Chapter 346 The Plan Failed (2)
The long sword in his hand was out of its sheath, and before his consciousness lost consciousness, the sharp light scattered in an instant. Even under the moonlight, it was very cold. One step later, he stared vigilantly at Dugu Piaojian whose vision was gradually blurring.

Dugu Piaojian's head became more and more confused, the properties of the medicine became more and more difficult to control, and his hands and feet were not able to use his strength. The man's sword leaned on the ground to support himself. There were several stiff corpses lying on the ground, and the air was filled with blood.

Suddenly, a pair of soft little hands emerged from the woods, supporting his arm.Dong Luo followed Murong Qing'er all the time, she had a faint feeling that something bad was about to happen, but she didn't expect that it was Murong Qing'er who wanted to kill her Brother Piaojian, she said that this woman had never had any good intentions.

"Brother Piaojian, Dongluo will protect you!" The woman's soft voice came, like jelly, cool and smooth, giving people a very comfortable feeling, "Brother Piaojian, eat this."

There was an extra pill in Dongluo's hand, and he put it near the man's mouth. Dugu Piaojian frowned slightly, but obediently took it. In the whole world, only this silly girl would not harm him.

"Who asked you to come?" The man scolded in a low voice, but the concern in his tone couldn't be concealed.

"So you guys have been colluding for a long time. I said why do you treat me more and more badly? Hmph..." Murong Qing'er blamed me for no reason, making Dong Luo jump in anger, but Brother Piaojian refused to let me go. she talks.

"You're right, we've been together a long time ago." The man's cold voice had no warmth, but it was especially harsh to Murong Qing'er's ears.

Dong Luo's eyes lit up, Brother Piaojian actually said that they were already together, even if he said it to anger Murong Qing'er, she was willing to listen, at least Brother Piaojian would not push her away anymore.

"Catch Dugu Piaojian and kill this woman." Murong Qing'er sneered, and swung a fierce gesture, the guards rushed forward again.

Dozens of people surrounded the two of them, obviously a large number of people.

Dugu Piaojian took Dongluo's elixir, and his head didn't feel so dizzy, but his body strength didn't recover much. Although Dongluo was good at lightness skills, his martial arts were suffocating three-legged cat kung fu.

After a fight, the two were soon at a disadvantage, and Dugu Piaojian was cut mercilessly by the sword, and blood flowed down his clothes, sticky and sticky, onto Dongluo's hands.

"Brother Piaojian, how are you?" Dong Luo's whole heart was shaking, she didn't want Brother Piaojian to die, no, they just met each other.

"Kill that woman." Murong Qing'er ordered again.Dugu Piaojian obviously couldn't hold on anymore, even if he tried his best to protect that woman, she would kill her.

There was a sudden "whoosh" in the forest, and the neck of the guard holding the big knife turned red, and he only let out an "uh" before falling to the ground.Murong Qing'er was startled, and in the blink of an eye, she saw the guards fell in front of her one by one, but he hadn't seen the movement around them clearly, they were all masters secretly trained by the Southwest Palace!

"Hehe... Even killing my childhood sweetheart's elder brother, how heartless! Thinking back, Princess Qing was trapped in the cage of the palace, and it seemed that the world-renowned Mr. Piaojian rescued her. Now her benefactor is being chased and killed. What a shame! There is no reason!" Hongzhuxiang's voice slowly came from a distance, with a hint of sarcasm, a hint of joking, and a little coldness.

She hates those people who take advantage of the people around her and don't take people who are good to her seriously. When she was in Heishuiya, she felt that Murong Qing'er would change, but she didn't expect that she could change to Dugu Piao The sword strikes.

Back then, where there was Murong Qing'er, there was Dugu Piaojian. The friendship from childhood to adulthood, what did they get in the end?
"Hongzhuxiang, why are you here?" Murong Qing'er asked suspiciously.

Shouldn't she have been poisoned by Piao Jian's body?In other words, the plan has been exposed, and the masters who were ambushing in Nanyue Kingdom were also wiped out.That was the killer she carefully cultivated, and it was solved by Hong Zhuxiang just like that.

"Am I so easy to kill?" As soon as the words fell, a woman in fluttering white clothes fell to the ground, and bright torches lit up around her instantly, and the situation of the entire forest was clear at a glance.

Only then did Murong Qing'er see clearly that not only Red Bamboo Fragrance, but also Xuanyuan Tianzhan, and Brother Murong, whom she had been thinking about day and night, came here. Brother Murong saw everything she did ?No, she's not a bad woman, she just can't get used to Hong Zhuxiang clearly having her own lover, but still being loved so wholeheartedly by Brother Murong.

Once a person's mind is possessed, nothing will help.

In Murong Qing'er's eyes, all of this was Hong Zhuxiang's fault, because of Hong Zhuxiang, her relationship with Big Brother Murong became weaker, and finally gradually alienated, until now, she feels that she can't touch him anymore.

The most irritating thing is that among the paintings and calligraphy collected by her father, there is a woman who looks almost exactly the same as Hong Zhuxiang. She knows that she is a woman who will always live in her father's heart, and even her mother can't compare to that position.She was so shocked that she accidentally smudged a corner of the painting, and just happened to be discovered by her father, who was about to beat her!

The pain of that slap brought her hatred, deep hatred.Hong Zhuxiang and her mother are both beauties, and sooner or later she will harm Brother Murong, and she wants to prevent this tragedy.

Yes, this is the ultimate reason for her doing all this, Murong Qing'er thought so.

"Ah Zhan, give Dugu Piaojian an antidote." Hong Zhuxiang said to Xuanyuan Tianzhan seeing that Dugu Piaojian was about to lose his hold.


"Yes, lord." Wuying quickly came to Dugu Piaojian, took out a porcelain bottle, Dongluo glanced at the red bamboo fragrance gratefully, took out one and gave it to Dugu Piaojian.

Princess Nanyue Kingdom is really a good person, how can Murong Qing'er compare to a woman like her? !

Hong Zhuxiang dodged and tore off the mask on Murong Qing'er's face, revealing a familiar face on her otherwise ordinary face. Murong Qing'er's expression darkened, and she raised her head in a panic, just in time to see the disappointment flashing in Murong Rui's eyes.

"Brother Murong, I... I didn't do anything."

"Heh... I also feel that I didn't do anything. Wu Ying asked someone to pack Princess Murong Qing'er and throw him back to the Southwest Palace, and warned the Southwest King to take care of his daughter and poison Princess Nanyue." Sin, I'm afraid he won't be responsible for it."

After Hongzhuxiang finished speaking, Wuying immediately waved to the people from Wuyuelou to come out, and in the blink of an eye, Murong Qing'er was tightly tied up and carried away, leaving only the sound of sobbing.

"Miss Dong, you can take this young master away." Hong Zhuxiang said with a smile, "The rest of the Southwest Palace's people, let them be killed!"

(End of this chapter)

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