Chapter 434: Hostage (1)
Han Bingxue just smiled, without any emotion in her eyes, she and Xiang'er have gone through so many hardships, she has long since stopped hating, what she needs to do is to cherish the present and the future life instead of living in the past In the dark.

"Do you think you can just say I'm sorry?" Han Bingxue's thoughts do not represent Yun Tianxiang's thoughts, but in the way of Han Bingxue and Yun Tianxiang's love relationship, besides Yun Tianxiang's love for his wife in every possible way, there is also Has his domineering and strong absolute initiative.

Who caused him and Bing'er to be separated for more than ten years?Who caused Bing'er to suffer such a long time of disfigurement?

Who caused Xiang'er to be innocently arrested and put into the secret cabinet, without the love of her father for more than ten years?And who sent troops to provoke Nanyue Kingdom and provoke war?
Old and new grudges, each one is a blood debt, which cannot be resolved by saying sorry!

Yun Feixiang is more supportive of her father's opinion. Not all people are as tolerant and kind as her mother and concubine, and not all people can forgive those who have hurt them so easily. The Southwest King thinks that he loves his mother and concubine very much. , but never scruples about the disaster that may be brought to the mother and concubine.

Yun Feixiang would never think that destroying a person's family is love, and she would never think that the Southwest King intervened behind the scenes during the civil strife in Nanyue more than ten years ago, trying to steal love is something that is forgivable.Maybe the Southwest King really loves his mother and concubine, but did he ask if his mother and concubine want him to be like this?
Even if the old grievances are over, what about now?He went to war against the Nanyue Kingdom, introduced poisonous blood-sucking insects from the Western Regions, and killed many innocent people. All he did could not be forgiven.

This is just Yun Feixiang's own thoughts, as for how the father and mother should solve it, she will not have any opinions, after all, this is their previous generation's grievance.

"Bing'er, I just wanted to meet you that time, and there was no other meaning. I don't expect you to forgive me. I really thought about snatching you over, because I love you!" The people around were shocked, so there is such a relationship?

Yun Tianxiang's expression changed in an instant. Now that Murong Yangxiong still said such words, did he think that there would be any disturbance in Bing'er's heart?
"Father, do you love her?" A questioning voice came suddenly, and then Murong Qing'er in Tsing Yi appeared. She looked at her father in disbelief, and suddenly felt that he was so strange .

Murong Qing'er's arrival has attracted everyone's attention. The Southwest Palace is in ruins. Shouldn't the family of the Southwest King escape early?Why is his daughter still here?
"So she's the woman you've always loved? Yun Feixiang's mother?" Murong Qing'er asked sarcastically.

"Is that the woman in the portrait that I accidentally destroyed? And I clearly remember that you hit me because you accidentally destroyed a corner of that portrait?"

"It's her portrait? The treasures in your study?" Murong Qing'er asked back, making Murong Yangxiong speechless. Although he didn't love Qing'er's mother, Qing'er was innocent.

"So, what about my mother? What did you think of my mother? She loves you so much, but you have always loved this woman? I always thought that my mother was weak and sick and left me. Now I just I understand why my mother is so depressed!"

"Hahahaha..." Murong Qing'er burst into laughter suddenly, "A cold ice and snow captivated Emperor Nanyue, King Shengtian Southwest, and even Helianbei who was far away in the sky. A Yunfeixiang , Fascinated Xuanyuan Tianzhan, Fascinated Big Brother Murong... Hahahahaha!"

Murong Qing'er suddenly burst into laughter with tears all over her face, her expression was very strange, she didn't know whether she was crying or laughing.

"Yun Feixiang, look at how capable you and your mother are. You mother and daughter are really out-and-out vixens. Look at how many good men you have seduced! How is it? It feels very fulfilling, right?"

It's not that I haven't heard bad words, but I still feel extremely uncomfortable when I hear Murong Qing'er say that.Yun Feixiang frowned, and felt a little nausea in her chest. Just as she was about to teach Murong Qing'er a lesson, a strong force came out from her side, and the strong wind blew her hair. When she turned her head, she saw the gloomy and cold face of the man. .

"Ah..." Murong Qing'er's sharp scream was finally drowned by the strong impact, her body was directly bounced off by the heavy palm wind, and she fell fiercely onto the boulder of the earth mountain.

The blood flowed down the stone, staining the piece of stone red, like a rough artwork, as if it was being painted, gorgeous, but without temperature, it made people feel cold from the inside out.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Xuanyuan Tianzhan, who was standing tall and straight beside Yun Feixiang. The palm of the prince was merciless.

Yun Feixiang suddenly thought of Ling Feng. When Ling Feng used silver needles to prescribe medicine to herself, Ah Zhan also swung out her palm without mercy, but now Murong Qing'er's situation is much more serious than Ling Feng's.

At this moment, she didn't feel much in her heart, she just lowered her eyes slightly, and her slender eyelashes covered her peerless and stunning eyes.

"Qing'er!" Murong Yangxiong flew over, his old eyes turned red instantly, this is his daughter, how could she be hurt so much in front of him?

Murong Qing'er has lived under the love and care of everyone in the Southwest Palace since she was a child, and has never suffered a little bit of wronged, let alone such an injury. pop out.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes were cold, and a golden light in his eyes looked back, daring to insult Xiang'er, he really didn't know how to live or die!This palm is still light.

Emperor Nanyue was also surprised. He didn't expect Xuanyuan Tianzhan to strike first, and he struck with such vigor that he showed mercy without considering Murong Qing'er as a woman. It can be seen that Xiang'er is in his heart serving size.

The always wise father-in-law regretted that his love for his wife had lost to this kid's love for Xiang'er, but young people are always a little excited.

"Haha... am I wrong?" Murong Qing'er spit out blood in her mouth, and said very stubbornly, "Yun Feixiang, how accomplished you should feel when so many men like you Feeling!"

Murong Qing'er pushed the Southwest King away, a trace of disgust flashed across her face, why did mother marry such a man?What he got in exchange for his sincerity was that he had been thinking about other women in his heart for decades!

The Southwest King's body froze suddenly, and his eyes flashed disbelief. The jewel in his palm actually looked at him with disgust?
Even Ouyang Yifei couldn't stand it any longer. When did Princess Qing become so indifferent and unkind? !No matter what, the prince is always the father who gave birth to her and raised her!
(End of this chapter)

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