The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 331 Recalling the Past

Chapter 331 Recalling the Past (2)
"Aren't you very capable? Then go and investigate yourself!" Her clothes were torn by the red bamboo fragrance, and she could barely cover her body. Today's humiliation will be reported tomorrow.

Fortunately, her veil has fallen, and Hong Zhuxiang hasn't seen her appearance yet, but the more she contacts, the more Hong Zhuxiang will understand her, and she will not be able to act in the future, which is not good for her.

However, the current situation is that Red Bamboo Fragrance is standing in front of her. Obviously, she cannot beat Red Bamboo Fragrance. Can be broken into pieces.

"Death is imminent, and you are still so stubborn!" You don't say it, just pull off your veil and take a look.Hongzhuxiang made a sharp move, and the cold sword was approaching straight ahead. Seeing that the cold sword was about to sink into Rufeng's chest, suddenly...

"Even if I die, I won't die by your hands." The orange-red figure retreated rapidly, leaning back, like the wind, the whole person fell towards the Wanzhang Canyon.

"He's quite stubborn!" Hong Zhuxiang just chuckled, and then put away the cold sword.

She squinted her eyes and looked down, only to realize that it was foggy below, and she couldn't see how deep the canyon was. The woman fell down, and it was very dangerous.

Hongzhuxiang was surprised to find that this place is not a canyon, but many complex canyons. Such a spectacle is really spectacular, but the canyon here is much higher than the place they passed by. If it wasn't for chasing that woman, She still doesn't know that Nanyue Kingdom has such a magical place.

"Xiang'er..." Long Yuyan's mellow voice, like old wine, came from behind Hong Zhuxiang...

The man's gaze was fixed on the red dress in front of him. Xiang'er was standing there, looking so petite, so weak, and so distressing. This kind of aloof and lofty, like the clouds on the top of the mountain, can only be looked up to.

Hong Zhuxiang turned around and showed a bright smile to Long Yuyan. The sun hit her face softly. Long Yuyan suddenly remembered that when they were young, they stood on the peak of Heishui Cliff, admiring the sunrise and sunset together, and laughing together. Watching the waterfall hit the shore, the Heishui Cliff at that time was just a pure home.

He is seven years older than her, and she doesn't understand his heart, she only knows that she has a big brother who takes care of her like an older brother, but she doesn't know that there is a her in his heart, waiting for her to grow up... In the end, they waited for the bad news, the master fell off the cliff, and the junior sister was driven out of Heishuiya.Until now, he can only guard her from a distance...

"Eldest brother, what are you thinking?" Hong Zhuxiang walked to Long Yuyan's side, as if he could see that he was preoccupied.

"I'm thinking about Xiang'er's mischievous appearance when she was a child..." Long Yuyan said after a pause.

"Hehe...Eldest brother always spoils me and spoils Xiang'er." The woman smiled sincerely, as if she was also recalling the innocent and sweet days back then.

"Brother, how much you want..." How much I want to spoil you for the rest of my life, how much I want to spoil you for the rest of my life.He may not be able to give her the most luxurious life, or the grandest wedding, but he can give her the safest safe haven.

"Brother, I really want to go out and see the outside world, such as this canyon, such as the desert with long yellow sand, such as the wilderness with high sky and wide sea, and all those places that I have never been to." Long Yuyan suddenly changed the subject. , concealing the look in his eyes.

"That's what Xiang'er thinks too." Hong Zhuxiang said thoughtfully.

In her previous life, she was an explorer, crossing Asia, crossing jungles, climbing dangerous cliffs, exploring the mysteries of nature, and surpassing herself. In this life, due to various reasons, she has sealed her wildness.

Hongzhuxiang understands that there are always rewards and sacrifices in life, and it is impossible to try every kind of lifestyle. However, seizing the time of youth, doing something meaningful, and living a wonderful life is the true meaning of life .

"Xiang'er, if there is a chance, would you like to travel the world with the elder brother?" Long Yuyan asked with a smile, but his eyes were serious. Such a Long Yuyan is very charming, and his eyes are shining like shooting stars.

"Yes!" Hong Zhuxiang looked up at the surrounding scenery, it was very beautiful and charming, and then changed the topic, "I'm afraid there are not many opportunities like this!"

Long Yuyan was stunned for a moment, and then he understood, yes, such opportunities may not be many, Xuanyuan Tianzhan has the world in his heart, Xiang'er will naturally stand by his side, days like Xianyun Yehe, even if he grows old, there is no hope .

When Long Yuyan and Hongzhuxiang came down, everyone was ready to go. Even the dried blood on the ground was covered by the freshly turned soil, and the corpse was cleaned up. If it wasn't for the nose, it could still smell the blood. Smell, Hong Zhuxiang would not believe that there was a tragic fight here half an hour ago.

"Xiao Hei, Xiao Bai, come out!" Hong Zhuxiang waved to the two people in the dark, signaling them to come out.

As soon as she finished speaking, the two fell to the ground together. These two idiots moved swiftly, but who is worse than Ah Zhan?Thinking of Xuanyuan Tianzhan, Hong Zhuxiang misses him a little, it's only been a few days since we parted, and he has already started to miss him.

"Princess, what are your orders?" Although the two of them remained serious, their hearts were full of excitement. The concubine actually remembered them. What an honor it must be!
"From now on, one of you will be called Xiao Bai and the other Xiao Mo! You will no longer use the names Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai." Hong Zhuxiang thought for a while and said with a smile.

"Princess, my subordinates dare not take responsibility!" Xiao Bai and Xiao Mo were very excited. They never thought that the concubine would give them such an official name. You know, this is the same surname as General Xiao Tianyue what!
"If you don't dare to take responsibility, if you behave well in the future, I will ask you to follow me." Hong Zhuxiang half-truthfully said.Wuying immediately felt that there was a lot of crisis. Could it be that the princess didn't want him?No, he has to follow the princess all the time!

Hong Zhuxiang stopped talking to the two of them, and the group continued to rush to Nanyue Kingdom. The sun gradually set and lengthened the figures of the people. This day can be described as thrilling and full of accidents.

In a small city in Nanyue Kingdom, the city lord's jaw almost dropped from the shock. Even if he was killed, he would never have imagined that a big man came to the city lord's mansion today, and this big man turned out to be the current emperor.

When the entire city lord's mansion was in a panic to welcome the arrival of this important man, this important man was busy coaxing his lover.

"Bing'er, look at me!" This is the nth time that Emperor Nanyue coaxed him. He tried to take away the hand that was covering his right cheek with Han Bingxue, telling her not to care so much about her appearance. What he loved was her whole person. The whole heart, not only her face, even if Binger's face is disfigured, she is still his favorite wife!
"Brother Tian, ​​don't..." Han Bingxue was on extreme alert. She had already said that she was ugly now, and she really didn't want Brother Tian to see her like this.

(End of this chapter)

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