The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 354 The Story Under the Moon

Chapter 354 The Story Under the Moon
What everyone didn't realize was that two people were missing from the hidden guards, they were the two brothers Xiao Bai and Xiao Mo whom Hong Zhuxiang gave them names.When everyone's attention was nervously watching the scene of the battle between their prince and Murong Rui in the sky, the two of them kept watching their princess.

"Damn it! That black-clothed masked man actually took the princess to this kind of place. How can someone as noble as the princess stay in such a place?!" Xiao Bai couldn't help complaining, and said with a dissatisfied face.

"Stop talking, the man in black is very skilled in martial arts, we two are not his opponents, now go and see the princess, in case the man in black comes back later." Xiao Mo looked around and made sure that there was no one there. Come to the gate of the temple.

The door of the ruined temple squeaked, and was opened from the outside. Under the dim candlelight, what caught the eyes of the two was a dilapidated statue with peeling paint leather. On the incense table in front of the Buddha statue, there were even tributes. There are still people visiting such a ruined temple!
Xiao Bai and Xiao Mo searched around the house, and finally set their sights on the weeds in the corner. With the keen perception ability trained by a hidden guard for many years, the two agreed that the weeds were abnormally weird!

Stepping lightly, the two approached the weeds cautiously. Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew from behind, and the two of them froze, and they involuntarily pressed their hands on the sabers around their waists.

The corner of Hong Zhuxiang's mouth curled up into a mischievous smile, and a wave of palms came out. Xiao Bai and Xiao Mo turned around almost at the same time, and waved their swords to meet them, but before they had time to see what the other looked like, they Blown away by the strong air wave, he couldn't open his eyes, and took several steps back.

The two couldn't help sighing, what kind of master is this?

Xiao Bai and Xiao Mo were hit hard, they still wanted to save the princess, but the princess was not rescued, but met a powerful master instead.The two were secretly anxious, but Hong Zhuxiang kept snickering behind their backs, she knew she had read the right person, but she didn't expect that these two foolish boys actually found her, they had some skills.

She was drugged by the man in black, and then quickly snatched her away. Fortunately, she reacted in time and resisted, so she was able to maintain a clear mind.She thought that the man in black was at least going to do something, but he just hid her with weeds. It seemed that the man had to do something else before coming to find her.

But what the man in black didn't expect was that she wasn't stunned at all, and that she was found by these two foolish boys.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew in, Xiao Bai sniffed, and a scent of alpine snow lotus immediately floated into his nose, he was overjoyed, and couldn't help exclaiming: "Princess, is that you?"

Hong Zhuxiang's heart was shocked, she didn't expect Xiao Bai to guess her identity before seeing her, she still didn't make a sound, waiting for the next sentence.

"Xiao Bai, you are crazy, how could it be the princess? The princess won't attack us?" Xiao Mo also reacted instantly, but the words he said had a tentative meaning.

OK!These two brats, still playing with this trick, even tried to test her like acting, a cunning flashed in the woman's eyes, she jumped up and disappeared on the spot.

What Hong Zhuxiang couldn't figure out was, what made them guess so quickly that she was the one who attacked them?

The ruined temple immediately regained its tranquility, and the strong air waves disappeared in the air in an instant. Once the wind blew past, there was nothing left, and it was still the same dilapidated appearance as before.Xiao Bai and Xiao Mo looked back, but there was nothing behind them.

"Impossible, just now I clearly smelled the fragrance of the princess!" Xiao Bai searched around in shock.

"Maybe others will also use that kind of incense?" Xiao Mo said.

"No, only the princess has it. It is a kind of elegant and noble smell of iceberg snow lotus. I have never smelled such a smell except for the princess." Xiao Bai insisted that only his own princess had this smell. Fragrance, his sense of smell has always been very sensitive, there is nothing wrong with it, but, why is there no figure of his own princess in the whole ruined temple?

what on earth is it?

Hongzhuxiang sat leisurely on the beam of the house, watching the two look at each other, her mischievous mind was greatly satisfied, it turned out that they smelled her fragrance just now, but she didn't pay much attention to it, the two The silly boy is quite clever!

"Let's go take a look at that pile of weeds again, I always feel that there is something strange there!" Xiao Mo sensitively sensed that there was something hidden in that pile of weeds, and he was always worried if he didn't go and look.

"En!" Xiao Bai responded, and the two continued to walk towards the pile of weeds!

Seeing the two walking towards the weeds again, Hong Zhuxiang couldn't help but rolled her eyes, there was naturally something in the pile of weeds, but she put them there, and now I can't let these two brats dig them out.Well, she can't continue playing, so she can only come out early!

"Xiao Hei, Xiao Bai!" A friendly and familiar voice came from behind.

Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai stopped in their tracks again, feeling a little uncertain in their hearts, this voice belongs to the princess, right?

Seeing them stop, Hong Zhuxiang thought they were going to turn around, but what she didn't expect was that the two brats stopped for a while and then continued to walk towards the pile of weeds.Red Bamboo Fragrance couldn't help but touch his forehead, is that pile of weeds so magical?
"Xiao Hei, Xiao Bai!" Hongzhu roared loudly, putting his hands on his waist, looking like a bully.

"Princess?!" The two looked at each other in surprise, and turned around quickly. The dazzling red dress instantly came into view. In the dim light, that stunning face was so familiar!
Hong Zhuxiang smiled knowingly, no matter what, she was very happy that these two silly boys found her!Very happy!

"Princess, is it really you?" Xiao Bai was the first to yell, without any trace of hermit's demeanor, uh... alright.Why didn't she, Hongzhuxiang, know that there was such a living treasure figure among Ah Zhan's hidden guards?

"Who is it? Look carefully!" The woman raised her head and rolled her eyes.

"My subordinates will see the princess!" The two of them finally came to their senses, knelt together and clasped their fists together.

Hong Zhuxiang didn't bother to pay attention to their etiquette, so she walked out of the temple with a flick of her sleeves, Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai also stopped being formal, and hurriedly followed out, but the entanglement in their hearts, even the pace of walking was a little anxious, this time Hong Zhuxiang naturally felt the subtle movements.

"What's on your mind?" Hong Zhuxiang turned around, her black eyes fixed on the figures of the two.She had long felt that something was wrong with them, and she didn't know what they were thinking.

"Princess, do you want to send a signal to the prince?" Xiao Mo asked tremblingly.

"Don't!" Why bother with him, he is the one who wants to fight Murong Rui himself, it's good enough for the two of them to fight!She is quiet now!
(End of this chapter)

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