The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 400 Approaching Hengyang, discussing military situation

Chapter 400 Approaching Hengyang, discussing military situation (2)
"The concubine mother is very good, and the emperor father is also very good, but the mother misses you very much, she often wipes her face with tears!" Yun Feihong sighed unconsciously, and in the blink of an eye, it has been two years!

"Xiang'er is not filial!" Yun Feixiang felt inexplicably guilty, her mother was the one who treated her best and suffered the most for her in this world, she didn't want her mother to continue to worry about her.

"Mother just misses you very much, she knows you have your own things to do, and mother understands you very well! Don't worry, Xianger, I have my father to accompany my mother." Seeing the guilt suddenly rising in the woman's eyes, Yun Feihong added road.

"Mother has always understood me very well, I am the one who is sorry for her."

"Don't say that, father has long guessed that you are still alive, so mother also knows!"

"Hmph... I'm the only one who doesn't know!" Yun Feilong suddenly lifted the curtain of the big tent and walked in, sitting beside Yun Feihong angrily. younger brother.

Yun Feihong smiled, didn't care much about Yun Feilong's anger, and continued: "Xiang'er, father is really wise, he just analyzed that you are still alive from Xuanyuan Tianzhan's various actions and reactions. My mother and I still don't quite believe it, but my father is very sure, he even said that he can guarantee that you are still alive!"

"Then why didn't the father tell me?" The strong smell of gunpowder rose, and Yun Feilong was so angry that he wanted to go back to Yundu directly to find his father to settle the score.

"Hehe..." The two of them laughed and said nothing, Yun Feilong was even more puzzled by Zhang Er's monk, and his teeth were itching with anger. Suddenly, he seemed to understand it and said to himself, "Father probably thinks that I Too smart, needless to say, you can guess."

Now, both Yun Feixiang and Yun Feihong laughed, they never thought Feilong could be so cute sometimes!Everyone chatted and laughed for a while, and the atmosphere in the big tent became gloomy. After a long time, Yun Feihong finally opened his mouth to mention something that everyone was unwilling to mention.

"Xiang'er, Shengtian and Hanhai Kingdom are at war. Hanhai Kingdom's army has already reached the Tianmen Pass, and if you go east and south, you will be in Shengjing. Brother Zhan personally sits on the front line, veteran Ganlu, Xuanyuan Wangyue, Xiao Tianyue and other up-and-coming stars are also dispatched together, like wolves and tigers..." Yun Feihong said while watching Yun Feixiang's reaction, and she had a calm expression. He didn't appear to be worried, and Yun Feihong's tone couldn't help but drop as he spoke.

"Brother, this is spreading military information to me." Yun Feixiang said with a smile, the clear and pleasant voice filled the tent, which was incompatible with the low atmosphere just now.

"Xiang'er, Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Murong Rui are going to fight to the death after all, brother is worried about you..."

"Xiang'er is just a girl, how can she manage so much? The top priority now is to capture Hengyang, go deep into the hinterland of the Southwest, and go straight to Murong Yangxiong's lair." After the Southwest King is wiped out, she still has to go to Shengjing. The world has been cold-hearted, but he has never been cold-hearted towards the people he cares about the most. It's just that these things don't need to be explained to the elder brother so much.

"Brother, why do you think Xuanyuan Tianzhan didn't take Shengjing too late?" Yun Feilong snorted dissatisfiedly, did the ghost believe that this girl Xiang'er didn't care about the situation of the battle?
"Oh? What do you think of the flying dragon?" Yun Feihong turned his attention to his second brother. Recently, his second brother's ability has been continuously improved, and he has repeatedly made military exploits in the army, which is impressive!
"Can Xuanyuan Tianzhan disregard the relationship between Xiang'er and Murong Rui? Even if Xuanyuan Tianzhan hates Murong Rui to the bone, and Murong Rui also hates Xuanyuan Tianzhan to the bone, they will leave a way out for each other for Xiang'er's sake. If Shengjing falls, how will Murong Rui deal with himself?"

"Apologize with death, or become a prisoner!" Yun Feihong glanced at Yun Feixiang, he really couldn't imagine what would happen if Murong Rui died, or became a prisoner Xianger?
"Besides, Murong Rui is not that easy to fight, and Shengjing is not so easy to fall. The reason why Xuanyuan Tianzhan hit Tianmen Pass so quickly is because of Helian Yufeng's betrayal. Don't forget that Youcheng in the middle of Shengtian There are a lot of soldiers and horses stationed, and the Nantian General Situ Qingfeng in the southern part of Shengtian is a rare good general! Xuanyuan Tianzhan can't swallow this fat piece of meat in Shengtian for a while." Yun Feilong analyzed clearly, As if that was the case.

"Okay okay, big brother and second brother, we are still fighting wars, what do we care about others so much? Yunlin, go and see if Mingzhu is back?!" Yun Feixiang interrupted their conversation, Yun Feilong Both Yun Feihong and Yun Feihong were taken aback, when did Xiang'er become so domineering?This is power!

"Um...yes, princess!" Yunlin admired his princess very much. Not only did the princess lead the enemy to Qingling Mountain, but she also burned all the enemies. In this battle, the enemy was almost wiped out. Now, the princess seems What are you still planning!
The two older brothers, Yun Feihong and Yun Feilong, looked at each other, feeling a sense of frustration, especially Yun Feilong, who immediately drank the tea, but turned red with embarrassment.

Yun Feixiang got the good news from Qin Mingzhu that night that the three thousand reinforcements led by Wang He had been intercepted and killed by the mysterious army ambushing on the way. Mingzhu threw Wang He's head on the ground and returned to her master.

The generals of the Nanyue Kingdom were stunned. Before they heard the news, they had already seen the head of the general of the Southwest King. All of them admired Yun Feixiang instantly, and praised the princess as a heroine. lose boy!
Everyone was still in shock, Yun Feixiang immediately ordered to rest early, marching into Hengyang tomorrow, and must take down Hengyang!Everyone's hearts were even more turbulent, Hengyang, that is a big city, listening to the princess, why is it like picking something out of a pocket?
On the second day, the army marched through Qingling Mountain and headed for Hengyang blatantly. The guard of Hengyang was Wang He's distant cousin Wang Lei. Wang Lei was a fierce general who was very loyal to the Southwest King. The city of Hengyang is solid, and the elite army of the King of Southwest is stationed here. It is really not easy to take down Hengyang.

Three days later, the army finally arrived in Hengyang and was stationed in the suburbs. Yun Feixiang sent a team to the nearest south gate to scold them, and told them not to waste their words, and specifically pointed out that they were against the Southwest King. Unfavorable words strongly stimulated Wang Lei.

"Wang Lei, the Southwest King secretly went to war against the Nanyue Kingdom. He has no court and despises you, the Emperor Sheng. Do you want to follow him?"

"Don't talk nonsense to the thieves!" The anger on the gate of the city was twitching.

"It is obvious to all that the King of Southwest colluded with the Western countries. Why do you still deceive yourself?"

"Wang Lei, my princess said that my Nanyue army is the army of justice! I think you should surrender? Don't engage in insignificant struggles. Ouyang Yifei thinks he is a man of gods, but in the end Qingling Mountain fell into the hands of our princess , what else do you have to be proud of?"

(End of this chapter)

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