The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 391: Brother and Sister Meet

Chapter 391: Brother and Sister Meet (1)
"That's a good one who will die! Then the little junior sister is impolite, senior brother, look there!" Yun Feixiang pointed with a slender finger, and a banner fluttering in the wind suddenly appeared in the distant mountains, and a mighty army seemed like Like a black dragon, it was heading towards Qingling Mountain.

Qingling Mountain has a relatively high terrain, and you can see the surrounding situation clearly at a glance. It is for this reason that Qingling Mountain has become a battleground for military strategists. When many bandits saw the momentum of the Southwest King's army, their legs immediately became weak , with straight eyes, that is a powerful army!
In the Nanyue Kingdom military camp, several people outside the main tent were discussing something in whispers.Finally, a young major general walked in, and then a deep and deep voice sounded from the tent: "Eldest Young Master, someone reported just now that Second Young Master has gone to Qingling Mountain overnight!"

"What did you say?" Yun Feihong jumped up from the bed as if awakened from a dream. Didn't it be agreed last night that he would go to Qingling Mountain?This kid Feilong actually gave him an ecstasy, looking at the rising sun, Yunfeilong was very anxious, going to Qingling Mountain is extremely dangerous, I'm afraid Feilong is in danger!
"Junior Sister, I'm afraid it won't work? We only have more than 200 people, and they have at least tens of thousands of people! If we attract all their attention, wouldn't it be an ugly death?" Lin Fang showed embarrassment, He didn't want to die so quickly.

"It doesn't matter. With one against fifty, you can deal with the army of the Southwest King." Yun Feixiang glanced at the bandits, and noticed that except for a few of them, the rest of them had ashen expressions.

"Junior Martial Sister, we are all only good at three-legged cat kung fu, we are totally vulnerable, we can still do some small things, it's not that Senior Brother doesn't agree, it's just that we are afraid of delaying Junior Martial Sister's big event!"

Yun Feixiang glanced at Lin Fang sharply. He thought that he would not know his sinful bowels. Such a person is not only old and cunning, but also very unreliable when necessary. It is better to kill him quickly, but at present Lin Fang It's still useful, when Qingling Mountain is captured, it will be the time for Lin Fang's death.

The sad experience told her that it is better to kill unreliable people, and a momentary soft heart will only cause more trouble and harm to everyone.

"Okay, okay, what you have to do is to disturb their sight, have you seen that triangle-shaped place? You lie in ambush there, and when the time is right, light a fire on it!"

"We just need to light the fire?!"

"Yes!" Yun Feixiang nodded affirmatively, and then ordered everyone to act. When everyone heard that they only needed to ignite the fire, they immediately burst into smiles. Tens of thousands of troops are used as bait to provoke the enemy.

Yu Mu glanced at Yun Feixiang strangely. He always felt that things were not that simple. Speaking of which, Yun Feixiang was his senior sister, but the indifference and alienation in her made him give up the idea of ​​getting to know her.He has not been in Heishuiya for a long time, and he is not as thick-skinned as his senior brother, let alone provoke his senior sister at will.

"General, there are torches burning in front, so the enemy army has arrived, right?" the Southwest King's army marched not far from Qingling Mountain, when a young general suddenly pointed to the fire halfway up the mountain and exclaimed.The eyes of the army gathered on the thick smoke halfway up the mountain, and they were full of doubts.

"Besides, there is smoke everywhere on Qingling Mountain. The enemy must have arrived one step ahead of us. General, what should we do now? If the enemy occupies a favorable terrain, it will be very disadvantageous to us!" The little general said worriedly. .

When the leading general saw thick smoke rising everywhere, he couldn't help but feel puzzled, and couldn't make a decision for a while. "General, besides the enemy army, who else is going to light a fire on the mountainside? It's noon now, and the enemy army must be lighting a fire for cooking!"

At this moment, some depressive exclamations suddenly came from the mountain, and then the billowing smoke slowly extinguished, and the enemy on the middle of the mountain suddenly became silent. It seems that the enemy army discovered them and immediately extinguished the fire. It's just too late, the enemy's whereabouts have been exposed.

The leading general Yixi, just now he was not sure whether the people on the mountain were the enemy army, but now he is very sure, and couldn't help but excitedly said: "All the generals obey the order, surround the enemy army from the bottom of the mountain, don't let an ant go! "

At this time, the commotion on the mountain was getting louder and louder. It should be the army of Nanyue Kingdom dispatching troops, but the generals under the King of Southwest couldn't figure out why the enemy army came to Qingling Mountain first.

"My lord, it seems that the people of the Southwest King are fighting in front, but I don't know who it is?" The army of Nanyue Kingdom is less than five miles away from Qingling Mountain, and they can clearly see the form of the exchange of fire ahead, but everyone I don't know why, and I don't know what to do for a while?
"Who cares who he is? We just need to eliminate the troops of the Southwest King!"

"But we don't know whether the people who are fighting with the Southwest King's army are enemies or friends. Why don't we just sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and wait and see the outcome!"

"You kid is really cunning! But if the Southwest King's army wins, wouldn't it boost morale? When they fight our army again, they will definitely have a certain advantage!"

At this time, a spy came to report: "General Qi, we have found out that the army of the King of Southwest is concentrating on attacking an army of unknown origin on the mountain!"

After receiving the letter from the spies, Yun Feilong's eyes lit up. This time, God helped him in Nanyue Kingdom. The army that appeared out of nowhere was their savior!

"The four-way army listened to the order and approached Qingling Mountain from all directions, echoing the army on the mountain. We attacked the army of the Southwest King from behind. We must wipe out all the enemies and take Qingling Mountain!" Yun Feilong immediately ordered All the officers and men had no objection to the order, and all marched towards Qingling Mountain in four directions.

"It's not good, General, there is no one on the mountainside!" One person exclaimed.The Southwest King's army marched to the middle of the mountain, but found that there were burnt haystacks everywhere, but there was no one around. Everyone was shocked and shocked, but at this moment they heard the sound of shouts from the foot of the mountain. .

"General Cai Heng, the soldiers of our army must have been ambushed at the foot of the mountain. We should hurry down to rescue them!"

"Even if we go down now, it's too late. Didn't you hear the roar of killing? Are they all the war drums of the Nanyue Kingdom?" The man's opinion was immediately refuted, and a sharp voice pierced my ears, accompanied by a hint of fear. , The soldiers couldn't make up their minds for a while.

"Then what should we do?" Some impatient generals yelled out loud, "This won't work, and that won't work. Are we waiting to die here?" Already surrounded, enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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