Chapter 336 Blocking Tigers (2)
Hong Zhuxiang saw it, but didn't say a word. After Sheng Jing said goodbye, his brother changed too much!
On this day, Hong Zhuxiang wandered casually in a garden of the palace, looking at the flowers blooming indifferently, smiling at the front of the house, and occasionally living the life of a canary in a cage is not bad, the environment in the palace is far better than the TV. It looks good from the Internet, and the space is much larger, but there are also many people coming and going.

On this day, the eunuchs and maids were very busy.

"Do you know? Yundu is already overcrowded, and our princess is so charming." A court lady exclaimed enviously.

"The second prince held this marriage recruitment conference in an unprecedented grand manner. It can be seen that the second prince treats the princess very well!"

"I've also heard that even the Shengtian Emperor Murong Rui has come, but there is no news of Lord Zhan of Hanhai Kingdom..."

"You don't know yet, do you? I'm afraid Prince Zhan won't be able to come. There are gossip that our second prince set up an ambush on the way to stop Prince Zhan's troops..."

"Don't talk nonsense, Prince Zhan has great powers, and he will definitely come here."

"This is Nanyue Kingdom, not Hanhai Kingdom! Moreover, Hanhai Kingdom is far away from Yundu, I'm afraid..."

"You said, why does our second prince have to have trouble with Prince Zhan?"

"Shh...someone is coming, hurry up and disperse."

Mingyue coughed lightly behind the rockery, but she didn't show up. She glanced at her master worriedly, what if the prince really can't come?The second prince has already put down his words, he must come to propose marriage in person, the prince is far away in the Hanhai Kingdom, so it is impossible to come here in such a short time?You know, tomorrow is the 25th!
On the official road leading to Nanyue Kingdom, Wuzong led a large group of people and rushed to Nanyue Kingdom non-stop. All of them were tall and straight, handsome and handsome men dressed in black clothes, walking on the road vigilantly, the boxes they carried The entire row is as long as a mile, and anyone who reads it will have imaginations, giving birth to some feelings of envy, even jealousy, and even coveting.

Stepping into the territory of Nanyue Kingdom, Wuzong felt more and more uneasy changes, but nothing unfavorable to them happened for a long time. This mission was the first time he and Zhuihun cooperated. Expressionless, he really saw it.

Along the way, the man in black beside him didn't even give him a look, and the aura of arrogance all over his body was like approaching an iceberg. Is this the domineering practiced in the dark?Cool, flirtatious, with an appearance of not getting close to strangers, he is three points colder than Jin Jingwei commanding Shadow.

In Lingchuan City of Nanyue Kingdom, the soldiers on the tower saw a long dragon from a distance and their eyes began to shine. They had already received the news, so they naturally knew what was in the boxes. The Regent of Hanhai Kingdom made a big move. Pen!It's just that the emperor's life is difficult, and they can't help it.

"Close the city gate, close the city gate quickly!" The guard of the city tower gave an order, and the heavy gate between them was slowly closed, only a gloomy light leaked from the crack of the gate.

The actions of the city guards shocked Wu Ting and the group couldn't help but feel agitated. It's still early and it's not time to close the gates at all, and they didn't see anyone close the gates when they passed the previous city?
"Damn it! You actually closed the city gate at the last moment!" Wu Zong couldn't help but cursed in a low voice, his heart was filled with anger. There wasn't enough time in the first place, and now he was locked out of the city gate. What should we do?

When the people on the city tower saw the city gate closed, they breathed a sigh of relief. They had never seen people who moved so fast. If it hadn't been closed so quickly, these people might have rushed in.

"We hold the credentials of the Hanhai Kingdom, and we are going to Yundu to meet your emperor, why don't we open the city gate quickly?" Wu Zing revealed the document in his sleeve, and said in a deep voice.

"There is an order from above. The city gate is closed early today. Even if the Heavenly King and I come, we can't open the gate." The guards of the city spoke in a bullish way, and stopped Prince Zhan's people outside the city, feeling very happy in my heart!
Wu Zongjun's face turned half black in an instant, closing the city gate early today?Tomorrow is the last time, but the guard of Nanyue closed the city gate today, clearly to embarrass them!
If the people in Wuyuelou didn't bring these betrothal gifts, it would be easy to go there, but with so many rare treasures, it is really more difficult to enter through the city gate.

"Presumptuous, we are sent by the Hanhai Kingdom. Regarding the friendship between the two countries, if you don't open the door, aren't you afraid that the Hanhai Kingdom will blame you?" Wu Ting had to magnify the matter to a higher level, and the national interest is above all else. You should think about it, right?

"Your superior command, the generals dare not disobey, this young master should wait until the city gate is opened tomorrow before entering." The general on the tower kindly suggested, but he just looked like he would not open the city gate even if he was killed.

"You must have heard of the name of the regent of Hanhai Kingdom, Prince Zhan, right?" Wu Ting continued without giving up.

"Don't pay attention to him, the city gate is closed anyway, let's go and have a drink." A man on the tower pulled the general who had spoken just now and left, and the guards also retreated together, leaving only the empty tower and high wall.

Wu Zing's entire face was completely dark, and they didn't pay attention to the prince? !The brigade is now in a predicament. With so many betrothal gifts here, it would be a trivial matter if something happens outside the city, but if the prince is delayed from participating in the princess's wedding ceremony, the consequences will be serious.

Unintentionally, Wu Zing overheard a sentence, as if someone murmured, "The one who stopped him was your Prince Zhan!" Wu Zing was so angry that he gritted his teeth, how dare he ignore his Prince? !Is he the guard of Lingchuan City?He remembered.

"Chasing the soul, what do you think we should do?"

"Wait a while." Zhuihun paused for a moment before slowly opening his mouth.

Wait a minute?Wu Zing picked out his ears, and was shocked by what Zhuihun said.This is a problem that the gates of the city are closed. It cannot be solved by waiting for a while. If you have to wait, you will have to wait for a whole night!But tomorrow is the day to recruit relatives. If they don't make it, they will not be able to complete the task. Thinking about it, they feel creepy.

At the same time that Wu Ting was in a hurry, on another small road leading to Yundu, Ying Ying was leading a pair of people to hurry day and night. This is the second time after the snowy waves and blue seas, he has taken on a challenging and huge task. With so much regard for him, he naturally couldn't disappoint the prince.

"Xuanyuan Tianzhan, if you arrive on time, you will pass the first test set by the prince." In the tall palace, Yun Feilong looked at the light blue tea in the jade cup and said to himself.He flicked his wrist slightly, and the tea instantly blurred into layers of water patterns, which reflected the dazzling halo under the candlelight, which was very beautiful and full of charm.

"Second Prince, there is news from Lingchuan City that Xuanyuan Tianzhan's people have been shut out of the city gate, but Xuanyuan Tianzhan's whereabouts have not been found." A hidden guard landed, this is the third time he reported to Xuanyuan Tianzhan today Cham's latest news.

(End of this chapter)

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