Chapter 335 Blocking Tigers (1)
"Junior Brother Zhan has already done a good job. Medicinal bath plus dietary conditioning, this is the only way at present." Ouyang Ren held his breath in his heart, and he couldn't even express his sigh.

"Such as precious medicinal materials?"

"At present, no medicinal materials have been found that are suitable for Miss Xiang'er's body. Miss Xiang'er's body should be restored in the simplest way. At present, medicinal materials will only increase the burden on her body. It can only be done after conditioning to a certain level.” This certain level, no one can tell when it is!
"Third brother..." Murong Ran's suppressed and deep voice followed to the entrance of Hanxiang Hall, and immediately, the man in a white robe came into the sight of the eunuchs and maids.He looked humble, his brows furrowed, and he stared straight at the man in green who was about to leave in the courtyard.

"Second brother, what else is there?" Murong Rui raised his eyebrows, a rare impatience appeared between his usually handsome brows, he was in a hurry now and had no time to delay here.

Murong Ran felt cold, his second elder brother was probably far less important than Hongzhuxiang in the emperor's heart, and if he handed over Shengtian Jiangshan to him, Xue Yang and other ministers, did he believe in himself too much, or went to the South for himself? Looking for an excuse for Yue Guo's behavior?

In Murong Ran's impression, Murong Rui should be a man of clever tactics and resolute action. Even if he competed with the crown prince or the north rebelled, he would be able to turn the situation back in time and deal with all situations with ease.But now, in his eyes, thousands of miles of land can't compare to the edict issued by Nanyue Kingdom? !

"Since there is nothing wrong, I'm leaving." Murong Rui's eyes flashed with sharpness, second brother, it's best not to disappoint me.

Murong Ran was speechless, the third younger brother's aura remained the same as before, could there be another story behind it?Looking at the back of the resolutely leaving in Tsing Yi, Murong Ran felt even more depressed and flustered.

It wasn't until the elegant cyan color completely disappeared from sight that Murong Ran sighed and raised his head. The three large characters "Hanxiang Temple" were shining with golden light. It was Murong Rui's own handwriting. If the princess of the Nanyue Kingdom was another woman, Murong Ran would be full of joy and encourage Murong Rui to participate, but this princess of the Nanyue Kingdom is Hong Zhuxiang!

It is already doomed to have no ending, why should he be as persistent as a moth to a flame?Disregarding Shengtian Jiangshan again and again?Could it be that the third brother really doesn't know the current turmoil in the country?
Murong Ran pondered for a while, then walked away, the third brother didn't care about the ancestral foundation of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, he still had to take care of it.

"The second prince is really amazing. Back then, he indulged in mountains and rivers and didn't care about world affairs. It was really not easy to pretend!"

"That's right, he's obviously a man with iron-blooded wrists. During the days when the emperor is away, outside..."

"Shhh! Don't talk nonsense about the important affairs of the court, be careful that you will lose your head if you listen to it."


The maids chattered and discussed cautiously. They were afraid of losing their heads, but they couldn't help the loneliness in their hearts, as if they would suffocate to death if they didn't express their opinions.

The gloomy atmosphere of the Shengtian Palace was in stark contrast to the festivities of the Nanyue Palace. Hongzhuxiang slept soundly, and soon after waking up, he heard the joyful celebrations outside. The Nanyue Emperor brought the missing dozen The ice concubine of the year came back, and the return of the princess and the ice concubine brought vitality to the entire palace.

"Master, are you going to see the emperor?" Mingyue asked tentatively.

"I won't go." The woman's black eyes rolled, and there was a hint of interest in the corner of her mouth.

"Hahaha... My daughter is really a tempered person, she doesn't even look down on her father." Outside the palace gate, the emperor of Nanyue Kingdom laughed loudly, his tone was full of his father's doting, and he stepped forward. He walked in with big strides, and looked at the woman in red with deep eyes. Xiang'er and her mother and concubine are really different. This free and unrestrained personality is quite similar to the former emperor.

Hong Zhuxiang's heart warmed up, but she refused to speak.

Han Bingxue was still wearing a veil, with a gentle smile in his eyes, it seemed that he had got rid of the shadow in his heart, Hongzhuxiang smiled at his mother like a thief, and still didn't plan to talk to his father.

"How can Xiang'er forgive father?" Emperor Nanyue's handsome face was enlarged in front of Hong Zhuxiang, the love in his eyes was so obvious, and the hidden guilt tried his best to cover up, "Could it be that your second brother recruited you for marriage?"

Emperor Nanyue already knew about his daughter's situation from his little wife. He liked Xuanyuan Tianzhan's son-in-law very much, but Feilong was not so easy to bully. Since he wanted to marry his precious daughter, the test was also Okay, I just hope that Feilong will stop in moderation and not be self-defeating.

"Second brother also has good intentions. Xiang'er just hopes that the father can...hehe!" Hong Zhuxiang said halfway, but the voice stopped abruptly. She just hoped that the father could take care of Ah Zhan. A lot of anger, I think he won't help Ah Zhan, let alone the second brother, if the father and emperor intervene again at that time, wouldn't Ah Zhan be desperate?
"What does Xiang'er hope father can do?" The emperor of Nanyue Kingdom asked with a smile pretending not to know.

"..." Hong Zhuxiang rolled her eyes, her father is also a black-bellied master!However, her father's deep affection for her mother touched her a lot. In this era of three wives and four concubines, it is really rare that there is such an infatuated man as her father!

She has heard a lot about Emperor Nanyue's affairs in the past ten years. It is said that since her mother's accident, her father's harem has been empty, but why did her father marry other concubines before, and gave birth to her eldest brother and second brother with them? Woolen cloth?The thinking of the ancients is sometimes really hard to understand.

"Mother, why don't we leave here together, don't follow the father, I think the father doesn't like the feeling of his wife and children on the bed..." Hong Zhuxiang turned her head to Han Bingxue, blinking and blinking .

"Okay! Mother listens to Xiang'er." Han Bingxue replied very cooperatively.

The eyes of the emperor of Nanyue Kingdom lit up, heh!This girl has seen the tricks so quickly, he has no prestige as a father at all, well, he admits it, he likes this kind of leisure life very much, as for the things in the court, let Longer and Hong Let's go make a fuss.

"Okay, okay, father knows, this is not married yet, just keep talking for the future husband." Emperor Nanyue shook his head helplessly, and smiled at the mother and daughter who were laughing like thieves. People, the ice in their eyes is constantly melting.

The time of the sweet reunion passed quickly and was very pleasant. For some reason, Yun Feilong always avoided the cold ice and snow, and when they met, he was also indifferent. The Emperor Nanyue was also very puzzled by the diametrically opposite attitudes of these two sons.

(End of this chapter)

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