The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 350 Murong Rui Was Hacked

Chapter 350 Murong Rui Was Hacked (2)
"How could I do such a thing? Am I that sinister?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said solemnly without blushing, without heartbeat, "It just makes him patient and let it pass."

What Xuanyuan Tianzhan said was right, this medicine could indeed be tolerated, but it was extremely unbearable, especially when he saw the "antidote", he couldn't suppress the fire in his heart.He also kindly sent the shadow to guard the gate for Murong Rui, this time, let Murong Rui enjoy the beauty of fish and water, so as to dispel his thoughts of always coveting Xiang'er.

The corners of Hong Zhuxiang's mouth twitched, he was really a man who feared the world would not be chaotic, he offended his second brother by throwing him in a mass grave before, and offended his eldest brother in Hanhai country, now it is estimated that he also offended Murong Rui Totally offended.

As the sky was getting darker, lights lit up on the small lake in Huangcheng Park. In the dark room, there was a low roar, remembering that the cold wind was guarding the door, and a bad premonition rose in my heart.He had seen King Zhan save the emperor before, and there was nothing wrong with it, but this time, why did people think it was not that simple.

"Xuanyuan Tianzhan! You're going too far!" Murong Rui gritted his teeth. He could clearly feel his body expanding continuously, as if there was a hand constantly scratching his heart, which made people feel abnormally irritable.

Hearing the movement in the room, Leng Feng couldn't help but open the door, but it was pitch black inside and he couldn't see anything clearly.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter with you?"

"Get out!" Murong Rui roared angrily.

He is really angry now, never angry before!The cold wind only felt chilly on the back, and a gust of cold air rushed into the heart. The emperor had never been so angry. What happened?
Murong Rui closed his eyes, his mind was full of portraits of red bamboo fragrance, her playfulness, her beauty, her wantonness, her arrogance, every bit of her was recalled in his mind, the man's body It's getting hotter and hotter, it's definitely not the problem of taking a little pill as Xuanyuan Tianzhan said.

But at this time, Murong Rui's angry voice came from outside the door, Xuanyuan Tianzhan was challenging his bottom line!
"Your Majesty Sheng Tian, ​​my king Zhan specially sent a lovely one." The shadow of the person speaking outside the door, Murong Rui instantly wanted to kill someone, and even women were ready for him, Xuanyuan Tianzhan thought Really thoughtful.It's a pity that he, Murong Rui, is not a master who can be bullied by others!
"Cold wind!" A low growl came from the room.

"Your subordinate is here!" Leng Feng looked at the shadow with unfriendly eyes, and answered his emperor's words respectfully in his voice, the atmosphere outside instantly stiffened, and swords were on the verge of breaking out.

"Keep outside and don't let anyone in." Murong Rui said, his voice was somewhat strange but commanded.

After receiving the order, Leng Feng stood at the door like a door god, and other guards also stood with their swords in their arms, blocking Ying Ying and others, but Ying Ying also had an order, and this woman must be sent to Murong Rui's room. will be done!

"What are you going to do, do you want to force your way in?" Leng Feng was furious, these men in black even fought with them in order to send a woman to the emperor's room!
Murong Rui's heart sank, damn it, Leng Feng is no match for Xuanyuan Tianzhan's men, it's God's favor.Xiang'er, if you were here, would you help me?Murong Rui's body became hotter and hotter, and the impulse in his heart gradually became hotter. He imagined that the person he loved the most was by his side, right in front of his eyes.

"Xiang'er..." The man couldn't help chanting the name he missed the most in his heart, and the experience of sharing hardships in Yu Jingxuan kept replaying before his eyes.As if her lingering fragrance still lingers in her chest, her softness...

The cold wind couldn't hold back, the door was opened, a woman was forced in, and then the door was tightly closed again, obviously a fight broke out outside.

The room was very dark, almost nothing could be seen, and the woman was at a loss when she entered.

"I..." A delicate voice spread, irritating Murong Rui's eardrums terribly, obviously, the medicine had already taken effect.

"Stay here, don't do anything, don't listen to anything!" Murong Rui said sharply.

"Well, I see." After the situation outside, the woman probably guessed the cause and effect of the matter. She was just sold to a brothel, and she didn't want to break her body just like that.

However, the voice of the man who tried his best to bear it was really nice, and he must be a handsome and handsome man!
"Cover your ears and close your eyes!"

The woman quickly withdrew her gaze from looking into the darkness, and obediently followed suit...

Murong Rui seemed to look around, and vaguely felt that there was a small room inside. He supported his body and walked forward step by step. After a while, he found the entrance of another room, which was even brighter than this one. It was even darker, and it happened that no one could see it, nor could he see the woman outside, so he could go in and endure it until the effect of the medicine wore off completely.

He, Murong Rui, would never do that kind of thing with a woman he has never even met!He only has Xiang'er in his heart, and his heart and eyes are full of her, and he can't tolerate other women anymore.

"Xiang'er, are you still angry?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan showed [-] martial arts, coaxing the little woman flatteringly.

"Don't be angry, maybe Ruineng has been enlightened because of this." Hong Zhuxiang said casually as if he had suddenly figured it out.

"Yes, yes, I think so too for my husband!" In fact, Xuanyuan Tianzhan didn't have absolute hope, he just wanted to torture Murong Rui, and when he thought of Murong Rui's unbearable appearance, he was very happy.If you dare to compete with him for Xiang'er, you will have to pay a price!

"Then he has to suffer for himself."

The woman in the room peeked out through her fingers, only to realize that the opposite bed was empty, but she vaguely heard a low growl coming from the wall, the sound was like a deep tune, very intoxicating .After a while, the tune became brisk, and a low hum slowly flowed from the original thick score...

"This man is really a gentleman! But who is Xiang'er in his mouth? Is it his beloved woman? Why are they not together?" The woman said to herself, feeling a little lost in her heart!
When the last note ended, Murong Rui lay softly on the bed. He dreamed that he was in love with Xiang'er just now. It was a feeling he had never felt before, beautiful, joyful, and lingering with all his strength.

But, after waking up from the dream, why isn't Xiang'er by my side?The man's dark eyes sank, he shook his head fiercely, the effect of the medicine slowly receded, his rationality was pulled back little by little, it turned out that he had fallen for Xuanyuan Tianzhan's way.

It's true that the man saved his life, but he also ate something he shouldn't eat, it's really disgusting!
When Yin Ying rushed through the door, he saw only a woman sitting at the table with her clothes intact, how could there be Murong Rui's shadow in the room?He opened the secret door and saw that there was nothing inside. Obviously, Murong Rui had already left, but the woman was not moved at all.

(End of this chapter)

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