The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 343 Flames and Seas of Fire

Chapter 343 Flames and Seas of Fire (1)
When the man heard this, his face immediately turned green. He originally wanted to show a good performance. He calculated that he couldn't win the princess, but at least he wanted to win some face!I didn't expect it to be such a tricky and weird question.The man stepped forward, his eyes stopped in front of the tray, he looked from one plate to another, back and forth, his eyes were full of confusion.

Aren't all the strands of hair the same?How to tell?There were beads of sweat on the man's forehead one after another, and he was very anxious. In desperation, he had no choice but to guess a strand of hair as his answer.

Obviously, the answer is wrong!

One after another, everyone without exception failed to find the correct strand of hair, and there was commotion and sighs from the crowd again.

"I don't see it!"

"too difficult!"

"Even King Zhan may not be able to find him!"

Until later, some young masters quit directly, they didn't know how to find them at all?No matter how you look at these strands of hair, they all look like they belong to the same person?Forget it, give up automatically!

Soon, only Xuanyuan Tianzhan, Murong Rui, Long Yuyan, Dugu Piaojian, Xiyuewei and the other three handsome men were left on the stage!
At this time, Xuanyuan Tianzhan stood up with a wave of his sleeves, and walked towards the tray carried by the maid on the ring.The strong aura of the man made the woman holding the tray tremble uncontrollably. It was also their blessing to be able to observe Prince Zhan at such a close distance.Back in the palace, I don't know how many people will be envious!But now, I'm really nervous!
As soon as the Regent of the Hanhai Kingdom appeared on the stage, everyone's eyes immediately focused on one point. No one in front of him could find out the princess's hair. Can Prince Zhan really do it?Everyone can't help but hope that for no reason, they are willing to believe in the handsome and extraordinary Prince Zhan in white clothes.

"Even if there are ten thousand hairs, this king can still find the hairs of his beloved." Xuanyuan Tianzhan's arrogant and evil voice came from the center of the small island, and the people's eyes widened again.Is King Zhan really that powerful?
Hong Zhuxiang's heart moved, and she was a little more looking forward to it. Although Ah Zhan was a bit bragging, she believed in him inexplicably, as if trusting and relying on her bones. Only in front of this man would she feel her whole body. Relaxation of mind.

Murong Rui's eyes could not help but shoot Xuanyuan Tianzhan sharply. This man dared to say anything, and his words were really admirable. Originally, there were only a thousand strands of hair, even if he said that among the ten thousand strands of hair, he could It is impossible to verify the strand of Xiang'er's hair. As long as he can find it, the people will think that he is very great.

Black-bellied and invincible, none other than Xuanyuan Tianzhan!

"Since King Zhan is so confident, let's start!" Yun Feilong's urging and provocative voice came. , was almost burning him to death.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan worked hard and concentrated, the breath in the tray spread over the man's nose one by one at a normal speed, and Longteng Juling was in his hand, as long as there was a little smell, he could distinguish these thin hairs.Xiang'er's taste naturally penetrated into his bones!
On the tray, everyone saw strands of hair bouncing up and then falling down again. The man's graceful movements seemed to be that of a luthier from beyond the sky, performing the eternal song. At this moment, everyone was looking forward to it!

The common people stared straight at the man on the stage with curious and expectant eyes, almost without blinking their eyes, as if time was frozen at this moment, and everything was silent.Suddenly, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes lit up, and a voluptuous magnolia bloomed at the corner of his mouth: "This king has been found."

Hong Zhuxiang was moved in her heart, she wanted to cry inexplicably, but there was a faint smile on her face.

The man walked up to the desk that had already been set up, holding the Langhao pen in his hand, and the pen was like a dragon and a snake, with a domineering nature. When Yun Feilong saw the big characters written by Xuanyuan Tianzhan, his expression became gloomy again on the surface, but in fact it was deep. He took a deep breath of relief, but the dissatisfaction, the fatal dissatisfaction in his heart, became more and more intense.

"The answer written by King Zhan is the same as the correct answer." Yun Feilong said in a strange tone.In an instant, the crowd was full of cheers and excitement.

"Prince Zhan is really a god!" One person gave a thumbs up and couldn't stop admiring.

"This is a thousand strands of hair, how did King Zhan do it?"

"That's why King Zhan is amazing!"

When the common people were discussing fiercely, a warm and gentle blue figure stepped forward. He didn't have any luck, and his eyes quickly wandered on the trays, carefully watching them one by one.

The common people were stunned for a moment. Sheng Tianhuang Shang Murong Rui was watching with his eyes. Those shining eyes filtered the hair in the tray over and over again. The light in his eyes was shocking like never before. .

Murong Rui's eyes finally fixed on the two trays. These two hairs were very similar to Xiang'er's hair, and he needed to identify them more carefully.Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes became darker and darker, and jealousy suddenly rose in his heart, yes, it was jealousy!
He never thought that he, Xuanyuan Tianzhan, would have such a heart of jealousy, Murong Rui could recognize Xiang'er's hair with his eyes, how shocking would that be? !

After careful study, Murong Rui finally identified his answer from the tray. When Yun Feilong saw that the number on the rice paper was also consistent with the answer, the corners of his eyes couldn't help but twitch. Really too weak dish?Murong Rui actually answered it too.

"His Majesty Sheng Tian recognized the princess's hair with his eyesight."

"It seems that His Majesty Sheng Tian also has a deep affection for the princess!"

"But our Nanyue Kingdom only has one princess!"

"There's still a good show to come!"

Murong Rui smiled towards Hong Zhuxiang, the smile on his face was sunny and bright, his gentle face was reflected in the woman's eyes, so painful, why did this fool pay so much for her?Why don't you let go of your heart to accept other women?
Looking at Xuanyuan Tianzhan's very unfriendly eyes, Murong Rui raised his eyebrows and looked over. He painted Xiang'er's portraits every day and night, and naturally he had carefully studied every strand of hair. Besides, as early as Xuanyuan Tianzhan Two years before he appeared in Xiang'er's life, he had already known Xiang'er. No matter what you say about this friendship, Xuanyuan Tianzhan was a latecomer.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan couldn't help wanting to beat someone up, but Murong Rui actually looked at him as a third party, as if there was something between him and Xiang'er!A cold light jumped out of the man's eyes, and the two competing lights collided in the air instantly, and the atmosphere sank for a while.

After the first round, only Xuanyuan Tianzhan, Murong Rui, Long Yuyan and Dugu Piaojian were left in the ring.Xiyuewei originally wanted to judge the answer from the walking posture of the pen while the other people were writing the answer, but he didn't expect that the martial arts of these people were all higher than his, and his strength was far behind them, so he couldn't see it in the end. He could neither smell nor see other people's answers, so he had to give up.

(End of this chapter)

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