The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 439 The Pain of Nirvana

Chapter 439 The Pain of Nirvana (1)
"Father, Long'er and I know the truth, we are still your biological sons." Yun Feihong spoke slowly, with a firm tone.

"Father..." The father and son hugged each other very warmly. At this moment, Yun Tianxiang felt that it was worth it. The children he raised by himself were indeed affectionate, righteous, and flesh and blood.

Han Bingxue had already burst into tears, she did not expect that the two children were so sensible, but at the same time, she could feel the cold air emanating from Murong Yangxiong's body, and the hand on her neck was gradually tightening.

The family is still harmonious and harmonious, this is not what Murong Yangxiong wants to see!Suddenly, he felt a sense of failure, why Yun Tianxiang could have Binger's love and a beautiful family, but now Murong Yangxiong's family is ruined and he is alone?
A cruel thought suddenly popped up in the man's mind. He wanted to destroy Yun Tianxiang's family and make him just like himself. His wife and children were scattered and his family was destroyed. Murong Yangxiong never lost to Yun Tianxiang, even if he died, he would not lose. lose to him.

"Bing'er, are you willing to die with me?" Everyone heard Murong Yangxiong say this inexplicably.

"I will love you well, even more than Murong Yangxiong!"

"In another world, you will marry me and we will live happily together!" The man looked happy, but his hideous face really frightened many people. He wouldn't attack Concubine Bing, would he?
Facts proved that everyone's guess was correct, Murong Yangxiong's face suddenly became gloomy, his hands tightened, Han Bingxue coughed uncontrollably, and his body began to tremble.

"Murong Yangxiong, you lunatic!" Yun Tianxiang's veins bulged out uncontrollably, he didn't expect Murong Yangxiong to be so perverted, would people go mad when they were cornered?
Han Bingxue struggled and twisted her body, but a demonic curse sound came from her ear.

"Bing'er, I won't let you go. The biggest regret in my life is not getting you. If I had you, I would have a perfect family." The yin and yang were unclear, and everyone's hearts were lifted fiercely, with a worried look on their faces.

"Hmm..." Han Bingxue suddenly felt her voice hoarse and dull, and the hand on her neck seemed to exert a lot of strength. She was almost unable to breathe, and it was difficult for her to even speak.

Yun Feixiang only felt that she was about to explode. The mother and concubine were on the verge of death, but she couldn't do anything. She pressed the silver bracelet on her wrist, and a black jade gemstone was just under the index finger, but this silver needle Obviously, the King of Southwest cannot be killed, what if he is even more enraged?
At this moment, Yun Tianxiang rushed towards Murong Yangxiong desperately, using the fastest speed to get close to Murong Yangxiong's hand holding Han Bingxue's throat, but how could Murong Yangxiong be so close?With a gloomy smile on his face, he directly avoided Yun Tianxiang's attack, but he poured more strength into his hands.

Han Bingxue's face immediately showed a state of severe hypoxia, lifeless, as if he would die in the next second.

Everyone's hearts are already chilling. It seems that the Southwest King is determined to let the Bing Concubine Empress accompany him to hell. Once a person's madness reaches a certain point, he will be extremely stubborn and persistent. Judging from the current situation, The King of the Southwest probably couldn't listen to anything he had to say.

Yun Feixiang had great patience in her heart. The life of the concubine mother was slowly passing by, but she couldn't take it easily. She stared at the Southwest King carefully until she saw the corners of his side face curved to the maximum, and found a trace of it. Rare opportunity.

"Whoosh" the shortest and most poisonous silver needle was shot out, straight into Murong Yangxiong's temple, just when he thought that Murong Yangxiong would definitely die.However--

The silver needle didn't enter the temple at all, and when it touched Murong Yangxiong's skin, it stopped abruptly, and was unexpectedly bounced back by the internal force behind it, heading straight towards Yun Feixiang.

The woman was startled, when did Murong Yangxiong become so powerful?Could it be that he is the second person who is as terrifying as a dragon like a fire?

In the hands of Murong Yangxiong, Han Bingxue has become a shield, Yun Tianxiang is in front of Murong Yangxiong, considering Han Bingxue, he can't get close to Murong Yangxiong, and his whole body is on the verge of collapse.

Bing'er's gaze was right in front of her eyes, but she slowly lost sight of it. This heart-wrenching and painful feeling, like Ling Chi, ruthlessly gouged out his flesh.Bing'er, you must persevere!
Yun Feixiang waved away the reflected silver needle, but felt numbness in his hands and feet. Murong Yangxiong's strength really cannot be underestimated.And when she turned around, she happened to see Xuanyuan Tianzhan behind him exuding a silver-white light, and the spiritual power on his body was constantly increasing. Suddenly, there was a long sword in the man's hand, which turned out to be formed by the condensation of spiritual power ice blue sword.

In the next second, the ice-blue long sword rushed directly towards Murong Yangxiong with the momentum of thunder and lightning, and what attacked was not his heart, but his arm. Before everyone could close their mouths, the ice-blue long sword The sword rushed directly in front of Murong Yangxiong, and immediately after that, there was unexpected blood, and half of his arm fell off.

At the same time, a smear of blood flowed out from the corner of Xuanyuan Tianzhan's mouth, he had to use a lot of strength to cut off Murong Yangxiong's arm.

"Azhan, are you okay?" Yun Feixiang quickly took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of the man's mouth, her bright eyes were full of distress.

"Fool, is your husband and I so easy to get into trouble?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan smiled handsomely at the little woman, and then cast his eyes on Murong Yangxiong, and now he can't take it lightly.

"Bing'er!" Yun Tianxiang pulled Han Bingxue with the fastest impact, and hugged her tightly in his arms.However, the person in his arms was motionless, as if he had lost his breath and pulse, leaving only his gradually cooling body.

Murong Yangxiong's arm was chopped off, and he was exuding hostility. He was like a devil from hell, roaring crazily.

Yun Feixiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at each other, and directly attacked Murong Yangxiong. Dugu Piaojian also joined the battle, and the three fought together.

As for the others, their strength is not at the same level as Murong Yangxiong's, so naturally they can't help much. The self-confidence of many masters has been hit, and even the members of the Dulong team can't intervene.

Yun Feihong and Yun Feilong flew towards the ice and snow, shaking the woman's body constantly, however, the usually friendly and gentle woman was lying there, motionless...

The world became cold in an instant, without any warmth, just met, and then left sadly, God is so cruel!How much helplessness, how much life and death, how much unsatisfactory, and how much helplessness are there in this world?

"Bing'er!" A heart-piercing roar resounded through the sky, the tall and tall man suddenly seemed to have lost all his strength, and he knelt down on the ground. In front of him was a pale woman with no blood on her face. Eyes, quietly motionless.

(End of this chapter)

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