The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 355 His Jealousy Punishment

Chapter 355 His Jealousy Punishment (1)
Wuyue Tower and the hermit guards were looking for the red bamboo fragrance everywhere, but Nanyue Country was so mountainous, it was very laborious to find it. Xuanyuan Tianzhan was going crazy, and the whole cloud was almost turned over by him secretly, but Still did not find the shadow of Hongzhuxiang.

The man's face was gloomy, and he exuded a hostility that he had never seen before. Who on earth snatched Xiang'er?

Calm down, he must be calm!Since there is no one in the city, they must have gone outside the city, but there are so many roads outside the city, which direction is it?

Who are the people who have been active in Nanyue Kingdom recently and who may kidnap Xiang'er?
To be able to act in such a short period of time must be a person with high martial arts skills, so Long Yuyan bears the brunt of it, but Long Yuyan is open and aboveboard, and has a deep affection for Xiang'er, it is absolutely impossible to do such a thing!
It's impossible for Murong Rui to be with him. In this way, there will only be those who have evil intentions!
Then, among the people who were active in Nanyue Kingdom, Xuanyuan Tianzhan suddenly thought of a person, Long Ruhuo, yes, it was probably Long Ruhuo, and the people from Wuyuelou came to report not long ago, saying that the cold ice jade frequently appeared in In the southwestern part of Shengtian, Long Ruhuo sneaked into Nanyue Kingdom secretly. Long Ruhuo practiced evil skills and was very strong in martial arts. Naturally, he was very likely to kidnap Xiang'er!

In this way, Xiang'er is in danger.

Evil work!If a person who practices evil kung fu wants to escape quickly, he must use evil kung fu to mobilize his internal energy, so some clues will definitely be left behind.

Because Xuanyuan Tianzhan's people searched the city, Murong Rui led his people all the way out of Yundu, and the soldiers were divided into four directions to search. Murong Rui personally led his people to the most remote west to chase. He was very lucky. Red Bamboo Xiang was brought to a ruined temple on the West Road by Long Ruhuo!
Under the moonlight, she was sitting on the grass, her red body was still so dazzling, with a smile on her lips, she was talking to the two people around her, she looked very happy!
A bonfire was burning in front of them, and a fat and oily pheasant on the bonfire was exuding fragrance, and the sound of oily sizzling exploded, making people very appetizing.

Murong Rui's heart was constantly churning with fire, and he pressed it into the bottom of his heart over and over again. This should be his Xiang'er, but she is about to become Xuanyuan Tianzhan's princess!Is it God's will?
"Princess, what happened to the mermaid?" Xiao Bai felt sorry for the mermaid in his heart, how could the prince marry another woman and forget about the mermaid?What a heartless man, if he were, he would never forget the mermaid!
"Mermaid..." Hong Zhuxiang just said three words, but when she raised her eyes, she saw a man standing far away. The breeze blew up, and a corner of his green robe was lifted. He was so handsome and gentle. , she must marry Murong Rui, marry this gentle Prince Charming!But in this life, she can only bear his sincerity!
"The mermaid finally forgot about the prince and found a man who loved her very much. From then on, they lived happily together." The woman spoke slowly, always smiling, but her heart was so painful. The bits and pieces of her being together poured out, a little sad, she wanted to make up an ending, make up a perfect ending.

"That's great! I thought the mermaid died of grief." Xiao Mo said thoughtfully.

Yes, the real mermaid not only died of grief, but also turned into a pile of bubbles. Under the golden sun, she could only watch her beloved prince smile gently at other girls from a distance, but the mermaid's love for the prince Love, no regrets!
"Xiang'er is telling a story, I'll listen to it too!" Murong Rui walked over with a smile, and naturally sat beside Hong Zhuxiang, Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai made a step back, but were very dissatisfied in their hearts.

However, what shocked them was that Emperor Shengtian found the concubine one step ahead of the prince, and the two couldn't help but complain a little bit about their prince.

"You also like to hear such childish stories?" Hong Zhuxiang turned her head and asked.

Xiao Bai and Xiao Mo's faces darkened, such a naive story?The princess had a lot of fun telling them just now, but now she said it was a childish story, and they still listened with gusto!Well, they were blackmailed by the princess again, but this is what they are willing to do!

"As long as it's Xiang'er's talk, I like to listen to it." Murong Rui complimented her face very much, his sunny smile was exceptionally bright under the moonlight, extremely sincere, and it was this kind of sincerity that moved Hong Zhuxiang's heart.

"Once upon a time, there were three little pigs. They wanted to build a house. The big pig built a thatched house, the second pig built a wooden house, and the third pig built a brick house..." Hong Zhuxiang coughed lightly and began to talk about the three pigs. The story of little pig, "One day, the big bad wolf came..."

"Cough, cough, heh..." Xiao Bai's voice was weird.

"" Xiao Mo said pretending to be calm.

The two really couldn't calm down anymore. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed that the princess would tell such a story to Admiral Sheng Tian. This is not childish, it is very childish!
The story is indeed childish, it is from a kindergarten book, but——

Murong Rui listened very carefully, and his eyes were soft and doting. He enjoyed Xiang'er's calm voice very much, and he enjoyed the time alone with her even more.

Since having Xuanyuan Tianzhan, almost every time Xiang'er appeared, she was standing by that man's side. This kind of opportunity started a year ago, and she has been far away from him... Now, listening to him without any grievances again, unexpectedly Such a wonderful feeling!

Murong Rui listened very carefully, a feeling of happiness rose from his heart, wishing that time would freeze at this moment forever.

"The big bad wolf was choked by the chimney...hahahahaha!" Xiao Bai and Xiao Mo finally forgot that they were listening to childish stories, they just felt very happy and relaxed like never before!
Through the hazy night, a sharp and sharp gaze looked directly at it, but for a moment, the gaze was instantly restrained, even Hong Zhuxiang and Murong Rui did not notice this flashing golden light.

Wuying looked away from a distance, saw his prince's cold and stiff face, couldn't help shivering, it's been a long time since he was so angry, but what the princess and the others are doing, they are so happy!What's worse is that Murong Rui is sitting next to the concubine, and the two of them are laughing wantonly...

Xuanyuan Tianzhan stood far away, his slender nails unconsciously penetrated into the flesh, he didn't feel any pain at all, he just felt that this scene was a bit dazzling, it turned out that Xiang'er and Murong Rui could be so happy together.

For the first time, he felt the taste of Murong Rui, looking at his beloved woman from a distance, laughing and having fun with other men, without any heart-to-heart with the city, how heartbreaking it was!
However, Xuanyuan Tianzhan ignored that Hong Zhuxiang and Murong Rui were just telling stories.The man's jealousy was overturned, and his eyes were cold.

(End of this chapter)

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