Chapter 351
God, he actually messed up the prince's affairs!This is the first time... the first time he has done such a thing!However, it failed!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan won the marriage recruitment meeting with a proud attitude and a strong advantage. The people all over the world praised King Zhan overnight, especially Xuanyuan Tianzhan's doting and domineering oath to Hongzhuxiang at the marriage recruitment event. It's even more enviable.

At the same time, the pattern of the Shengtian royal family and even the pattern of the world are constantly changing.

At the beginning of June, Yucheng, the gateway to the east of Shengtian, fell again. This time, it was not the Xiyue Kingdom in the west that captured the city, but a tribe affiliated to the Xiyue Kingdom. What is shocking is that this little tribe that was not named at first , is unknowingly, constantly rising.

In the Shengtian imperial family, Murong Ran, the second prince who is also the prime minister, controls the court, and the general Xue Yang assists in handling state affairs.However, Liu Weihai, who was promoted by Murong Rui, was sent to prison for corruption after Murong Rui left the court. The people of Shengjing were shocked, and the court officials were sacked, and people were panicked for a while.

Besides, in the north, after the failure of Helianbei's rebellion, they once again set their sights on the southwest corner of Shengtian, attempting to join hands with the powerful Southwest King Murong Yangxiong to fight against the imperial court together.Han Bingyu went in and out of the Southwest Palace repeatedly, waiting for an opportunity, but Long Ruhuo infiltrated into Nanyue Kingdom at the same time, trying to win over her son Long Yuyan.

On a cliff, Long Ruhuo and Long Yuyan stood facing each other, the scorching sun shone on Long Ruhuo's frantic face, and his old face looked even more ferocious and terrifying. Unexpectedly, his son, Long Ruhuo, could see something in his eyes. Only a woman, without the slightest desire for power and money.

But he was very curious, where did he get 100 million when he participated in Hongzhuxiang's family recruitment event?

"Nizi, don't forget that I'm your father!" Long Ruhuo's face was full of anger, and he pointed at Long Yuyan with a trembling finger. If he didn't have Long Yuyan's help, if he wanted to be reused by Helian Bei, then It was difficult, but with Long Yuyan's help, Helianbei would agree to give him another chance to control the overall situation.

"Don't remind me of the most shameful thing here!" He knew everything about Master Luoya three years ago. From childhood to adulthood, only Master Xiaoyao Heishui cared about him, and he never had his father Long Ruhuo. .

"You..." Long Ruhuo lost his voice in a panic, his eyes spewed fire, his wings were really stiff, and he dared to talk to his father like this!

"Don't say any more. I, Long Yuyan, am upright and upright. I will never be Helianbei's running dog. I advise you to stay away from these right and wrong, and don't get involved in the vortex of power struggles. Otherwise, one day, you I don’t even know how I died.” After the handsome man finished speaking, he flew down the cliff, leaving behind only the strong momentum behind the wind and the impact of the air waves. How could Long Ruhuo not know that this was naked? threaten.

Long Yuyan left in a hurry, he was afraid that if he stayed with Long Yuyan for a moment longer, he would not be able to help but kill him!He can't do that!
Today, the Nanyue Imperial Palace is particularly lively. It's not a gathering of civil and military officials, it's not the worship of the princes, it's just the emperor's family chatting about the family, as usual.The eunuchs and maids were busy back and forth, with harmonious smiles on their faces.

Yun Tianxiang was smiling all over his face, drinking the fine wine in his cup one cup after another. He should cherish this hard-won happiness.He hasn't felt the feeling that his wife and daughter are by his side for a long time. In the blink of an eye, Xiang'er is going to get married. Time really waits for no one!
"Father-in-law, my son-in-law would like to offer you a toast." Xuanyuan Tianzhan stood up, filled the wine, with a contented smile on his face.

Yun Tianxiang was naturally very satisfied with Xuanyuan Tianzhan, his son-in-law, but at the same time he was reluctant to let his daughter whom he had just met not long ago marry far away from Hanhai Country, and he was filled with emotion for a moment.

Two men like lions kept toasting and discussing the world. Yun Tianxiang was shocked. Xuanyuan Tianzhan's ambition turned out to be the whole world. There are many such men in the world, but they have such confidence and capital Yes, but he has only seen Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

"If you were asked to choose between Jiangshan and Xiang'er, what would you choose?" Yun Tianxiang raised his glass again, but he didn't drink it all down. He looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan with deep eyes that made it difficult to explore.

"Brother Tian, ​​why bother to embarrass the child?" Han Bingxue tugged on Yun Tianxiang's sleeve, and said in a low voice with some complaints.

Tian Zhan is already doing well, he believes that he will be able to take good care of Xiang'er, and that's enough. As for dominance, it is the common dream of all aspiring men, and it is also a pursuit that no man wants to give up.Brother Tian asked this question, how should Tian Zhan answer?

Yun Tianxiang held down his wife's hand and remained silent, still looking deeply at Xuanyuan Tianzhan.I saw——

Xuanyuan Tianzhan smiled, took Hongzhuxiang's hand affectionately, put it on his lips, and kissed earnestly and piously in front of everyone, and then the man's pleasant voice sounded slowly: "Xiang'er is here with me. The position in my heart is unique and irreplaceable, if I have to choose between Xiang'er and Wanli Heshan, I will choose Xiang'er without hesitation."

That sea-like gaze not only fell into the eyes of Hong Zhuxiang, but also fell into the eyes of Yunfeilong who was drinking silently. This gaze is a man's deep love for a woman. He once saw himself in the mirror. There was such affection in his eyes, but later, the person he loved the most became his younger sister, and he was a good brother who would take care of her all his life and send her to marry.

Such an ending is the best!At least it is much better than Murong Rui!
"Okay! Sure enough, he is my good son-in-law! If one day you can completely obtain Shengtian Jiangshan, as well as the Western Region countries to the west of Shengtian, the territory of Nanyue Kingdom will be yours." Yun Tianxiang was very happy , What he said shocked the people present even more.

"Father, you drank too much." Hong Zhuxiang smiled delicately, but was extremely shocked in her heart.

The eldest brother and the second brother are still here, but the father actually said that he would give the country of Nanyue Kingdom to Ah Zhan?It's a bit strange, shouldn't the emperor pass on his ancestral inheritance to his own son?
Xuanyuan Tianzhan saw the seriousness of Emperor Nanyue, the two men seemed to have reached a tacit understanding, they looked at each other and laughed heartily.

"Hahahaha..." The bold and bright laughter instantly filled the entire hall.

"Xiang'er, you are our younger sister, and you are different from other women. My elder brother will always love you, and will always be your dearest person. No matter what decision father makes, elder brother will stand by your side By the side, we brothers and sisters work together and never have two hearts."

"Second brother's heart is the same as that of elder brother." Yun Feilong also stood up and said seriously.

Hong Zhuxiang's heart has long been melted by family affection. She not only has a mother who loves and loves her, but also a father who protects her in everything. The two elder brothers also treat her with deep affection.Maybe it's because she suffered too much in the first half of her life, but now she is extraordinarily happy, her family and love come so suddenly, but they are extremely precious.The three jade cups collided, and from then on, the three brothers and sisters were of one heart, no matter the ends of the world, there was no two hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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