The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 334: Moonlight Changes

Chapter 334: Moonlight Changes (2)
The wind was blowing all around, but there was a hint of heat in the coolness, and there was no sound in the jungle, but with Dugu Piaojian's excellent hearing, he could easily perceive this deeply hidden abnormality, and his cold eyes swept around sharply, and finally Lock down a corner of the jungle.

With a sound of "嗖", a hidden weapon came through the air. Dugu Piaojian rolled over and fell to the ground with Dongluo in his arms. The hidden weapon flew past where they were standing just now, and penetrated into the opposite tree.

The sound of the hidden weapon was very thin, Dongluo didn't feel it at all, she just felt full of joy, she had never been in contact with Brother Piaojian like this, at most it was just talking together.Is this God's mercy today?Or brother Piaojian suddenly found out what he wanted and was ready to accept him?
His face was very close to her. Although it was cold, it was unparalleled in beauty. Dong Luo was fascinated by it, as if she had forgotten to think. Her face was slightly red, and her breathing became cramped along with her rapid heartbeat.

"Brother Piaojian..." Sticky Ruru recalled in the jungle with some coquettish and childish voices.

"Don't talk!" Dugu Piaojian said in a low voice, suddenly feeling bad.Sure enough, there was another change in the surroundings, and a voice came from the forest: "They are here."

Dugu Piaojian picked a low shrub leaf casually, waved his hand and threw it towards the source of the sound, the leaf was as fast as the wind, showing the superb internal strength of the person who shot it, only heard a muffled hum from a distance, and then someone He fell to the ground.

"Let's go!" The man stood up neatly, and even pulled Dong Luo up from the ground. Only then did the woman belatedly realize that there was someone in the forest, and she immediately clung to the man's side and left quickly.

The people chasing behind took a step back, seeing that the forest was pitch black, and there was no movement, and there was nowhere to be found, the leader slapped his thigh in frustration and sighed.After finally seeing Dugu Piaojian outside the Southwest Prince's Mansion, he lost him unexpectedly. I don't know how much effort it will take!If Dugu Piaojian fails to lead to his destination in the next few days, his life will be ruined, and the Cave Master will not let him go.

"Brother Piaojian, they're gone, I said it's still safe on the tree?" Dong Luo grinned, asking for credit.After all, he proudly shook the tree trunk under him, not feeling that it was dangerous at all.

Dugu Piaojian didn't answer, and landed firmly on the ground with the person in his arms. His complexion was a little bad, the moonlight hit him, and he was lonely and cold without the slightest warmth. Dong Luo felt a pain in his heart, and stepped forward to hug him tightly. he.

"Brother Piaojian, don't be like this, Dongluo will feel distressed." The woman's voice trembled, and the straightforward words came out just like that.

The man's body stiffened involuntarily, his eyes darkened, he frowned and wanted to push the woman away, Dong Luo panicked, stomping his feet and said, "Are you still going back to the Southwest Palace? Why are you going back, come with me Is it not good?"

"Little girl, let go." The man's voice was not gentle, but he was not angry either.

"I won't let you go. You hugged me just now, so you have to be responsible for me." Dong Luo refused, she couldn't let Brother Piaojian go back to suffer, although everyone thought that the Southwest Palace treated Brother Piaojian well, in fact, only she I know how hard Brother Piaojian is living!She wants to take him away, away from this place of right and wrong.

"..." Dugu Piaojian choked, when did he hug her?In an emergency just now?This girl...

"Just now, you clearly hugged me just now, could it be that you want to play tricks?" Seeing that he was silent, Dong Luo said hastily.

"Silly girl, you are still young." Dugu Piaojian said in a deep tone, and then said, "If you want to marry, I can..."

"You go! You go! You go... I don't want you to care about it!" Dong Luo was anxious, and he said that again, every time he said it, when would he understand his intentions?She is 16 years old, is she still young?Other girls were married at 15.

Dugu Piaojian put away his sword, paused, and left without saying a word or looking back. It wasn't that he didn't understand her intentions, but that he still had something to do, and that the Southwest King's kindness of nurturing had not been repaid. How could he just leave?Perhaps this time, he could completely end his life in the Southwest Palace, if he was still alive.

"Really gone? You idiot!" Dongluo's distraught voice came from the forest.

The night is deep, the people are quiet, the bright moon hangs high, and the place is full of brilliance. In the Nanyue Kingdom Palace, Long Yuyan has been leaning on the beam alone for a long time. I don’t know how many nights he has passed like this. Every time he He can fall asleep peacefully, but tonight, he has no sleep at all...

Guessing that the drug might have taken effect, the man walked cautiously into the red bamboo scented room, and lit an unusually weak candle. Such a candle would be almost invisible to people outside the room unless they approached it.

The woman on the bed had white skin and a peaceful sleeping face. Under the thick eyelashes, her closed eyes trembled slightly. The man carefully squeezed the corner of the quilt for her, and gently stroked the woman's face with his big hand. Long Yuyan's whole heart seemed to be disturbed. Together, heart-wrenching pain...Xiang'er, everything will be fine, no matter what happens, Elder Brother will always be by your side and never leave you!
"Master Long, can I come in?" Ouyang Ren stood outside the door and said softly.

"Come in!" Long Yuyan pulled up Hongzhuxiang's quilt, only her snow-white arms were exposed, he did it so carefully and skillfully.

It was the first time Ouyang Ren had experienced such a sneaky consultation at such a late night. He walked in front of the bed, and under the faint candlelight, the 35-year-old man's eyes were fixed on that familiar face. However, what he was familiar with was not this young face, but another face that was more gentle and supple, with some traces of time engraved on it.

Hongzhuxiang is different from her mother, even when she is asleep, she still has an air of arrogance, while Bingxue's gentle aura is formed innately, even though the mother and daughter have similar appearances, their personalities are very different.Thinking of those gentle and heart-warming eyes, Ouyang Ren sighed softly, feeling lost in his heart...

"Mr. Ouyang, how is it?" Long Yuyan asked eagerly.

"There are signs of improvement, but the effect is not great. Maybe if you continue to recuperate, you will eventually recover, but the hope is slim. Judging from the current situation, even if Miss Xiang'er has a child, she is prone to miscarriage. Master's diagnosis is completely correct. .” Ouyang Ren was silent for a long time, speaking more tactfully.

"Even if there is only one percent hope, I will not give up. Is there anything Mr. Ouyang can do?" Long Yuyan had already prepared in his heart, but at this moment, he still couldn't help the disappointment in his heart. Ouyang Ren, the genius doctor with ghost hands, has no solution, so, who else can solve it?
Perhaps Xiang'er had never thought of a life without children, but he had to think for her that the Hanhai royal family had only one heir, Xuanyuan Tianzhan, if Xiang'er could not... it would be a bloody day.

(End of this chapter)

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