The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 402 Xiaolong comes out, Hengyang City is broken

Chapter 402 Xiaolong comes out, Hengyang City is broken (2)
"Miss Mingzhu, how long is 10 minutes?" Seeing Qin Mingzhu standing next to him, Yunlin couldn't help asking curiously.

"The time for half a stick of incense!" Qin Mingzhu replied calmly.

"Ah..." The always calm Yunlin couldn't help but exclaimed, and instantly attracted the attention of many soldiers, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed, his face turned reddish, the princess is too scary, how can the city gate be opened in half a stick of incense? ?It's almost close to the city gate!

It was almost dusk, and the sky was dyed red by the sunset. At the south gate of Hengyang City, a group of soldiers had already counted down the Southwest King. Wang Lei was so angry that he jumped, but he still closed the gate, unmoved.

Suddenly, dust billowed from afar, and the sound of hoofbeats and neighing of horses resounded through the sky above the city tower, followed by a black army of Nanyue coming directly towards the south gate.

"General, it's not good. The army of Nanyue Kingdom has been increasing. This time Yun Feihong came in person." The little general stared nervously at the increasing number of Nanyue troops, feeling a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart.

Wang Lei walked to the edge of the city wall, poked his head out, and saw that sitting on the tall horse was Yun Feihong, who was dressed in cloud white. Is the south gate siege?
"General, we should increase the defenders at the south gate! The enemy army has at least 3 troops. Although we also have 3 troops, they are scattered at various gates, which is really not good for our army!" endlessly.

Wang Lei looked at the gradually darkening sky with a bad complexion. The blood-red sunset was about to be submerged under the mountains. Is the enemy going to attack the city overnight?For a moment, he was also a little confused about the enemy's thoughts. Thinking of Wang He's death, he couldn't help becoming suspicious. Maybe the enemy was just a suspicious soldier, and it might not be that they wanted to attack the city from here.

Judging from the previous battles, the enemy is extremely cunning and will not be as simple as it seems on the surface, but as if to prove that Wang Lei's words are wrong, the army of the Nanyue Kingdom launched an attack without hesitation at this time. attack.

"Come on!" Fire arrows soaring into the sky flew towards the tower, and armored soldiers charged forward step by step with wide and solid shields. Archers stood far away, firing arrows row by row. The soldiers were flustered and hurriedly started to meet the enemy. No one expected that the Nanyue army, who had been scolding all day long, would launch a fierce attack at this moment.

"Damn it, who said that the soldiers of Nanyue Kingdom are vulnerable, General Wang, look at these archers, how can they be as weak as rumors in the army?" A soldier complained.

"Our army only won a few battles with the enemy before, and its tail was up to the sky. Now it's better, and the enemy is pressing against the city wall!"

"That's enough, what are you arguing about? Hurry up to the east gate and west gate to bring in rescuers!" Wang Lei roared angrily. Now it seems that it is impossible not to bring in rescuers.

There was a dull and heavy impact sound from the bottom of the city tower, and the tall solid logs hit the city gate one after another. The army pressed up, and it was a black mass. In the dark night, it looked even more strange and mysterious. , the Nanyue soldiers walking through the night charged bravely, and the arrows with fire shot continuously towards the sky above the city wall. The tall trebuchets threw huge stones towards the tower. The big rock smashed a hole, and his body was smashed to pieces.

In the dark night, the eyes of the Xiaolong team are as hot as electricity. This is the first time they participated in such a large-scale actual battle, and it was also when they showed their skills. She still has confidence in the army!
"Master, the South Gate is already in full swing!" Qin Mingzhu's voice came cautiously from the side.

"En! Let's go!" Yun Feixiang waved his hand, and the people behind him walked through the night like civet cats, scattered and headed towards the tower.

The defenders on the east gate are all pricking up their ears to listen carefully to the movement at the south gate. Everyone is worried. The army of Nanyue Kingdom has concentrated their forces to attack the south gate. General Wang just sent people to take away five thousand soldiers. I really hope that General Wang Can repel the enemy!
A series of hooks and locks were firmly grasped on the city wall, and each of the fit men in black jumped up and down the high city wall. It seemed that everything was going well. Suddenly, in the dark night, a sharp and panicked sound Voice: "There is an enemy sneak attack!"

"There is an enemy sneak attack!"

The soldiers guarding the city panicked and looked down the tower vigilantly. Before they could clearly see the people on the city wall, they first saw the hook and lock hanging on the tower.

"Fire the arrows!" Yun Feixiang ordered, and the carefully selected archers drew their bows at the soldiers on the city wall, and there was a dull cry of pain from the tower.

There was a man who lowered his head to move the hook lock, and wanted to throw the hook lock down the tower, but was surprised to find that no matter how hard he tried, the hook lock did not move. He was shocked and fell to the ground: "There is a ghost! There is a ghost!" what!"

"Damn it, if you keep yelling, I'll kill you!" A man yelled viciously, but the man fell silent for a moment, but seemed to have lost his soul.

Yun Feixiang threw herself towards the source of the voice, and saw a nimble figure approaching the roof of the building. With a single leap, she leaped onto the city wall and killed the shocked defender with a sword.

Sure enough, she was right, Jiang Chuan did not disappoint her. When she first chose him as the leader of the Xiaolong team, she knew that Jiang Chuan would shine one day. This 24-year-old man usually doesn't like to talk, but he does things steadily. , Every time with the determination to win, there is a kind of tenacity and perseverance in the heart that others can't match.

When the soldier moved the hook lock just now, he must have poured his internal force into the hook lock, so that the hook lock would not move at all!Under the cover of Jiang Chuan, other team members boarded the city gate one after another. Under the mutual cover of the archers and Xiaolong members, a hundred or so people quickly climbed up the city wall, and the Xiaolong fighters did not In love with fighting, he ran directly to the bottom of the city tower and opened the city gate.

"Rush!" Yun Feilong, who was waiting in the distance, saw the fire on the tower, waved his spear in his hand, and immediately led the brigade to rush to the east gate. Everyone chanted high-spirited slogans and went straight to the east gate.

"Mingzhu, let the elder brother withdraw his troops and attack from the east gate!" Yun Feixiang's eyes flickered darkly, she could already foresee the victory of this war, only this last step was left, and Hengyang City could not escape from the palm of her hand .

"Yes, master!" Qin Mingzhu's heart was already boiling with enthusiasm, and he rushed towards the south gate with light kung fu.

The gate of the city was wide open, and the defenders of Hengyang City panicked. They threw away their helmets and armor, and fled in all directions. Go to the south gate in the city!

The battle at the South Gate was extremely difficult. There were elite troops from the Southwest King on the city tower, so they couldn't attack for a long time. The soldiers of the Nanyue Kingdom also suffered losses. Wang Lei did not dare to be careless. The performance of the Nanyue Kingdom's army has exceeded his imagination. , so that he dare not have any heart to underestimate the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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