The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 399 Approaching Hengyang, discussing military situation

Chapter 399 Approaching Hengyang, discussing military situation (1)
"Junior Martial Sister, you are so powerful. These people can't rush down the mountain at all. Look at how intense the fire is, and the whole mountain can be scorched. Only Junior Martial Sister can think of such a plan." Fang's flattering voice came, he was already a young general now, once he told people in Nanyue Kingdom that he was the princess' senior brother, those people would not give him face.

Yun Feixiang looked at the clothes on Lin Fang's body. He was one level higher than the other bandits who came down from the mountain together. It seemed that he had a lot of talk with Yun Lin.

On the other hand, Yu Mu, wearing the clothes of an ordinary soldier, stood up straight, but he still looked like a soldier. His expression looked a little melancholy, as if he couldn't accept the situation in front of him, he really was an idiot!
"Princess!" Yu Mu is very disciplined, he doesn't want everyone to look at him differently because he is the princess' junior, and the princess doesn't seem to recognize him as a junior.He must perform well, and rely on his own efforts to advance to the official position step by step, so that the senior sisters will look at him with admiration!
"Well, are you still used to it?" Yun Feixiang asked with a faint smile.Her eyes were neither cold nor warm, without any warmth, nor any displeasure, just so indifferent, as if seeing everything empty.

"I'm still used to it!" Yu Mu grinned, he was a full-fledged sunny boy, but his figure was a little thin and he needed more exercise.

Seeing Lin Fang and Yu Mu not leaving for a long time, Yun Feilong secretly winked at Yun Lin, and immediately, a voice came: "Lin Fang, Yu Mu, go over there and have a look!"

"Yes, General Yun!" Both Lin Fang and Yu Mu behaved well. Although Lin felt very disdainful towards Yun Lin in his heart, he was still afraid of Yun Feixiang, let alone make trouble in front of her.

Although he called Junior Sister on his lips, he knew in his heart that if he did something that violated Yun Feixiang's bottom line, she would kill him mercilessly. The innocent little girl of Shuiya is no longer the woman who always showed mercy to the enemy two years ago.

Now her heart is as cold as ice, and she looks at the world with indifference. A woman points out the country and makes suggestions, even more powerful than a man, turning clouds and rain, controlling everything, even his life!Such a woman is awesome!
"Xiang'er, if you encounter such a situation, what should you do?" Yun Feilong kept his eyes on the fire in Qingling Mountain, and his wailing pierced into his eardrums. The bodies of the soldiers fell down with a bang, and almost no one rushed out of the encirclement of the raging fire.

"Second brother, why bother to ask me, there is a cliff behind Qingling Mountain, that's the only way out!" It's a place where the fire can't reach, most of the soldiers don't have martial arts, it's impossible to fly down the mountain like a master, But it is possible to walk on the cliff!

"But as far as the second brother knows, Xiang'er has sent heavy troops to guard there! Is the enemy unable to escape?"

"Second brother is right! You know, when marching and fighting like chess, you have to see at least three moves. A stronger person can see five or six moves, and a master can see ten moves! If it were me, I would not go up the mountain blindly. , even if there are enemy troops on the mountain, just surround them and wait for the enemy's food and grass to run out. Even if you go up the mountain, you should send heavy troops to guard the critical pass, leave a way for yourself, and don't let the enemy cut off your lifeline .”

Yun Feilong was secretly surprised, could it be that Xiang'er has been learning the art of war for the past two years?Otherwise, it is really hard to explain all this. Xiang'er seemed to help him lead the enemy army into the mountain, and then set fire to the enemy army. Nanyue Kingdom easily took down Qingling without a single soldier. Mountain.

"How many steps does Xiang'er think Ouyang Yifei can watch?" Yun Feilong asked thoughtfully.

"Three steps!"

"What about you?" Yun Feilong asked more and more vigorously, which made Yun Feixiang think of Xuanyuan Wangyue. Are these two men of similar age so curious?

"I don't know!" Yun Feixiang raised her eyelids, she is not a god, she just gathers the wisdom of past and present lives, and she really has a lot of research on marching and fighting.

"What about Xuanyuan Tianzhan?"

"Second brother will know after a fight with him." Yun Feixiang looked at Yun Feilong with a smile, successfully saw the resentment and unwillingness in the man's eyes, and successfully made Yun Feilong shut up.

Until the sun set, the flames of Qingling Mountain reflected half of the sky red, and there was no more screams from the mountain, but the smell of burning was tangy in the wind, and a little dust was raised.

"Yun Lin, tell the soldiers to have a good meal and sleep peacefully! Tomorrow we have to get up early and march!" Yun Feixiang directly gave orders to Yun Lin without asking Yun Feilong's opinion, Yun Lin worshiped again Looking at her own princess, she repeatedly said yes!
"Xiang'er, should we prepare to deal with the enemy's reinforcements? According to Ouyang Yifei's rule of playing cards, the reinforcements should arrive soon." The reinforcements have not arrived for so long, Yun Feilong already felt very strange, could it be that the Southwest Palace appeared What happened?
"I'm afraid the Southwest King's reinforcements won't be able to arrive! Let's go to meet the elder brother, the elder brother has probably arrived at the camp of the Chinese army!"

"Brother?" Uh, by the way, he almost forgot that he was the one who marched overnight after pouring the elder brother down. The elder brother must be very worried about him now.

Yun Feixiang patted the dust on his body, walked back, and cleaned up the nearly 5000 troops of the Southwest King without any effort. The soldiers were very happy, and the princess ordered everyone to have a big meal. Their mood is better than ever.

Opening the curtain of the large tent, Yun Feixiang is dressed in men's clothing, which is still specially made of silkworm silk, and is still a bright red color, matching the current simplicity and fashion, the whole person is heroic, with black hair loosely tied, The bangs that hang down on the forehead are even more handsome and elegant than the man's, with outstanding demeanor.

Yun Feihong was obviously taken aback, and stared blankly at the woman in front of him who was only as tall as his shoulders. The woman was looking at him with a smile on her face. Although she knew that Xiang'er was still alive, she was still shocked when she saw Xiang'er in person. , he could even feel obvious changes in her body.

For a moment, Yun Feihong also had this sentence in his heart, experiences make people grow, and Xiang'er has grown up!
"Cough...cough cough..." Yun Feilong outside the curtain couldn't help coughing lightly. I didn't expect that the elder brother would be so embarrassing, but he looked at Xiang'er in a daze. Hearing the voice outside the curtain, Yun Feihong swallowed Drooling, he began to show his signature smile, and said in an excited voice, "Xiang'er, do you miss big brother?"

"Brother says this every time we meet, can you change something creative?" Yun Feixiang walked into the big tent with a smile, and sat casually beside a rough wooden coffee table. Yun Feihong sat down next to each other, brother and sister Talk about everyday life.

"Brother misses you very much!"

"Brother, are mother and father okay?" Thinking of her mother who is far away in Yundu, Yun Feixiang misses her so much, she can't help but sigh softly.

(End of this chapter)

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