Chapter 342
"I believe you!" The woman breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he said, she would believe it.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart sank, what a firm tone this is, what a great trust this is, and he couldn't help feeling Shang Xiang'er's pulse, and if there were any signs of improvement, the man strengthened his confidence even more, he will definitely be able to Heal Xiang'er, and when the time comes, he will never hide anything from her again.

The morning sun shines on the lake, sparkling, and the breeze floats. The lake surface is full of bright little stars, twinkling and twinkling, like the naughty and smart eyes of a child, with a bright and cunning color in the black awn .

After the baptism of the rain, the air in the Royal Park is fresher, and the grand event of recruiting relatives has not been affected by the one-day suspension. On the contrary, the enthusiasm of the people is even higher. The whole park is full of discussions and excitement. Today is May 27th, which is regarded as registration After that, the first day of the recruitment test officially started.

When Hong Zhuxiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan came hand in hand, everyone was already seated. Many men in the arena were very excited, but after seeing Xuanyuan Tianzhan's murderous eyes, they resentfully put away the peeping in their eyes, and looked from high up. Looking from a distance from the arena, the entire park was crowded with people, and it was very lively. Compared with the day of registration, it was even worse.

"King Zhan and the princess are really talented and beautiful!"

"But the second prince seems to have a problem with King Zhan?"

"So what? King Zhan is all-rounder in both civil and military affairs, who will compete with him?" The person who spoke was full of arrogance, and his back was straight, as if Xuanyuan Tianzhan was as good as he was, and he had a lot of face.

"The second prince is also very powerful."

"King Zhan fought at the age of 15 and was named the God of War, and then..."

There were endless praises about Xuanyuan Tianzhan, and Hong Zhuxiang couldn't help but touch his forehead. How could this man have such a great influence in Nanyue Kingdom?Most of the people in the arena were strong in martial arts and had good ears and eyes, so they naturally heard it. Yun Feilong's face sank little by little, and an unknown fire surged into his heart bewitchingly.

Of course, there are also discussions about Murong Rui and Long Yuyan. The proclamation that there is no one else in the harem for the love of the former concubine is also brought up for discussion. Everyone regrets, laments, or just laughs it off , in short, all kinds of ideas are available.

Yun Feilong glanced provocatively at Xuanyuan Tianzhan, a cold light shot from his black eyes, Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked up, with a wanton and unrestrained smile in his eyes, as if he didn't see the provocation in Yun Feilong's eyes at all.

been ignored!

Nakedly ignored!

Yun Feilong was furious, and strode onto the ring, the black cloud pattern embroidered with golden light was dazzling, dazzling, this noble temperament was innate and natural.He just stood there, his black robes fluttering in the wind, his black hair was gently lifted, his handsome young face glowed golden in the sun, he was so breathtakingly beautiful!
It turns out that the Second Prince is even more handsome than the First Prince!

The common people stopped discussing, and looked eagerly at the person standing on the ring, that was their second prince!
"Young masters whose betrothal gift is less than 100 million taels, you can go down." This is the entry requirement, if you can't even meet this, it's not bad to come up and sit around.

Hong Zhuxiang was a little speechless, not only to choose someone with high martial arts skills, but also to choose a man with a lot of gold, can the second brother make some bigger moves? !
Many men on the ring beat their feet and chests, and lamented again and again. They wanted to see the princess for a while longer.However, with the Regent of Hanhai Kingdom and Emperor Shengtian present, they never expected to win to the end, but they also didn't expect to be eliminated at the very beginning.

"Hahaha, I said you are a toad who wants to eat swan meat, don't you believe me? You look so dingy now, it's really... so cute."


"At least I have the courage to fight for it, how about you? can you say anything about me?"


People with insufficient betrothal gifts left the small island in the lake one after another, and there were less than 50 people left in the entire arena, which suddenly seemed very relaxed. Although Hong Zhuxiang couldn't understand Yun Feilong's approach, but suddenly She was very happy to have eliminated so many people.

"Do you think the first round is the literary test or the military test?"

"No matter what the competition is, Prince Zhan will never lose!"

"I think Emperor Shengtian has been silent all this time, probably because of his extraordinary strength."

Everyone is discussing the content of the first test, but what everyone didn't expect is...

"The first level of the competition is officially starting now. Everyone here can see clearly." Yun Feilong clapped his palms, and ten well-dressed court ladies slowly walked onto the ring. They held trays in their hands and smiled. Everyone guessed for a while. One after another, when the red silk was lifted, everyone saw the things on the tray in an instant, and their eyes widened in disbelief.

That's hair!

Ten trays full of hair!
Second prince, what is this going to do?
Xuanyuan Tianzhan raised his head lightly, his eyebrows frowned almost invisible, and then he smiled lightly, as if he didn't see anything.The doubt in Murong Rui's eyes also slowly dissipated, he just quietly held the teacup without showing any emotion.

Yun Feilong didn't notice Murong Rui, his mind was on Xuanyuan Tianzhan, the man's expression of neither pain nor itching, neither rush nor impatient, completely fell into Yun Feilong's eyes, he couldn't help but In a rage, he clenched his hands into fists.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan, the fun is yet to come, the first level is just a warm-up!
"Perhaps some young masters have guessed it? That's right! There are a thousand strands of hair here, and each of these ten trays contains a hundred strands, and one of them is the princess's hair. Each strand of hair is tied with a red ribbon. , marked with a mark, the correct answer has been recorded, if anyone can find out the princess's hair, it will be considered as having passed the first level." As soon as Yun Feilong finished speaking, the crowd boiled instantly.

"I'll go, it's not a stick, it's a strand of hair thinner than a needle, how can you tell?"

"Yeah, let alone a thousand, I can't tell the difference even if there are ten."

"The second prince is really smart, this is a good idea!"


Yun Feihong couldn't help being surprised, how could Feilong come up with such an idea?This is too difficult, right?This is a thousand strands of hair!Even the gods are hard to tell, right?
The corner of Hong Zhuxiang's mouth twitched, this is comparable to the most powerful brain in the 21st century TV!Isn't his second brother afraid of eliminating everyone?If so, how can he continue playing?Mingyue became anxious all of a sudden, can the prince do it?

"Everyone, come up and identify them one by one. I think we should start with this young master." Yun Feilong smiled and pointed to the man closest to him.

(End of this chapter)

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