Chapter 449 A Happy Time (2)
Murong Rui was a little thirsty because of running away, but now seeing the beautiful fruit and the expectant face of the little woman, he suddenly has a little appetite!However, only a little bit...

Murong Rui took the green fruit from Yun Feixiang's hand, frowned, and took a bite as if dying!
The corner of the little girl's mouth twitched, she could look like this after eating something, and it wasn't poison, she really wanted to beat him up!

"The kittens eat more than you!"

"I'm not a kitten!" The man took the words with great interest.

" are not as good as a kitten, don't be so small, bite a little bit!" The little woman roared angrily.

"Oh! I see..."

On the tall fruit tree with luxuriant branches and leaves, Xuanyuan Tianzhan took a deep look at the little woman, her warmth was still on his lips, and his heart was still agitated. Then he glanced at Murong Rui's abnormal expression, and the man's heart sank...

Yun Feixiang secretly glanced at the direction of the branch, there was no movement there, she was suddenly inexplicably lost, but at the same time, she also knew that Ah Zhan must have something important to do, otherwise she wouldn't be in such a hurry!

"My lord, did my ears hear me right?" Wu Ying really doubted his ears this time, and the lord actually said that he was going to collect medicine? !And it was to detoxify Murong Rui from the blood poisonous bug!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes flickered, but he didn't speak. He must save the person Xiang'er wants to keep. It will only take four or five days to go back and forth to Maple Leaf Valley!
In any case, at least for now, he can no longer let Xiang'er's mood be affected by Murong Rui's affairs.

Although the little woman didn't say anything, he knew what a blow Xiang'er was when his father-in-law and mother-in-law's departure, and when he fainted using the Dragon Juling Flying Dragon Nirvana!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan had already experienced the fear of the unknown and the fear of losing a loved one three years ago, so he would not let the little woman suffer any harm to her heart!
Murong Rui didn't seem to be aware of all the changes around him, the man just seemed to be eating the somewhat bitter fruit in his hands with big mouthfuls, he ate it very deliciously, as if he was tasting the finest holy fruit, slowly, he actually ate it Finished one.

Yun Feixiang couldn't help but smiled with satisfaction, and handed another one to Murong Rui.

Murong Rui smiled foolishly, reached out to take the fruit and began to eat it fragrantly.

Seeing this scene, Leng Feng, who followed after him, was shocked. This is the most common and unpalatable fruit. The emperor actually eats it so deliciously?

Leng Feng couldn't believe his eyes, he secretly picked a fruit that looked similar to that in the hands of his own emperor, took a bite and put it in his mouth, the tip of his tongue unexpectedly felt unbearable bitterness.

He couldn't help but look at his emperor with some sympathy. Could it be that Princess Xiang'er forced the emperor to eat it?
"Hmph..." Yun Feixiang snorted softly, and threw a fruit in the cold wind's direction.

Does she look like such a dark hearted person?
Leng Feng smiled awkwardly, the fruit landed on his palm impartially, he didn't dare to knock it off, so he had to catch it steadily, there was a little pain in his palm, the princess should be merciful.

"Eat it! Don't leave any leftover!" Yun Feixiang said with rare power.

Leng Feng's face turned pale in an instant, and he stared blankly at the green fruit in his hand, as if looking at poison.

However, the fruit seemed to be larger than the one he picked just now, and the color looked green with white, so Leng Feng took a bite as if he was dying.

Yun Feixiang was speechless again, there really is what kind of master there is what kind of subordinates, she did not forget that Murong Rui also had an expression of resignation to death just now.

Huh?This fruit tastes different!
Leng Feng's eyes were straightened, and he looked at Yun Feixiang in disbelief, why are they all the same fruit, and the ones picked by Princess Xiang'er are sweet ones?Although it also has a little bit of bitterness, it is more sweet, a little sour, and then astringent.

Leng Feng was even more embarrassed now, and hurriedly gobbled up the rest of the fruit.

"Lengfeng, pick some of these different fruits and take them back." She didn't want to come here every day.

"Oh! Yes, princess." Leng Feng sweated profusely. There were many kinds of these fruits. He came in such a hurry that he didn't bring anyone with him. Now he had to rely on himself.

"What are you doing in a daze? Let's go." Yun Feixiang tugged at Murong Rui's sleeve, mumbling dissatisfiedly.Isn't this man's head also thin?Now I'm in a daze at every turn, it's really speechless.

Murong Rui is still eating the fruit in his hand, full of foolishness, but he feels that such a life has never been happier and more satisfied, if it can continue like this, that would be great!

When they went back, the two of them took a walk, walking slowly, the sun was setting, and there was a little bit of afterglow. There was no melancholy near dusk, but it was very quiet, harmonious and beautiful!
After the battle with the Southwest King, Yun Feixiang also felt a little tired, taking advantage of this spare time, she could just take a good rest!
Stretching and moving her body, Yun Feixiang immediately felt her whole body relaxed. When she turned her head, she discovered for the first time that Murong Rui was doing exercises with her arms and legs!

"Didn't you do it before you were beaten to death?" Yun Feixiang smiled.

She will never forget that when she tried to encourage Murong Rui to exercise with her, Murong Rui refused to agree, saying that it was strange for boys to do those movements.

"Xiang'er said that you should learn to enjoy life!" Murong Rui felt that life is very beautiful now, there are slight sunlight flowing through his fingers, beautiful colorful clouds drifting across the sky, and the sound of gurgling water. Such a charm!

Sunshine, beautiful scenery, running water, path, and you—my favorite Xianger!

All Murong Rui's thoughts in his life are here, can it not be beautiful?

"It's good to know, and you must take good care of your body!" Yun Feixiang looked at his body, feeling a little distressed, and then, she broke into a big smile, chatting and laughing with him.

The two talked and laughed happily, as beautiful and wanton as they first met, and a series of crisp laughter flew out, which made people endlessly envious.

Suddenly, there was a sound of bone joints, the sound was still far away from them, but the two of them heard it very clearly. In recent years, Yun Feixiang's happy world has been greatly improved, except for Xuanyuan Tianzhan A guy whose martial arts are so unpredictable that there are few people in the world who are her opponents!

Of course, there are people beyond people, there is sky beyond the sky, and martial arts are endless, this is another matter.

The sound of knuckles cracking became more and more obvious, and Yun Feixiang suddenly felt a strong uneasiness in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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