The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 332: Marriage Recruitment Edict

Chapter 332: Marriage Recruitment Edict (2)
He needs to know that Yun Feilong will become his brother-in-law now, how could he be more merciful at the beginning, and he would not be jealous indiscriminately, after all, the mass grave is really a disgusting place.Going to Nanyue Kingdom this time, I'm afraid it won't be easy...

Che Zili couldn't help but chuckle, the lord actually gets revenge sometimes, can he have fun by the way?Hehe... usually there are almost no bones left after being squeezed by the prince.

"Prime Minister Che, I originally wanted to finish all the memorials before leaving for Nanyue Kingdom. Now these memorials have to... be done by you." Xuanyuan Tianzhan left a sentence, and the black robe With a wave, he got up and left the study.

"Hey..." Che Zili yelled at Xuanyuan Tianzhan's back, but was stopped by Wuying, he could only watch helplessly as the black-bellied brother Zhan who oppressed him swung his sleeves away.

"Prime Minister Che has worked hard." Wu Zong said with a low smile, and also walked away. When Che Zili came back to his senses, where was the shadow of someone?

Hong Zhuxiang and Yun Feihong's group came to Yundu, the capital city of Nanyue Kingdom. It was also a scene of prosperity and prosperity, but Hongzhuxiang was a little surprised. Why are the people in Yundu so excited?In order to avoid trouble, they kept a low profile when they entered the city. The common people should not know their whereabouts, right?However, the scene on the street...

"There is another happy event in Nanyue Kingdom, the princess has been found..."

"I heard that the princess is stunningly beautiful, even more beautiful than the ice concubine back then."

"That's not the point. The point is that the princess is looking for a bride. As long as a man who meets the requirements passes the test, he can marry the princess. What an honor it is!"

"Yes, yes, yes... How can a princess with such a noble status fall in love with ordinary men? The test of recruiting a relative must be difficult, and few people can pass it."

"Our princess is so honorable, but strict conditions should be set, so that the man selected is worthy of the princess."

Hong Zhuxiang only felt a "boom" in her head, the princess these people were discussing could not be her?She is the only princess who has just been found in Nanyue Kingdom, who else could it be?But, God, she didn't want to invite relatives. With such a good husband, she still recruits woolly relatives?what the hell is it?

Hearing the discussion outside, Long Yuyan jumped off the horse and read the contents of the imperial edict clearly in the past. It was indeed for Xiang'er to recruit relatives. Presumably everyone in the world has already known about this matter. The edict was released The time was a few days ago. It seems that the edict had already been issued on their way to Nanyue Kingdom.

Yun Feihong's first reaction was that his father had returned to the country, but shouldn't his father go back before them?Moreover, the father would not issue such an edict without discussing it with his sister. Isn't he afraid that Xiang'er will turn his face at that time?

"Master, what's going on?" Mingyue looked at her master worriedly, if the prince knew, maybe he would misunderstand it?After all, the master is now in Nanyue Kingdom, and she can't explain it to the prince, but she still believes that the prince will not blame the master for this.

"I don't know either." Hong Zhuxiang's expression was a bit depressed, even the royal father couldn't make such a decision without her consent, right?

At the gate of the imperial palace, Yun Feilong was dressed in a black brocade robe with cloud patterns. He stood straight at the gate, with an inexplicable smile hanging from the corner of his mouth. Behind him were a group of ministers, lined up in neat rows. They were already standing upright. They were all numb, but they still didn't dare to speak out. They didn't know when it started. They felt that they were much more frightened in front of the Second Prince than in front of the First Prince.

Seeing the red dress on the horse from a distance, the light in Yunfeilong's eyes kept changing, and his heart was full of emotions. This is the princess of Nanyue Kingdom, the daughter of the father, the last thing he wants to admit...sister!Even if it was his younger sister, he would not forgive Xuanyuan Tianzhan for his arrogance at the beginning.

Hong Zhuxiang reined in the horse and stood five meters away from Yunfeilong. Her face was still calm, but her heart was stirred up.It's only been a year, and Yun Feilong has matured enough to support his own world, Hong Zhuxiang finally understands at this moment that Yun Feilong might have written the edict to recruit relatives, and this person is her second brother.

Seeing Yun Feilong's growth, Yun Feihong smiled gratifiedly, Feilong has finally grown up, he is sincerely happy to be the big brother!In the future, to support Nanyue Kingdom, he will no longer rely on him alone.

"Brother finally brought little sister back, sister, welcome home!" Yun Feilong stepped forward, his slender body was straight and straight, and the golden cloud pattern embroidery on his clothes shone in the sunlight following his actions.

"See the First Prince, see the Princess! Your Royal Highness is a thousand years old, Your Royal Highness is a thousand years old, a thousand years old!" The ministers behind Yun Feilong knelt down and saluted, their voices shaking the sky.

"My dear friends!" Yun Feihong subconsciously hung up his signature smile, and made a gesture of standing up with both hands.

Hong Zhuxiang was feeling weird, she should have questioned Yun Feilong why he issued such an edict, but now she couldn't ask, she could tell from the sweat on his forehead and the tired look of the ministers behind him. It took a long time to meet her.She couldn't resist such sincerity.

"Xiang'er, don't you recognize brother?" Seeing Hong Zhuxiang's silence, Yun Feilong squinted his eyes and asked with a smile.

"Brother, long time no see!" Hong Zhuxiang replied with a smile, her eyes were bright and her teeth were whiter than snow, her every frown and smile were so beautiful that they were not like ordinary women, everything was ashamed and lost its color.

Only then did Yunfeilong smile with satisfaction, and enthusiastically brought the red bamboo fragrance into the palace, and personally sent her to the room. Long Yuyan and Ouyang Ren were also arranged by Yunfeilong to live in the palace.

Maybe it's because Hong Zhuxiang has adapted to Shengtian Palace and Hanhai Kingdom Palace, so she didn't feel strange in Nanyue Kingdom, but had a kind feeling. After all, she still has those memories of this body, Even though it was only five years, and her memory was somewhat incomplete, she could feel that warm feeling.

"Sister, do you like it?" This is a room that Yun Feilong personally sent someone to decorate, and it is a warm layout that girls like.

"I like it!" Hong Zhuxiang laughed.Although it is not her favorite natural color system, it is carefully arranged, very warm and feels like home.

"Xiang'er, is there anything you want to ask brother?" Yun Feilong sat at the table and poured two cups of tea, thought for a while, and looked at Hong Zhuxiang, she was still so beautiful, so beautiful.

"Brother is talking about recruiting relatives, right? It's nothing, I also want to test Ah Zhan, hehe..." Hong Zhuxiang's words were unexpected, Mingyue's hands shook when she was packing things, Wang Hao didn't think so when she was on the road .

(End of this chapter)

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