Chapter 404 Free Bodyguard (1)
I don't know why, two years ago, the master still ate light health food all day long, but since the master visited the doctor a year ago, he can often see some red and spicy things on the dinner table.

In the past two years, the master has always taken her by his side no matter where he went. On the contrary, her sister has been in Suizhou and almost never came out. She can feel her great value, and she can also be tempered more.

On the second day, what surprised Yun Feilong and Yun Feihong was that when the three armies were celebrating the victory of the war, their baby sister fell asleep in the room and claimed that no one had been seen. I was too tired to bother her, so I regretted leaving.

On the third day, when the two arrived at the door of Yunfeixiang's room early, they learned from the guard that the princess had already left the house.

"My fellow, may I ask where the crayfish in Hengyang City is the most authentic?" On the street, Yun Feixiang casually asked a fellow for directions.The fellow looked at Yun Feixiang strangely, and then said in Shengtian Southwest's very dialect accent: "Is the young master an outsider?"

"That's right! You can tell it right away." Yun Feixiang said with a slight smile, and then looked at the red dress she was wearing ostentatiously. No wonder the fellow looked at her with such strange eyes?

"Of course the most authentic crayfish is in Wolong Mountain Villa. The crayfish there are plump and tender, and are very popular with rich people in Hengyang City. We ordinary people can't afford it. I think the young master's clothes are extraordinary. You should It is a wealthy family, so I recommend you to go to Wolong Villa, but the recent war, the people are all scared, and I don’t know if Wolong Villa is open, so you can go and have a look.” The fellow said very enthusiastically.

"May I ask how to get to Wolong Villa from my hometown?"

"Go straight to this street, go west when you reach a pharmacy, until you reach a lake, you can see the signboard of Wolong Villa." The fellow pointed out the road in great detail, but found that there were many people Looking at them, the fellow suddenly felt that something was wrong, reminded the young master to be careful, and left in a hurry.

Qin Mingzhu suddenly became more careful, her gaze swept around intentionally or unintentionally, these five big and three rough people wearing ordinary clothes just wanted to find fault, she had to pay more attention to their movements at all times.

Yun Feixiang was in a good mood, and went straight to Wolong Mountain Villa. She had already ordered the army of Nanyue Kingdom not to harass the people. Presumably, the lives of the people have not been affected much, right?Moreover, the main place where the battle was fought was the city tower instead of the city, and the common people were probably just frightened.

As for the tails behind them, let's see what they want to do. "Master, we are being followed." Qin Mingzhu stepped forward and whispered into Yun Feixiang's ear.

Yun Feixiang's expression remained unchanged, and she walked towards Wolong Villa with steady steps, and her tail behind her also walked towards Wolong Villa carelessly, acting blatantly and without any scruples.

Passing through a quiet path, you will see a good place with mountains and water. This is obviously not a natural lake, but this lake has been artificially built, but it is even more beautiful, with koi playing in the water, willows brushing the shore, Very tasty.

"Everyone, please! Please!" A hearty and generous young voice sounded in the lobby, Yun Feixiang heard it from a distance, was this voice vaguely familiar?But she couldn't make a conclusion. When she walked in and took a look, she couldn't help being shocked.

"My lord, please..." The person who came here was stunned before he could say the word, he really didn't expect to see Miss Xiang'er here, it must be more than three years since we left Maple Leaf Valley!Time flies by, and three years are only a snap of the fingers. In the past three years, Maple Leaf Valley has undergone tremendous changes, and Miss Xiang'er seems to have also undergone huge changes. Everything is changing!
"Miss Xiang'er, long time no see!" Ling Yu walked slowly, with a knowing smile on his brows, and the aura of the woman he thought needed to be rescued by himself in the ring was even stronger.

"Mr. Ling, long time no see!" Yun Feixiang smiled back, the slightly immature second young master of the Ling family three years ago has matured and stabilized a lot.

"It's rare that Miss Xiang'er still remembers, can Miss Xiang'er do her a favor and drink a glass of thin wine?"

"No!" Before Yun Feixiang could speak, a domineering voice came, and everyone's eyes instantly focused on Yun Feixiang, and a man said in a rough voice: "She has to drink with us uncles, you This little boy, just stay aside."

Qin Mingzhu's face suddenly darkened, and she stood in front of Yun Feixiang, but when people saw Mingzhu's petite figure, they thought she was a weak master, desperate to fight for her life.

"Looking for death!" A few tall and three-faced men immediately rushed towards Mingzhu. Qin Mingzhu kicked each other without even drawing out his sword.

"Mingzhu, give them a chance to speak!" Yun Feixiang would not say that she could talk to them in a good-tempered manner after being so openly provoked, but she had to solve the root cause of everything. Although these people are vulgar, they are ordinary people , why would they do this?

"Tell me, why do you keep staring at my master?" Qin Mingzhu's eyes flashed coldly, a cold sword lay across the neck of a rough man, the man felt a chill on his neck, and couldn't help shivering all over.

"Hmph! Demon girl of Nanyue Kingdom, stop pretending to be a good person in my Shengtian, isn't it enough that you ruined our family? Don't want to be free and easy in our Shengtian's territory!" Another strong man roared in a rough voice.

Immediately, Yun Feixiang could feel a pair of fiery and hateful eyes staring at her. These people obviously knew her identity in advance, so they would say that she is a witch from the Nanyue Kingdom. These people are ordinary people, but they must Bewitched by those who support the Southwest King.

"If you talk nonsense again, I'll cut off your tongue!" Qin Mingzhu immediately became angry, no one is allowed to be rude to her master!

"Come here, please get these objective people out." Ling Yu could also see that these people were obviously here to find fault on purpose. Since Miss Xiang'er is with him, he must not let these people trouble Miss Xiang'er .

"Wait a minute, Mr. Ling!" Yun Feixiang raised her sleeves, stopping Ling Yu's movements. These people refused to accept her, but it doesn't mean that these people are unreasonable. Anmin is never something that can be solved by violence.As long as the pretentious leader is cleaned up, other people will naturally not make other moves.

Yun Feixiang approached one of them slowly. The man had a mustache and his eyes flickered. Yun Feixiang supported him with one hand. Internal force forcefully helped this person up.

(End of this chapter)

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