The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 349 Murong Rui Was Hacked

Chapter 349 Murong Rui Was Hacked (1)
"Ouyang Ren never lied." Facing Emperor Nanyue's suspicion, the man replied again, since he was humiliated in the ice and snow of the canyon last time, he was determined to heal her face.

"Okay! How long will it take Mr. Ouyang?"

"Three months!"

"If that's the case, please trouble Mr. Ouyang. If Mr. Ouyang can cure Bing'er, Yun Tianxiang will definitely thank you with a lot of money." Yun Tianxiang glanced at Ouyang Ren meaningfully and said with a smile.

"Okay!" A word spit out from the mouth, without extra emotion.

The two spoke very little, as if they were born with nothing to say. Seeing the happiness in Han Bingxue's eyes, Ouyang Ren had no regrets. The stone in his heart was finally let go, and his mood was unprecedentedly relaxed.

However, the middle-aged man was a little puzzled, could it be that his previous feeling for Han Bingxue was love?If it is, he would rather not have it for the rest of his life.

Or maybe, he just likes the kind of woman who is quiet, kind, and gentle as water no matter what.

Hong Zhuxiang was exhausted from torment, when she woke up and opened her eyes, Xuanyuan Tianzhan was no longer around her, she suddenly remembered that Murong Rui was still in a coma, panicked in her heart, immediately put on her clothes, He searched for the door and went out.

When she opened the door and saw the scene outside, she was shocked. Ah Zhan was actually delivering Rui to heal his wounds?Well, what a duplicitous guy, she still remembers when she was in love, in a daze, the man said that the person she hated the most in her life was Murong Rui, she wished she could peel his skin and stretch his tendons, but now she was only thinking about it It is really touching to heal his wounds.

Wisps of hot air came out of Murong Rui's head, and after that, Xuanyuan Tianzhan took the credit, gave Murong Rui a disgusted look, walked up to Hong Zhuxiang as if asking for credit, and said, "Xiang'er, this is the second time I rescued my husband. Murong Rui, how will you reward me?"

The man put his arms around the woman's slender waist and looked down at her with obvious expectation in his eyes.

"It's none of my business for you to save him?" Hong Zhuxiang gave him a blank look, and ate her up, what reward is she asking for.

"My husband saved Xiang'er because of his face." Xuanyuan Tianzhan said pretending to be wronged.He didn't forget that Xiang'er said that she would feel guilty for the rest of her life when Murong Rui died, and Xuanyuan Tianzhan didn't want his woman to feel guilty for the death of others for the rest of her life.

However, he didn't know about Murong Rui's wounds, but he found that he was seriously injured. If it wasn't for Xuanyuan Tianzhan's action, Murong Rui might have gone to see the King of Hades.

Leng Feng was stunned. King Zhan first injured the emperor and then saved the emperor. This is really a rare thing.He remembered the situation when King Zhan rescued the emperor when he was in Maple Leaf Valley, and the corners of his mouth twitched, for fear that his emperor would say something to scold King Zhan at this moment.

"Take good care of your emperor!" Hong Zhuxiang dropped a sentence, took Xuanyuan Tianzhan's hand and walked out.

"Yes, princess!" Leng Feng replied respectfully.

Murong Rui opened his eyes, just in time to see the backs of the two lovingly leaving hand in hand, in this way, his goal has been achieved, Xiang'er loves Xuanyuan Tianzhan, how could he have the heart to separate them?He loves her, how could he have the heart to take away her happiness?

He knew from the beginning that he was doomed to fail, and besides, he didn't try his best today, he just wanted to tell Xuanyuan Tianzhan that if he dared to abandon Xiang'er or hurt Xiang'er, Murong Rui would stand on his side forever. Behind Hong Zhuxiang!
The sunset pulls down the silhouette, the sky is no longer as hot as the day, and the cool wind blows, giving people a refreshing feeling.Nanyue Kingdom is a country with many mountains and rivers and beautiful scenery.Xuanyuan Tianzhan took Hong Zhuxiang's hand, and the two walked comfortably on the road, with a sweet atmosphere everywhere.

A group of guards were looming, peeking out their heads from time to time, and then suddenly disappeared after being stared at by Wuying who was following behind.

"Ah Zhan, how is your injury?"

"Xiang'er knows that I'm injured?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan stopped in his tracks and looked deeply at the little woman who was a head shorter than him in front of him. He knew that Xiang'er was exquisite, so he couldn't be ignorant of his injury.

"How could I not know?" Hong Zhuxiang looked back at Xuanyuan Tianzhan tenderly, caressing his cheek with her small hand, his skin was not as healthy as other men's, the color of wheat, but the whiteness of Shengxue... thin Pores, soft touch, let people put it down.

"Then you only care about Murong Rui?" The man's tone was sour, but his brows and eyes were soft. He liked and enjoyed Xiang'er touching him like this.But in the arena, Xiang'er kept caring about the fainted Murong Rui, and didn't notice him, which made him extremely upset.

"His injury is much more serious than yours? Besides, he obviously showed mercy to your subordinates." Hong Zhuxiang told the truth that Murong Rui had indeed collected some internal energy in the end, otherwise, it would have caused even greater damage to both sides.

"When did this king need his mercy?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said angrily.Although Murong Rui was indeed merciful, Xuanyuan Tianzhan didn't need it at all. He would rather Murong Rui stay far away and never appear in front of Xiang'er, let alone die in front of Xiang'er. People can't stand it!

God knows, this is the second time Xuanyuan Tianzhan has done such a stupid thing!He actually saved his rival in love for the second time, and even gave him the precious elixir he had finally obtained. He originally wanted to keep it for himself to try.'s that kind of elixir!A schadenfreude flashed in the man's eyes.

Hongzhuxiang couldn't help giving Xuanyuan Tianzhan a blank look, and even showed off the prince's airs, it's really arrogance!However, why does Ah Zhan have such a sneaky expression? !
"Be honest, Ah Zhan, what have you done?" Hong Zhuxiang asked amusedly.However, since Ah Zhan saved Murong Rui, he would definitely not hurt him again.

"Xiang'er, it's nothing, I just gave Murong Rui a little pill to nourish Yang Qi." Xuanyuan Tianzhan raised a big sunflower at the corner of his mouth, and smiled exceptionally brightly. Behind him was the sky full of sunset glow, It reflects his beauty.

"Nourish Yang Qi?" Hong Zhuxiang asked suspiciously.There is no doubt that Ah Zhan saved Murong Rui, but it would be unrealistic to give Murong Rui some elixir to nourish Yang Qi.

It can't be that kind of medicine, can it?Judging from Ah Zhan's expression and his dark history, he is very likely to do such a thing.

"Don't worry, Xiang'er, it's really a tonic." It's just that the tonic is a bit too much, but it doesn't matter, he prepared an "antidote" for Murong Rui that combines Yang Qi.

"Aphrodisiac?" Hong Zhuxiang's face darkened, no matter how much Ah Zhan was insulting Murong Rui, he couldn't do this?Then if Murong Rui was determined not to find a woman, wouldn't it be... It's unimaginable!
(End of this chapter)

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