The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 403 Wang Leifu, the villa is in chaos

Chapter 403 Wang Leifu, the villa is in chaos

Suddenly, the army of the Nanyue Kingdom besieged by the south gate withdrew like a tide, which made Wang Lei on the tower dumbfounded. Now is the time of fierce fighting, why did Yun Feihong suddenly withdraw at this time?You know, siege is not easy!

No matter why the enemy army retreated suddenly, the defenders on the tower still breathed a sigh of relief. Only after this battle did they truly realize that the army of the Nanyue Kingdom was not so vulnerable, and they dared not fight again because of a small victory. Just be complacent and arrogant!
But none of them thought that Hengyang City would fall overnight, the flag of Nanyue Kingdom was planted high on the tower, and the woman in red in men's attire stood in front of the tower, looking down on all living beings like a queen, Look down on the world.

"General, a strange army has suddenly appeared in the city and has already occupied the Hengyang city government office!" Another panicked voice came, and the soldiers' hearts were suddenly as cold as gray, and a strong sense of suffocation surged in their chests.

"What?" Wang Lei punched the city wall with a fist, and said regretfully, "We were fooled!"

"General, what shall we do now?" Obviously, other city gates have already been breached, and they were breached within a short period of time, and Yun Feihong's retreating army must have also received the news, from another city gate. The gate is in the city.

"What else can I do? Fight the enemy to the death!" He wanted to meet Yun Feilong and Yun Feihong for a while, Wang Lei said, and took the remaining [-] soldiers to the direction of the Hengyang City Government Office.

When Wang Lei arrived, the gate of the mansion was wide open and no one was guarding it. Wang Lei pondered for a while in doubt, then he ordered the army to surround the mansion, and he rushed in with a group of soldiers.

"Hehe..." A woman's charming voice suddenly came from inside the room, and Wang Lei's heart suddenly burst into flames. He thought it was Yun Feilong or Yun Feihong. , he could also fight to the death with him, but he didn't expect it to be a woman?This made him furious, that is to say, the strange army mentioned by the person who sent the letter turned out to be led by a woman?
A surge of anger suddenly surged in Wang Lei's heart, and all his strength collapsed at this moment. His heart was filled with bitterness, his eyes were bloodshot, but a gentle and cool voice came from the room at this moment: "General Wang, since you are here, please Come in and have a cup of tea!"

Accompanied by the sound, two people walked out of the door. One was dressed in red as bright as blood, with a snow-white complexion and skin like fat jade, but he was dressed in men's clothes. Standing beside her was a man who was also dressed in men's clothes, with dazzling ears. The earrings showed that these two people were clearly two women!

"Princess Nanyue?" Wang Lei asked tentatively. Besides Princess Nanyue, is there any woman who dares to stand proudly in this place?
"General Wang has good eyesight!" Yun Feixiang smiled slightly.

"The princess is good at planning!" Wang Lei suddenly remembered that there were no bones of 5000 people in Qingling Mountain, and the 3 reinforcements brought by his distant cousin were also dealt with quietly. Now she has broken through Hengyang City and the Southwest Palace. There are a total of 8000 horses, and only a few sporadic [-] people are left.

Such a woman can only be described as horror!

The woman on the opposite side smiled sweetly and made a gesture of inviting Wang Lei to come in. Wang Lei was obviously taken aback. Although he was a rough person, Yun Feixiang's demeanor and demeanor convinced him, especially when she was confused. The enemy's methods can be described as unfathomable.

After thinking about it left and right, he raised his legs and walked into the lobby. This place where prisoners are interrogated and cases are adjudicated should have been extraordinarily powerful and sacred, but Wang Lei always felt that this place was unusual when he saw the woman in front of him drinking tea lightly. quiet.

"What does the princess mean?"

"General Wang has two paths, one is to surrender, and the other is to die!"

"Or the third way, I'll kill you!" He, Wang Lei, fought for the Southwest King all his life and made great achievements. How could he surrender to Nanyue Kingdom?

As soon as Wang Lei's words fell, the sound of cold weapons being unsheathed came from all over the high wall. He was shocked in his heart, and his eyes swept around the hidden places. , these people will immediately rush out to punish him on the spot.

"The princess can kill me right now!"

"General Wang has a lot of backbone, but if you die, I'm afraid I can't control you eight thousand brothers who were born and died with you. General Wang's people, it's better for General Wang to watch over himself! Otherwise..." Yun When Feixiang said this, she deliberately paused her tone, presumably Wang Lei already knew what she meant!
The atmosphere became a little gloomy in an instant, and Wang Lei felt even more depressed, but he seemed to see a little hope. Considering the lives of those eight thousand soldiers, his heart sank and he thought of surrendering.

"Why is the princess willing to let us go?" Naturally, Wang Lei would not believe that Yun Feixiang would allow him to surrender so easily, at least he needed to express it.

"It's very simple. Your [-] soldiers will be the vanguard in the next battle. Those who can come back alive are the people of our Nanyue Kingdom, and they will be treated the same as our soldiers."

"The princess is so ambitious!"

"It's just to give General Wang and your soldiers a chance to show your loyalty." Yun Fei took a sip of tea leisurely. If Wang Lei and the Southwest King were not completely turned against each other, how would she know whether Wang Lei would one day What impure thoughts?
Wang Lei took a closer look at Yun Feixiang again, and saw her expression was indifferent, as if she was talking about family affairs, he never thought that a woman who was only in her twenties would have such a plan and guts!
"Wang is willing to do the work of a dog and a horse for the princess!" For some reason, Wang Lei suddenly knelt down on one knee and looked at Yun Feixiang with great admiration.

At this time, Yun Feilong, who had dealt with the remaining forces in the city, happened to walk into the mansion, and just in time to see this scene, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching. Wang Lei, a veteran of the Southwest Palace, actually knelt in front of Xiang'er, which made him, the second brother, feel bad. hit!It's incredible that Xiang'er subdued Wang Lei in such a short period of time.

"Please, General Wang, we are all a family now, why do we have to do such a great gift?" Yun Feixiang smiled, her face was harmless, half of her face was covered by loose hair on her forehead, and her whole body exuded The noble and mysterious atmosphere makes people involuntarily want to surrender.Wang Lei was simply flattered, as if he didn't expect the princess to be so friendly to others.

"Second brother, you came just in time. You came to chat with General Wang. Xiang'er happened to have other things to do." Seeing Yun Feilong coming in, Yun Feixiang immediately threw the rest of the stall to Yun Feilong, and she was busy After several days, now that Hengyang City is broken, they can rest for a while.

Qin Mingzhu couldn't help secretly laughing, no one knew what kind of question the master asked her when the Xiaolong team opened the city gate?The master said, Mingzhu, I heard that the spicy crayfish in Hengyang City is very delicious, this time we can feast on it.Her eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets at that time. When the battle was so fierce, the master was thinking of the spicy crayfish in Hengyang City like a greedy cat.

(End of this chapter)

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