Chapter 345 The Plan Failed (1)
"I'm afraid the gods can't pass it, right?"

"Even if you can walk over, the soles of your feet will be burned to ashes."

Hong Zhuxiang felt that her breathing was full of anger, so she couldn't help but said to the three of them: "I don't care about anyone who participates!" Her tone was a little stiff, she didn't know if she was angry with the dragon or something, in short, My heart was full of anger.

The atmosphere fell into embarrassment for a while, and the heroine was angry, who would dare not follow?But at this moment, Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Murong Rui seemed to be fighting each other, and neither of them would give in. Men are sometimes quite persistent.

"Xiang'er, senior brother quit!" Long Yuyan's deep and heroic voice overflowed from his lips. He said that he came to save face for Xiang'er. When Xiang'er was angry, he couldn't mess around anymore. He could It can be seen that the two men in the ring have a deep love for the junior sister!It is enough for someone to love the little junior sister!
"Okay, Mr. Long quit!"

Hong Zhuxiang glanced at Long Yuyan gratefully, and she knew that senior brother was the best.

At this moment, the common people didn't know what to say, and they watched the situation in the middle of the island nervously. Two figures, one white and one green, fought against each other, one on this side of the sea of ​​flames, and the other on the other side of the sea of ​​flames.

Suddenly, the two figures stepped onto the copper basins without hesitation, and walked on the peak of the flames. They did not need light work or internal strength, and they just stepped on the flames with bare feet.

The people outside the lake were all shocked, all shocked!Some women couldn't help covering their eyes and didn't dare to look directly at them. More people just opened their mouths wide and looked at the two people who were speeding above the flames on the ring.

Hong Zhuxiang couldn't help turning her head away, tears streaming down her face, until a pair of warm big hands gently held her face, looking at her with distress.

"Xiang'er, didn't you come here for your husband? Isn't it good?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's familiar and gentle voice rang in his ears, and slowly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Hong Zhuxiang immediately stood up and looked Xuanyuan Tianzhan up and down. His feet were intact, not even stained with any ashes. They were white and tender, with a complexion that made women jealous.After watching Xuanyuan Tianzhan, Hong Zhuxiang immediately turned to Murong Rui to see if he was okay!

"Xiang'er, am I okay?" Murong Rui was standing beside Hong Zhuxiang, looking at him. He didn't ignore that the woman's eyes were looking for him immediately after checking Xuanyuan Tianzhan's injuries. Xiang'er In my heart, after all, there is a place for him!
Hong Zhuxiang looked at Yunfeilong with doubts in his eyes.Just as puzzled as Hongzhuxiang, there were also the people in the park. They were stunned when they saw the Regent of Hanhai Kingdom and Emperor Sheng Tian walk over the pot of flames without any harm.

"Does Xiang'er really think that the second brother is such a cruel person? These copper basins are not filled with charcoal, but just flame spars that look like coals. They will emit light like flames. The second brother is also a chance. I found these things in the deep mountain quarry, so I took some back, I’m sorry that my second brother didn’t tell you before, if I told you in advance, I’m afraid it wouldn’t be what it is now.” Yun Feilong patiently explained, not wanting to give himself A bad influence on my sister.

"This flame spar is very strange. It becomes so magical when it is in the sun. When it is in a dark place, the light will weaken. If there is no light, the flame will disappear. Except for the eldest brother and the second brother, everyone I don't know this secret, including brother Zhan and brother Rui." Yun Feihong also stepped forward to explain.

Hong Zhuxiang finally breathed a sigh of relief, but she was still a little annoyed, she couldn't help but glared at Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Murong Rui, she said she would ignore anyone who was disobedient!Hmph... She doesn't care about anyone today!
"The second round of the competition for recruiting relatives, the Regent of Hanhai Kingdom and Emperor Sheng, Murong Rui won!" Yun Feilong announced in a chic and reckless manner.Only then did the common people realize that they were pleasantly surprised. This is really a grand event for recruiting relatives that has never been seen before!

The night wind blows, it is infinitely cool, the man walking alone in the moonlight, he is aimlessly forward, he does not know where to go, the world is so big, where is the home of his Dugu Floating Sword?

Maybe he was a little tired, the man found a dense forest, and leaned against a big tree, he suddenly felt relaxed, a kind of leisure that he had never had before, leaning against the tree trunk, he fell asleep just like that.

I don't know how long it has been.

"Dugu Piaojian, come out!" A loud and angry female voice came, "I know you're inside, you can't hide." Did he think he could get out of the Southwest Palace if he wanted to?

Murong Qing'er's face changed so much that people couldn't see her real face clearly, but the stern tone was enough to make people guess that she was in a very bad mood right now.

Dozens of black shadows surrounded him, the long sword in his hand gleamed silvery under the moonlight, it was cold and gloomy, at this moment, Dugu Piaojian had woken up, looked at the woman in front of him coldly, but couldn't see her face clearly. appearance.

He really wanted to tear off that mask and see what kind of heart was under the mask?

When I was young, those beautiful and innocent memories have long been deeply imprinted in my mind. Now, those deep memories are shattered bit by bit by coldness and ruthlessness. After completing the last task, he never wants to step into the place where he grew up. The largest place is called the Southwest Palace.

The man held the sword horizontally, folded his hands together, and stood tall and straight with a proud figure. The aura on his body also changed from the original lazy and leisurely, to cold. He no longer has anything to do with the Southwest Palace. stop him.

"What else is there?" The indifferent and alienated tone carried an insurmountable distance.Murong Qing'er couldn't help but gasped, feeling unwilling, it was only a few days, could he talk to her with such a cold face?
The two are facing each other, but they have different moods. The former Murong Qing'er's disposition of letting nature take its course has long since disappeared without a trace, and now Dugu Piaojian no longer has the same mood as before.

"Did you smell a fragrance on your body?" Murong Qing'er asked suddenly.


"Then do you feel dizzy?" Murong Qing'er asked again.

"You poisoned me?" Dugu Piaojian trembled all over, only then realized that his legs and feet were a little weak, he thought it was because he was tired, but it turned out that Murong Qing'er poisoned him.

"Tie up Dugu Piaojian." Murong Qing'er gave an order, her voice was icy cold, as if this was not the man who used to protect her wholeheartedly.

The surrounding guards immediately surrounded him, as if standing in front of him was not the supreme expert they were usually afraid of, but just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.Dugu Piaojian was cold physically and mentally, and an unprecedented anger came to his heart. Murong Qing'er poisoned him, was it her own idea, or the idea of ​​the Southwest King?

"It's up to you!?" Thinking that Dugu Piaojian has few opponents in the world, how can these guards stand against him?

(End of this chapter)

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