The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 392: Brother and Sister Meet

Chapter 392: Brother and Sister Meet (2)
"We save our strength and wait for reinforcements!"

"It's better to go down the mountain and fight to the death with the army of Nanyue Kingdom!"

"Stop, don't you listen to the general's order? The general hasn't spoken yet!"

"General Cai Heng, what are you talking about? If we are surrounded by groups and reinforcements don't arrive for a long time, what should we do?"

The generals of the Southwest King unexpectedly had all kinds of unprecedented quarrels at this moment. Everyone held their own opinions, and no one could persuade the other. Finally, they looked at Cai Heng, who had always had a gloomy face.

Cai Heng looked slowly into the distance, and then said calmly: "Don't worry, Mr. Ouyang has thought of this a long time ago, reinforcements will come soon, as long as we don't act rashly, hold this position, and don't let the South The army of the Moon Kingdom can take advantage of it!"

When the soldiers heard that there were reinforcements, they immediately cheered and jumped with excitement!At the same time, the bandits who were with Yun Feixiang were faintly worried about their own lives. After all, the enemy was numerous and powerful, and they were professionally trained troops. The opponents of the army under the Southwest Palace.

"Women, if they have been waiting on the mountain, what should we do? I think they just didn't find us because of the tension at the bottom of the mountain, but when they calm down, they will definitely send people around to search for us. Are we going to go all the way to the top of the mountain? Do you want to run?" I'm afraid that when I reach the top of the mountain, I won't be able to run!

Yun Feixiang glanced lightly at the bandits behind her. Although they had just worked as coolies, it didn't mean that their previous criminal deeds could be written off. Most of these people were greedy for life and afraid of death, without any sense of justice. Well, today, she gave everyone a chance to start a new life. As for whether they can seize this opportunity, it depends on them.

Yun Feixiang raised her eyebrows and smiled, her cherry lips parted slightly, her skin glowed white and slightly rosy, and said slowly: "Your lives are in your own hands, if you can find ways to escape from the encirclement of the enemy Go, from now on, you will be included in the army of the Nanyue Kingdom, and you will no longer be bandits. The accusation of being a bandit is buried in the dust, no one will remember you, I only give you this chance, whether it is life or death, honor or disgrace, it all depends on your own performance."

"Master! The Southwest King's army has started to search." Qin Mingzhu interrupted suddenly, and Yun Feixiang nodded, indicating that he already knew.

"I'm drawing the attention of the army to this side. You all take advantage of the chaos from the south to break out of the encirclement. Of course, there will definitely be people from the King of Southwest who will find your tracks along the way. How do you escape from their hands? , That's your own business." Yun Feixiang glanced at the bandits with indifferent eyes, a looming cold light in her eyes carried a frightening coldness, like an extremely cold ice knife, exuding the coldness all the time breath.

"Little sister, senior brother stays with you to attract the attention of the enemy." Lin Fang stood up suddenly, showing his loyalty firmly. Everyone looked at Lin Fang in astonishment and admiration. Lin Fang always paid the most attention to his own self. Life is safe, how can you be willing to risk yourself at this moment to attract the attention of the enemy?
After so many things, Yun Feixiang's heart has become indifferent. Does Lin Fang really think that she is still the little girl who didn't know the world?Lin Fang thought about her high martial arts skills, and he would be able to go down the mountain safely with her. Indeed, she could fly directly from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain with a little effort, but she would never take Lin Fang with her.

"You also only have one chance. If you can't escape, I won't care about your life!" Yun Feixiang said coldly, and also dismissed other people who had the same idea.They are not stupid, but they shouldn't take her for a fool!
A group of bandits were stunned for a moment. Under Yun Feixiang's threatening eyes, they hurriedly ran towards the south direction quietly. Everyone was trying to escape, but Yu Mu sat motionless on the spot, and Yun Feixiang swept towards this beautiful woman. In fact, she has noticed that he is different from ordinary bandits, but now that he doesn't leave, what is his intention?

"Why don't you run?" Yun Feixiang asked with a cold face.

"Senior sister, I am also from Heishuiya, but I only stayed in Heishuiya for less than half a year. Later, Heishuiya fell, and I ran away with Brother Lin Fang. At that time, I didn't understand anything, and I didn't know What should I do, but now I don't want to be a bandit, please give me a chance to be a man again." Yu Mu said with incomparable sincerity, determination flashed in his clear eyes, and there was a trace of pain and regret.

"Didn't I give you a chance just now? As long as you escape from the enemy, you can start a new life." Yun Feixiang's face was still cold, but Yu Mu felt a little warmth.

"Senior Sister is a good person. Although Yu Mu is not talented, he still knows how to be a three-legged cat. Maybe I can protect Senior Sister." Yu Mu blushed a little. He really wanted to do something, and he wanted to do something sincerely.

"Hehe..." Yun Feixiang smiled faintly, but she didn't want to chase Yu Mu away anymore, guessing that the bandits had almost reached the south, Yun Feixiang suddenly exerted strength with both hands, and a huge tree trunk fell down , the mountainside was shaken, and the army of the Southwest King was even more shocked, and they all looked like they were facing an enemy.

The army gathered quickly and came towards Yun Feixiang. Although there were still soldiers guarding the pass, the guards were not as strict as before. This was really a good opportunity for the bandits to escape down the mountain.

Yun Feixiang and Qin Mingzhu continued to make noise, Yu Mu's eyes widened in disbelief, and under his blushing, he actually overturned a few trees with his own strength, but they were all small trees. The tree I toppled was not at the same level as the tree toppled by my senior sister and Miss Mingzhu. I couldn't help but look more rosy and cute, and secretly made up my mind to practice hard.

"Idiot, hurry up and run up the mountain, waiting for the enemy to catch you!" Mingzhu yelled at Yu Mu, and rushed up the mountain quickly, the people of the Southwest King were in a daze, searching for the powerful enemy , but what puzzled them was that they found nothing at all.

"General, there are fighting sounds from the south!"

"Too bad, we have fallen into the enemy's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain. The enemy must be planning to break out from the encirclement from the south!"

"Who said we are planning to break out from the south, we are clearly planning to break out from the east!" Just when the Southwest King's soldiers were about to chase to the south checkpoint, a provocative voice suddenly came from the top of the mountain, and the voice was actually a woman The voice made everyone instantly angry. There are women in the enemy army. This is simply a naked humiliation to them!

(End of this chapter)

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