The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 344 Flames and Seas of Fire

Chapter 344 Flames and Seas of Fire (2)
Long Yuyan used the same method as Xuanyuan Tianzhan. He focused on cultivation and had deep inner strength. He was able to discern the answer quickly through his keen sense of smell, which surprised the common people. As for Dugu Piaojian, it was from three people An answer was summed up in the gesture of swiping the pen, which can be regarded as passing the first level.

This is the first level, and the people's jaws dropped in shock!
What about the second and third levels?The people are full of expectations again.

Yun Feilong looked at the four people in the stands with satisfaction, and the answer in his mind was not much different, but he didn't expect Dugu Piaojian, a cold and arrogant god, to be eliminated, and he felt a little upset. What is the purpose of this man?He didn't believe that the appearance of Dugu Piaojian was really for Xiang'er!Hong Zhuxiang also began to think, what kind of terrifying conspiracy was brewing behind this marriage recruitment?
Yun Feilong can't worry too much for the time being, the atmosphere has reached a climax, and it's a good time to start the second level.

"Four, congratulations on passing the first test! Now we will start the second test, we will test our sincerity! In this test, we will know whether you really want to marry the princess or not." After Yun Feilong finished speaking, there was another "crack With a few snaps, twenty women in fine attire came up to the stage.

Everyone was amazed again, because each maid was holding a copper basin, and the copper basin contained burning coals!In the copper basin, clusters of flames danced wantonly, exuding scorching heat in the hands of the maids. Everyone could clearly see that the hands of each maid holding the brazier were covered with thick wet towels.

"My God! This is a sea of ​​fire!" someone in the crowd exclaimed.The huge flames are even more dazzling under the scorching sun. It is the end of May, and the weather is getting hotter. One can imagine the consequences of walking on it.

"Some men always say that they will go to the mountains of swords and fires for the one they love, and now they really come."

"This is also a way to express your heart. If you really love someone, how can that person be willing?"

"..." Various voices came from the crowd.

Hong Zhuxiang's eyes swished at Yun Feilong, his brother is really a bit... perverted!He wouldn't really let these men walk through the so-called sea of ​​fire, would he?Even with internal protection, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist the burning of this fire, and it is inevitable to be injured!
"Brother, can you change the topic!" Hong Zhuxiang asked Yun Feilong seriously in front of everyone.Yun Feilong saw a trace of coldness in those eyes, but this did not change his decision at all.

"Xiang'er is really a kind-hearted girl! But, if you want to go through this sea of ​​fire, you have to see what these people say. King Zhan, Emperor Shengtian, Mr. Long, what do you think?" Yun Feilong said alone There is no mention of Dugu Floating Sword.

"Yes! Of course I have! Of course this king can go up the mountain of swords and into the sea of ​​fire for Xiang'er!" With such arrogance and defiantness, Xuanyuan Tianzhan is always so domineering. , but it is an ambition that is at the pinnacle of a king.

Standing on the ring, his whole body seemed to be covered with golden light, which attracted everyone's attention. Hong Zhuxiang was moved in her heart, and when she looked into her black eyes, she just fell into an ocean of affection like water, completely surrounding her.

Hong Zhuxiang looked at him, feeling soft in her heart, some women among the common people couldn't help but screamed, it was terrifying to see the sea of ​​flames!

"I am willing too!"

"Yu Yan won't give up either!"

The words of the two men came out immediately, which also shocked everyone, and the common people were stunned. They were only optimistic about Prince Zhan, but they didn't expect that Emperor Shengtian and Young Master Long Yuyan were willing to go through the flames for the princess.How shocking is this? !

Dugu Piaojian's complexion was a bit gloomy, his face was as stiff as a sculpture, he looked around the crowd, and saw a woman who was easy to tolerate nodding to him.It's a nod, not a shake!
Dugu Piaojian suddenly sneered, flew off the ring, and said: "Dugu Piaojian is willing to admit defeat!"

Red Bamboo Fragrance only felt a fresh fragrance wafting into her nostrils, a very comfortable feeling, she guessed, maybe it was the fragrance from when Dugu Piaojian left, but it seemed a bit awkward for a man to have such a smell, besides, he was still a cold man. A man like wood.

Murong Qing'er gritted her teeth angrily, didn't she let Dugu Piaojian persist until the end?He actually abstained halfway through!Damn it, I don't know if the fragrance was absorbed by the red bamboo fragrance when I was on stage.

Everyone didn't pay too much attention to Dugu Piaojian, but worried about the three Xuanyuan Tianzhan left on the ring. Yun Feilong smiled mockingly at the back of Dugu Piaojian, and then turned his eyes back.

"Don't use lightness kung fu and internal strength, can you do it?" The man's lazy voice with a wicked smile exploded like a thunderbolt on the ground, setting off a huge wind and waves in an instant.

This is a raging fire, not flat grass and thick ice.

"Brother!" Hong Zhuxiang called Yun Feilong, did not continue, but there was a trace of reproach in her tone. The reason why she agreed to this marriage recruitment was that she didn't want to win over her brother's heart, and secondly, she believed in him very much. Zhan's strength.

But now that things have developed to this point, it has exceeded her imagination. If she keeps silent, these three men will probably go through some kind of sea of ​​flames one by one. This is not the result she wants to see at all!

Whether it's A Zhan, Murong Rui, or senior brother, they are all the best people in her life. She doesn't want to see anyone get hurt.

"Xiang'er, you promised brother, everything will be done according to brother's idea!" Yun Feilong gave Hong Zhuxiang a reassuring look, Hong Zhuxiang was stunned for a moment, and then inexplicably wanted to get angry, how can you call her like this? Peace of mind?

"Sister, it's okay! You have to trust the abilities of these three, especially brother Zhan. If they really love you, they will naturally be willing to go through this sea of ​​fire for you, and the eldest brother will also support your second brother's actions!" Yun Feihong Youzai Youzai stepped forward and said with a smile.

Hong Zhuxiang looked at Yun Feihong's signature smile, feeling very happy, this elder brother doesn't look like a person who hurt people when he is in trouble!How can you say such a thing?

"Xiang'er doesn't need to talk anymore, the king is willing." Xuanyuan Tianzhan glanced at Yun Feilong and Yun Feihong, then looked at Hong Zhuxiang tenderly, "Xiang'er, just trust me."

"You..." Hong Zhuxiang opened her mouth, but she didn't say anything after all. Ah Zhan's eyes were full of confidence, and she was a little confused for a moment. Where did this man get his confidence?

"How about bare feet?" Yun Feilong threw the shocking bomb again, not only couldn't use lightness kung fu and internal strength, but even had to go barefoot. Isn't this directly killing people?
"Is the second prince too much?"

"No light work, no internal strength, no shoes allowed!"

(End of this chapter)

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