The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 433: Enmity and Enmity

Chapter 433: Enmity and Enmity (2)
Ouyang Yifei wanted to say something more, but he thought of something, so he didn't speak anymore, that's all, life is only a few dozen years, and the length of life is not the most important thing.

"She's here too." Murong Yangxiong said in a deep voice, looking at the flames of the beacon fire extinguished in the water, he could imagine Bing'er's despair in the fire more than ten years ago, all of this stemmed from his selfishness, He wants to see Bing'er very much now, he only wants to see her once.

"My lord still can't let go of the cold ice and snow?" Ouyang Yifei sighed helplessly, thinking of the woman in white clothes more than [-] years ago, the peaceful clear water was picturesque, which attracted the attention of many men.

Since ancient times, beauties are often unlucky, and heroes are sad because of beauty. It was because of her that the prince and Nanyue Kingdom had an enmity, and now they are attacking Nanyue Kingdom rashly because of her.

"No matter what, I have to see her." Murong Yangxiong said stubbornly.

The Nanyue Kingdom's army had already landed on the north bank of the Henghe River, and the sounds of fighting kept coming. The wizards did not dare to use poisonous insects, and the Southwest Army suddenly lost a lot of power. , but as the ship was moving extremely fast, the result was bearable.

Now that the two armies are mixed together, they are all fighting for strength, blood splashes flying high, limbs and arms fall to the ground, and the yellow sand on the north bank of the Henghe River gradually covers up the ghost of the blood-blooded man, withered bones and endless tragedy.

The Nanyue Kingdom's army has been trained, and its strength is even stronger than the elite of the Southwest King. In addition to their large number, the Southwest Army will divide its troops to deal with Murong Rui, and the situation of the war will soon become clear.

But at this time, a loud voice sounded, and the thick internal force spread along with the sound, hitting everyone's body and heart.

"Those who disarm and surrender will not be killed, and those who resist stubbornly will be killed without mercy!" The voice was extremely penetrating and murderous.

The southwestern army was panicked immediately, and the number of soldiers who wanted to surrender increased instantly. In addition, Yun Feixiang deliberately transferred Wang Lei to the front line. Many people saw the strength of Wang Lei's army greatly increased, and they also retreated one after another. Some surrendered the meaning of.

The Southwest King was surprised when he heard the sound, and looked along the source of the sound, only to see a familiar figure standing on the opposite hill, that is - Dugu Piaojian? !

"Jian'er!" Murong Yangxiong murmured softly, his outstretched hands trembling uncontrollably. What has he done in the past six months?How could he cause his own family to be ruined and everyone to betray their relatives?Even the adopted son who had been raised since he was a child would join the enemy's camp. For the first time, the King of Southwest realized how much he had failed.

The war lasted for a day and a night, and finally ended with the disastrous defeat of the Southwest Army.

Nanyue army and Shengtian army surrounded the southwestern king Murong Yangxiong, Ouyang Yifei and other people, right on the hill where Murong Yangxiong stood.

Looking from the top of the mountain, there is a white sail sailing on the Henghe River, and there are two people standing on the white sail, one is Emperor Nanyue, and the other is Han Bingxue.

Both of them were dressed in white clothes. The man was tall and handsome, and the woman was petite. They stood hand in hand, and the woman leaned slightly in the man's arms.

And everyone on the top of the mountain seemed to be waiting for their arrival. Yun Feixiang thought that it was better for them to know about the affairs of the older generation themselves.

The Southwest Prince's Mansion has been destroyed, and she is not interested in the aftermath at all. The woman looked around, but she didn't see the blue shirt she imagined. Didn't Murong Rui come?

The woman's eyes turned back and forth, but she met Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes. She carefully looked at the man's expression, and saw that his expression was calm and did not show any signs of appetite, so she was a little relieved.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan felt a little sour in his heart, but he didn't show it. He believed in Xiang'er's love for him, but he also knew Xiang'er's concern for Murong Rui. As long as Xiang'er loved him wholeheartedly and cared about Murong Rui, he... Bottom line Within, reluctantly accepted.

But Murong Rui's figure seemed to be lingering, appearing in her mind every moment, and she always felt that something important was about to happen.

"King of the Southwest, stay safe and sound!" Yun Tianxiang landed gracefully with his lovely wife, his dusty demeanor and handsome demeanor attracted everyone's attention.

Only now did Yun Feixiang come to his senses. It turned out that his father's skill was so high that he flew directly from the white sail on the Henghe River to the top of the mountain. He really didn't show his face!

"To each other!" Murong Yangxiong replied absent-mindedly, all eyes were on Han Bingxue.

ice!It's really Bing'er! After more than 20 years, her appearance is still the same. The wind and frost of the years have not carved any marks on her face. She is really as beautiful and gentle as before... But what the Southwest King didn't know was that Han Bingxue's face was Ouyang Ren It was cured later, and the previous burns were her face for a long time.

Seeing Han Bingxue, Murong Yangxiong's gloomy feeling just now was swept away, and the sense of failure seemed to disappear as well.In front of Bing'er, he can't show the slightest weakness, even if he fails, he is still an upright man.

There is some bitterness in the throat, which Murong Yangxiong can't describe.

Seeing Murong Yangxiong staring at his woman for a long time, Yun Tianxiang looked at Murong Yangxiong provocatively, and forcefully pulled the little woman beside him into his arms.When Han Bingxue didn't pay attention, she threw herself on Yun Tianxiang and gave him a big hug. Not only that, the tips of her noses were accidentally stuck together. Realizing the intimacy between the two, Han Bingxue's face flushed.

What is Tian Ge doing?The kids are still there!Han Bingxue secretly looked at Yun Feixiang, only to see that the three children were all smiling.

"Brother Tian..." Han Bingxue's delicate and soft voice sounded, which made Yun Tianxiang feel better, and hugged the slender waist of the woman beside him even tighter.

"Hehe..." Yun Tianxiang's hearty and bold voice spread out, and even Yun Feixiang couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.Royal Father really... knows how to play hooligans!
Murong Yangxiong's face turned pale immediately, this scene pierced his heart like a needle, the pain, Yun Tianxiang must have done it on purpose, did he declare his possession of Bing'er so urgently?

"Bing'er!" With a deep and bitter cry, Murong Yangxiong realized that his eye sockets were swollen and painful.Han Bingxue raised her head from Yun Tianxiang's arms, and also looked at Murong Yangxiong.

"Yeah." The woman hummed lightly.

She has an indescribable feeling towards Murong Yangxiong.But now, everything is unimportant, she doesn't care too much about the past, just like Murong Yangxiong's black hands pushed her into the sea of ​​fire unknowingly, their previous friendship no longer exists.

No love, no hate, not even any resentment.

"I'm sorry!" Murong Yangxiong said apologetically, his voice was mixed with longing and hope, he still hoped to get her forgiveness.

(End of this chapter)

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