Chapter 438 The Fall
The two beautiful men looked at Yun Tianxiang in dismay and despair. The men were startled suddenly. They didn't expect the fact to be revealed so bloody. The strange eyes of the child made him feel suffocated.

Han Bingxue had already burst into tears, she couldn't help shaking her head, her heart was bleeding, her wound had been torn, and she couldn't go back to the past no matter what.The hearts of Long'er and Hong'er will eventually be engraved with shadows, just like Xiang'er's nightmare in the Dark Pavilion back then, it will always haunt them.

Just when everyone thought they were about to hear Emperor Nanyue's confession again, a heavy and low-pitched voice spread out.

"Your biological father was not killed by the emperor!" Nanyue Emperor replied resoundingly, and a pair of eagle eyes glanced around coldly. The aura of the superior emanated, powerful and compelling, and all the soldiers couldn't bear it. Surrender.

It was also Yun Tianxiang's words that made everyone feel relieved. Although Emperor Nanyue was not Yun Feihong and Yun Feilong's biological father, he was not their father-killing enemy, so there would be no bloody revenge and so on. Say.

This is really a good thing.

"Yun Tianxiang, do you dare to do this? If it weren't for you, would Yun Tianyang die in Nanyue Palace?" Murong Yangxiong roared. What he didn't expect was that Yun Tianxiang would not admit that he killed himself. Big brother.

Although Yun Tianxiang strongly suppressed the incident back then, there are still many veterans who know the facts. As long as Yun Feihong and Yun Feilong investigate, the matter will come to light. When the time comes when their father and son turn against each other, his goal of Murong Yangxiong will be achieved. Yes, not in a hurry.

"Eldest Prince, Second Prince." Suddenly, an old voice came out amidst the whispers of the crowd, and in an instant, the surroundings were quiet.

Immediately afterwards, an old Nanyue general came out. His eyes were deep and deep, and he seemed to be thinking about something. After a long time, the old general said slowly: "I know what happened back then. At that time, I was one of the emperor's friends." You are a young guard, so you know everything about the eldest prince."

Everyone looked at this veteran who suddenly stood up, hoping to hear some happy things from him...

A flash of excitement flashed in the veteran's eyes, yes, it was excitement, it was a period of great glory in his youth, at that time, he made great achievements and was named a general, and later he had the opportunity to go to the frontier, made military exploits, his identity and His status was gradually improved, and until now, he has become a highly respected general.

"General Wen, since you know, tell me quickly." General Wen is an honest man, I believe he will not lie, Yun Feihong and Yun Feilong also cast their eyes on this General Wen, a veteran of Nanyue Kingdom , they are generally trusted.

"Back then, the late emperor had sixteen heirs, of which thirteen were princes and three were princesses. Now, the princesses are all living a noble, comfortable and peaceful life, but there are not many princes."

The veteran's tone was long and low, as if he was telling an ancient and long-standing story, and this story was indeed long enough for young people.

"The first emperor was old until he was on the verge of life and death. Among the thirteen princes, big and small, three had already fallen due to open and secret struggles, and among the remaining ten princes, most of them were young and not yet weak. Among the suitable princes, the ones who are most qualified to inherit the throne are the current emperor and the former eldest prince, Prince Nanyang."

"The prince of Nanyang was crowned king early on. He was ambitious and the city was very deep. The emperor also showed his talents at that time, and he was highly valued by the late emperor. He was worried that the late emperor would pass the throne to the current emperor, so he instigated a rebellion in advance, trying to force the palace to take the throne. After seizing the throne, it was the emperor who came in time to stop Nanyang Prince's plot, but a bloody fight was inevitable."

The old general closed his eyes slightly, his mind was full of the bloody memory, the initial excitement was gone, replaced by a kind of sadness, indeed, he made a contribution, but it was fought at the cost of countless lives the glory.

"The old man still remembers that there was a lot of crying and shouting in the palace at that time, and many concubines and eunuchs and maids were panicked. The battle was very fierce, and the palace seemed to have been washed by blood. The corpses piled up, and the smell of decay and blood was suffocating. , There was a gloomy atmosphere for a long time."

"As for the final result, the Eldest Prince was naturally defeated. Naturally, the Emperor ascended the throne and the Eldest Prince was exiled to the edge of Nanyue. At that time, Mr. Feihong was still young, and the Emperor couldn't bear to exile him to the edge, so he concealed it , has been staying in the palace and regarded as his own.”

"Unexpectedly, four years later, the eldest prince joined forces with foreign invaders to make a comeback. The emperor let go all the way, pretending to be defeated, until finally, the eldest prince entered the palace, and there was another fight in the palace. This time, the eldest prince committed a crime. He committed a heinous crime, and the ministers demanded that he be severely punished, but the emperor still couldn't bear it, and just planned to put the eldest prince under house arrest."

"But the eldest prince was so arrogant that he committed suicide shortly after he was in the palace. Therefore, the death of the father of the eldest son and the second son has nothing to do with the emperor. Moreover, the eldest prince had memories at that time, so he must have been aware of this incident. Still know."

After the veteran finished speaking, he took a deep breath of relief. This is the ins and outs of the matter, and this is the truth of the matter.

The truth is of course beyond everyone's expectations.

Yun Feihong froze immediately, he never thought that the man who killed crazily on the city tower back then was actually his biological father!
He saw with his own eyes that he led his own army into the palace, where there was a bloodbath, but in the end he lost to his father's plan, was arrested and imprisoned, and finally committed suicide in the palace.Later, the father brought back Feilong, saying that it was his younger brother who was left behind, but Feilong was still a baby.

"Brother, is what General Wen said true?" Is his biological father really a traitor?Yun Feilong only felt that his mind was very confused. From the beginning of his memory, there was only the current father, and he had no concept of his biological father at all, because he never knew that he had a so-called biological father.

Yun Feihong's eyes were dim, but he nodded heavily. This is the truth!

Not only did the father not treat them as traitors' sons, but he kept them by his side as his own. Which emperor could do this?
"Hong'er, Longer, this is the battle of the royal family, this is the cruelty under the peak power, no one can blame anyone. The past is over, and father will always be your father." Yun Tianxiang looked at With two children, he has a clear conscience and has done everything that should be done.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, some things are beyond our control. You just need to know that Xiang'er will always be your sister. This is an unchanging fact."

(End of this chapter)

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