The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 333: Moonlight Changes

Chapter 333: Moonlight Changes (1)
Yun Feilong looked deeply at Hongzhuxiang, holding the teacup unnaturally, did Xiang'er really think so?

"I know that the second elder brother is doing it for my own good. I want to find a good husband for Xiang'er, and I also want Xiang'er to marry off in a good manner. Xiang'er can understand..." Besides, even if Ah Zhan loses the world, You won't lose me either.Hongzhuxiang's beautiful eyes were smiling, and contained tolerance and understanding, as well as confidence, which came from the trust in Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

"You should rest early! Since my sister also agrees with my brother's approach, then my brother will act according to the original plan..." Yun Feilong said something unclear, and left.

Yun Feilong left, but Hong Zhuxiang was not calm anymore.

"Wuying, send a letter to your prince to make him feel at ease." Hong Zhuxiang thought for a while, and then said, "Forget it, he doesn't need my reminder. When he sees the imperial edict, he should have a countermeasure in mind." .”

Such a man who is strategizing and planning for a rainy day, why does he need others to tell him what to do?Hong Zhuxiang believes that the best man in the world is none other than her Ah Zhan, she just needs to wait for him to come and marry her home.Thinking of this, Hong Zhuxiang felt relieved, and didn't think too much about it anymore. She had a good meal, took a bath, and went to bed.

Yun Feilong returned to his bedroom, frowned and thought deeply, Xiang'er obviously wanted to question him, why didn't he speak up for so long, and instead made excuses for his behavior?Did she want to protect the face of her second brother, or did she trust Xuanyuan Tianzhan too much?No matter what, no one can stop his plan, he will make things difficult for Xuanyuan Tianzhan to the end, tonight, Yun Feilong tossed and turned, and stayed up all night.

The southwestern region of Shengtian, the Southwest Palace.

The maids heard a crisp sound of "pa" coming from the house, and they were so frightened that they didn't dare to vent their anger. For some reason, Princess Qing'er's temper became more and more violent. Now she is beating Master Piaojian!Even the Southwest King has never treated Mr. Piaojian like this, how dare Princess Qing'er...

In the room, the lights were dim, but there was a low-pressure atmosphere hidden everywhere in the spacious space. A man in a black suit was standing in front of the table. , chic in the world, but was slapped in the face inconceivably.

Opposite the man stood a woman in Tsing Yi, her face was full of anger, her fingers were trembling with anger, her noble and elegant temperament was swept away with her angry face.

The cold air on Dugu Piaojian's body was getting colder and colder, on the contrary, the anger on Murong Qing'er's face was getting stronger and stronger, the room was filled with ice and fire, and the smell of explosives was strong, the man was silent for a while, then turned and left.

"Stop!" Murong Qing'er reprimanded, and quickly grabbed the man's sleeve.

The man stopped in his tracks, speechless. Now that things have happened to such an extent, what else can he say?The wind in May is no longer as cold as before, but the air is blowing in the room. The maids in the outer courtyard took a peek at the room, and were also frightened by the breath-taking atmosphere. Mr. Piaojian was angry ? !
"Why are you speaking for Hong Zhuxiang? Have you forgotten your position? Or do you think that the Southwest Palace has treated you badly and you are no longer willing to work for the Southwest Palace?" Murong Qing'er pressed every word, and the anger in her heart was even greater. The explosion is growing, why is this man not listening to her more and more?
effectiveness?He has worked hard enough!Dugu Piaojian smiled mockingly, with disappointment and heartache in his eyes.The man's face was hot, and the five clear finger prints were extremely sharp. From the image of the polished cold jade on the hilt in his hand, he saw his own face, and the feeling in his heart was hard to describe. He just said something objectively. There is a powerful force behind it, it is best not to provoke it if you can.

"I'm asking you something, are you dumb?" Dugu Piaojian's silence aroused Murong Qing'er's anger even more. He is just a guard raised by his father since he was a child. He should have a low status, if not After so many years of father's care, can he have today?Can he outshine the other guards?

"As long as the lord agrees, I have nothing to say." Dugu Piaojian threw out a sentence, his inner strength shook Murong Qing'er's hand away, and he left silently, leaving the woman in the room with a lonely and cold back.

"Okay, you wait, father will definitely agree." Murong Qing'er looked at the trembling hands and shouted angrily towards the back.Her father has always spoiled her. Is there anything she can't do?It's just that hasn't this man been nice to her since she was a child?Why do you always show her a dirty face now?After so many years of camouflage, he finally couldn't put it on anymore?

When Dugu Piaojian went out, his heart was filled with broken glass, which caused him pain and pain. Qing'er actually asked him to participate in Princess Nanyue's marriage invitation, and her heart was abandoned by her like a shoe , Since childhood, has he protected the wrong person?And this slap completely chilled his heart...

The man stood in the courtyard, the moonlight shone on his body, and it became colder and colder, as if the whole night was also cold because of it, the small figure that had been hidden in the dark earlier couldn't help but tremble, and his bright eyes looked at the lonely background of the man .

"Who?" Dugu Piaojian moved his ears and quickly chased him out.

Soi Ying's skill is extremely agile, she moved quickly all the way out of the Southwest Palace, and ran towards the woods, the southwest area of ​​Shengtian is overgrown with forests, and it is early summer now, the vegetation is very lush, the night is used as a cover, and she wants to find someone It's not easy.

But for people with strong martial arts, it is easy to find someone. They can use their internal energy to detect the breath around them, and they can find the target only by the fluctuation of the air waves and the subtle sound. Dugu Floating Sword It is the master of such masters.

The black shadow ran wildly until he was out of breath from exhaustion, only then did he realize that the people behind him hadn't caught up, and he couldn't help stamping his feet in annoyance, what was she running so fast for?
Dongluo was upset, but she was taken aback by the man standing behind her. She looked at him with panic in her eyes, and then she was overjoyed...

"Ah...Piao...Brother Piaojian, why are you here? What a coincidence..." The woman's voice was sweet, and her heart was a little guilty. Her flustered eyes walked in the night, and finally fixed on the man in front of her. , as if waiting for him to speak.

"Don't move!" Dugu Piaojian suddenly hugged the woman's petite body and held her in his arms. The man's cold and deep voice sounded above his head, like cool summer wine, lingering in the woman's heart.

Dongluo's heart was pounding, Brother Piaojian actually hugged her, was this a dream?This is at night, is it really a dream?If it was really a dream, she would rather never wake up.

He pinched his arm fiercely, until he gasped in pain, and then Dong Luo smiled beautifully.The woman felt the coolness of her body, and couldn't help but frowned in distress. She wrapped her small hands around the man's waist involuntarily, and hugged him tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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