger. Her admiration was extremely sarcastic, her tone Also brought a touch of frivolity.


This is a blatant insult!

"And then?" Hong Zhuxiang's eyes were icy cold, if anything happened to her mother, she guaranteed that this woman would die without a place to bury her.

"Then, my nails are a bit long. I don't know what will happen if I scratch her face? I just want to try it." The woman's cruelty is displayed to the extreme at this moment. A little bit of a good image, at this moment, I can only say that this is a woman who kills people with a smile on her face and hides her secrets.

"Let go of my mother, I'll let you slap my face!" Hong Zhuxiang's voice was neither low nor high, but resounding.As soon as Hong Zhuxiang said this, everyone was shocked. Han Bingxue looked at her daughter with tears in her eyes and kept shaking her head. Long Yuyan clenched his fists and was ready to fight back at any time.

"Master, don't!" Mingyue's voice was crying slightly, "Scratch my face, don't hurt my master."

"Princess, absolutely not!" Wuying was also anxious, the concubine was so beautiful, how could she let that woman slap her in the face?If the prince finds out, it will be worse than the chaos in the world.

"Hehe... I don't dare to scratch your face..." The orange-red woman stared at her slender nails seemingly casually, but a trace of jealousy flashed in her eyes. Now that I know, she is afraid that she will end up at the end of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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