The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 341 Suspension of Marriage Recruitment for 1 Day

Chapter 341: Suspending Marriage Recruitment for One Day (2)
Once there was a spring breeze, the love between the two was continuous, the love was deep, and the mandarin ducks were envious.This night, the candles in the room were not extinguished for a long time, but Yun Feilong stayed up all night.

"Second Prince, it's almost done at last." Nanyue's guard looked towards the east, only to realize that it was almost dawn.

"Yeah." Yun Feilong's tone was weird and gloomy. He thought that he would be able to deal with those matters soon, but he didn't expect that someone did it on purpose or what, but it took him a whole night.

"Second prince, it seems to be raining." A drop of water fell on the face of the guard who spoke just now, and it was slightly cool. After busy patrolling all night, he was a little tired.But fortunately, these luminous pearls are obtained without any effort.

Yun Feilong's five fingers clenched into fists, and the black robe with golden embroidered cloud patterns looked extremely gloomy. Damn it, he forgot to ask the people from Qin Tianjian to calculate the weather for these few days in advance, but the date was set a long time ago. It's useless even if you forget it, Qin Tianjian's people are not that great, it's really not good.

"Issuing a notice, the recruitment of relatives will be suspended for one day." Yun Feilong ordered through gritted teeth.

"This..." the guard said hesitantly.Wouldn't this be the second prince's angry words?Even if it's raining, it can be held, or it can be done in another indoor location to test the young masters who participate in the marriage recruitment.

"What's this, how can we hold it when it's raining?" What he wanted was a grand event, for all the people to watch and emulate, not just to build a canopy on the ring.Xuanyuan Tianzhan, Yun Feilong will definitely accompany him to the end.

Hong Zhuxiang slept very soundly this time, when she woke up, Xuanyuan Tianzhan was looking at her meaningfully, and from those deep amber pupils, she finally saw...satisfaction!This was the first time she saw satisfaction in this man's eyes, she thought Ah Zhan was a hungry wolf that could never get enough to eat!

"Xiang'er is awake? Are you hungry?" The man's gentle voice sounded from above.

"Not hungry." Hong Zhuxiang shook her head, but suddenly saw the deep purple marks on her body, her face turned dark, and she immediately jumped off the soft couch to look in the mirror. After getting up, she was embarrassed to find that she was not wearing anything. , hurriedly picked up the quilt to wrap himself in a panic.

"Why is Xiang'er flustered?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's leisurely eyes drifted over, with a malicious expression on his face.

"Hmph..." Hong Zhuxiang glared at him coldly. This man is a typical example of a man who gets cheap and acts like a good boy. With such a refined appearance, he has a domineering, powerful, black-bellied and invincible heart.

The woman's delicate appearance provoked Xuanyuan Tianzhan to chuckle lowly, he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her in his arms, and said with a wicked smile: "Don't worry, Xiang'er, there is nothing on her neck."

Xuanyuan Tianzhan knew that what Xiang'er was most afraid of was that he would kiss a lot of hickey marks on her neck, because since she mischievously kissed all the marks on his neck in the grass that time, every time Xuanyuan Tianzhan Zhan would use this as an excuse to kiss her neck wantonly.

"That's the best!" Hong Zhuxiang struggled awkwardly a few times, but to no avail, she had to lie in his arms, but her teeth involuntarily bit the man's elastic muscles.

"Hmm... If Xiang'er teases me so much again, I can't guarantee that I can handle it like this." Xuanyuan Tianzhan grabbed her little hand and smiled wickedly.

Sure enough, Hong Zhuxiang stopped moving, she always had nothing to do with this domineering man!

"I'm going to get up." Can't be provoked, can't she hide?

"Let's take a rest, today's family recruitment conference will be suspended."

"What happened?" Hong Zhuxiang felt nervous for no reason, what happened to the second brother?

In Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes, the woman's appearance is different, so why is Xiang'er so worried about that stumbling block?Yun Feilong wanted to get back the face he lost at the beginning, but how could it be so easy?If it wasn't for Xiang'er's face, he would have buried Yun Feilong alive.

"Xiang'er, don't be nervous. It's just raining. The site is open-air. Yun Feilong has been busy all night, so he probably doesn't have time to re-arrange it. We have to wait for the rain to stop." Xuanyuan Tianzhan was sour, but still patient explained.

"It's no wonder. Then I remembered it too." It's a bit awkward to be tired of being with him in broad daylight without wearing anything.

"Is Xiang'er shy?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan asked with a smile.

"Shy wool!" Hong Zhuxiang rolled his eyes at him, Xuanyuan Tianzhan raised his eyebrows, what does shyness have to do with wool?But judging from Xiang'er's tone, it must not be a pleasant word, so it's better not to delve into it.

"Changing clothes for my wife." The man said courteously.

"That's about the same." Hong Zhuxiang stretched comfortably, and stretched out her arms, like a quiet and docile kitten, dressing and so on. She still prefers him to dress her.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan felt restless when he put it on, and it was necessary to steal food and other things. After the man deliberately procrastinated and repeatedly tossed and tossed, the clothes were finally finished.

Suddenly thought of something, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's expression became gloomy and cold, and a low air pressure filled the whole room, as if to cover the earth to reflect the rainy weather outside.

"Xiang'er, the person who assassinated you that day has not been found out yet."

"It's a woman who calls herself Rufeng, but I think that's just her alias, but one thing I can be sure of is that she knows you and loves you. Maybe you know this person too." Hong Zhuxiang raised her eyes , looking seriously at the man's eyes with dark black eyes, with a slightly sour tone.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyelids twitched, and his heart became flustered. Xiang'er wouldn't suspect that he had other women in his heart, right?Then he was really wronged.From the beginning to the end, no one dared to provoke him. Most of the noble ladies in the Hanhai Kingdom just thought about it. They almost didn't even pass the gate of Prince Zhan's Mansion, let alone contact him directly.

"Xiang'er, I have never provoked any woman. If you let me know who dares to hurt you, I will definitely throw her to the dogs." Xuanyuan Tianzhan said earnestly.

Hong Zhuxiang didn't answer directly, but said in a deep tone: "We have a saying: There are many good men in the world, but there are also many bad women who want to seduce good men. If Ah Zhan is seduced by someone one day What should I do if I leave?"

"Xiang'er, don't think about it, you are the only one in my heart."

"Ah Zhan, let me ask you, have you ever lied to me? Or are you hiding something from me?" A trace of complicated emotions flashed in Hong Zhuxiang's eyes. Cold, cold, like a sword just out of its sheath, with a sharp edge.

"No!" The man's eyes flashed darkly, but his tone was indifferent. He had never kept anything from Xiang'er, except... the fact that Xiang'er was infertile.

He can't tell her about this!

(End of this chapter)

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