Chapter 347
"Thank you princess!" Dongluo looked at Hongzhuxiang gratefully, and left with Dugu Piaojian.There was guilt in the man's eyes. Although he didn't know that he was poisoned, it was because of him after all.

"Piaojian owes the princess a life!" The man turned around suddenly and said sincerely to Hongzhuxiang.

"No need, you don't owe me anything, this incident also involves me, I'm just solving my own affairs. Besides, you never thought of poisoning me." Hong Zhuxiang replied, and Xuanyuan Tian Zhan and others left quickly, and soon disappeared into the woods.

Dugu Piaojian stood there in a daze for a long time before he came back to his senses and left with Dongluo.

"Xiang'er really knows how to buy people's hearts?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan praised without hesitation.

"That's right... Hahaha! Xiang'er thinks so too." The woman said with a smile on her face.The two of them were fighting and chasing the moon at night. They were so happy. No matter how much wind and rain there is in front of them, they should look at life with a smile and enjoy every moment of happiness.

May 28th, this is a day that everyone will never forget. Today, the final battle of the third level of the Nanyue Kingdom's princess marriage ceremony is about to start.The common people gathered at the scene early, and the Imperial City Park was bustling like never before. Many people even came to the park before dawn, just to choose a better viewing angle.

Whether it is the first level of finding the princess's hair from thousands of hairs, or the second level of passing through the sea of ​​flames, they are all unexpectedly exciting. The third level, needless to say, is also unprecedentedly shocking.

After what happened to Murong Qing'er yesterday, Hong Zhuxiang was not in a bad mood, but was unusually relaxed. She was dressed in white, with layers of beaded gauze, and the aqua blue embellishment was smart and gentle, which further brought out the noble and elegant temperament of the whole person.

"The princess is so beautiful!" An admiration came from the crowd, which attracted everyone's approval.

"Yeah, even fairies can't compare."

"I don't know who can marry the princess between King Zhan and Emperor Sheng Tian?"

"King Zhan has always been domineering, but I guess Emperor Sheng Tian is also very powerful."

Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Murong Rui sat on both sides of the red bamboo fragrance, like two handsome gods, one in a white robe, the other in a fluttering green shirt, with gentle eyebrows and eyes in every gesture.

There is rarely such a warm atmosphere among the three of them. Xuanyuan Tianzhan has never waited to see Murong Rui, and Murong Rui has always looked indifferent towards Xuanyuan Tianzhan. Now this harmonious picture makes people feel warm no matter how you look at it.

Yun Feilong looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Murong Rui from a distance, and there was a flash of interest in his eyes. These two most powerful figures in the world today gathered together for his sister. It's really rare. Of the two of them, who will compete?

"Everyone, today is the final battle of the marriage recruitment ceremony. Only the regent Xuanyuan Tianzhan of Hanhai Kingdom and the emperor Murong Rui of Shengtian are left to participate in the marriage recruitment ceremony. We will choose the strongest one among them." , the one who wins will be able to marry the princess. Therefore, the title of this round of competition is——Strong to fight."

Under the golden sunlight, Yun Feilong's whole body was glowing. He stood in front of the ring, with golden silk embroidered cloud patterns glowing with ancient and mysterious colors, as if he was about to fly into the sky and connect with the swimming clouds.

As soon as Yun Feilong said this, the eyes of some martial arts masters immediately lit up. They had long wanted to see King Zhan's expression, and also wanted to see who was stronger between these two legendary figures. It is full of reverie.

Hong Zhuxiang's face turned dark immediately, why didn't she know that his second brother was so black-bellied, let Ah Zhan and Rui fight, to put it bluntly, it was a fight?Isn't this a clear way to give people a chance to beat someone up?They didn't like each other in the first place, but now the second brother is good, providing them with an excellent opportunity to vent their anger in an open and honest manner.

The corner of Xuanyuan Tianzhan's lips curled up, and he took the lead to stand on the ring, looking at Murong Rui provocatively, this handsome posture caused the women by the lake to wave and scream.The man ignored it, staring straight at Hongzhuxiang's bright pupils.

"Xiang'er, do you want to reward your husband with a kiss?" The man's nice voice came, charming.

Hong Zhuxiang couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and directly ignored what Xuanyuan Tianzhan said, but the common people were so shocked that their eyes dropped, King Zhan really dotes on the princess!
Murong Rui got up, gave Hong Zhuxiang a smile, walked slowly into the center of the ring, and stood facing Xuanyuan Tianzhan.In an instant, two strong rays of light jumped out from the eyes of the two, and the momentum around the ring skyrocketed, and the red colored silk flew up in an instant, dancing wildly.

Hong Zhuxiang felt the strong air pressure between the two, and she was very worried. No matter who wins or loses, it is not the result she wants to see. According to past experience, Rui can't beat Ah Zhan, but today , She always felt that something unexpected would happen.

Yun Feilong was very leisurely, he walked out of the ring slowly, walked to Hong Zhuxiang and sat down, and said comfortingly: "Sister, don't worry, brother will stop in due course."

"You would yell to stop, but you are afraid they won't be able to stop." Hong Zhuxiang said angrily.

I don't know how long the resentment and dissatisfaction have been harbored between the two. They were always afraid of her embarrassment, and they never fought. Today, it is rare to have such an open and aboveboard opportunity, and they have to fight until they die.

Yun Feilong pursed his lips and said nothing, his eyes fixed on the center of the ring.

The eyes of the people were also tightly locked on to the two figures, as if they were afraid of missing some wonderful scene, and those martial arts masters all stared wide-eyed, staring at the direction of the ring without moving.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's hands condensed the inner strength, gathered the aura of all things in the world, and a ball of silvery white light came out from the palm of his hand. Slowly, the man's body was surrounded by a dazzling halo, the surrounding lake began to stir gently, and the breeze blew more and more. bigger.On a day in May, the common people felt a bit of chilly wind.

"Longteng Gathering Spirits?!" a person shouted in shock.

"My God, it's really the legendary Dragon Gathering Spirits!"

"Being able to see the secret in the legend, this life and death will be without regret."

"The Emperor Sheng Tian must not be the opponent of Prince Zhan."

Murong Rui's expression remained unchanged, he stretched out his sleeves, and an invisible sword came out out of thin air in his hand. He was dressed in green, no matter how he looked, he was a gentle and unrestrained man, but at this moment, he exuded the same domineering aura as Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

Everyone was startled that the thunderous tactics of the third prince of Shengtian had overwhelmed the entire Shengtian Dynasty, and even an insidious and cunning person like the prince could be subdued by him, and finally he could take power. How could such a man be just a gentle and gentle man? Son?

Suddenly, Xuanyuan Tianzhan made a strong move, and a threatening white light flew out, directly hitting Murong Rui's heart, the speed was so fast that ordinary people had no time to see it clearly, and martial arts masters only saw the white light flashing past.

(End of this chapter)

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