The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 450 Irreplaceable attachment and love

Chapter 450 Irreplaceable attachment and love (1)
Holding Murong Rui's hand vigilantly, Yun Feixiang's eyes as dark as a night swept around, and then, the woman's eyes fixed on a certain place, and a black jade gemstone on the silver bracelet was pressed down, and the bracelet flew instantly. Take out a silver needle, the direction is the source of the sound.

Immediately afterwards, there was a dull cry of pain.

Mu Rujing's finger was pricked by a silver needle, and it turned black immediately. She couldn't help gnashing her teeth, and a surge of anger rose in her heart. She thought Yun Feixiang was dead, but she didn't expect that she was still alive...

No wonder Brother Zhan still refused to look her in the eye, it turned out that Yun Feixiang wasn't dead at all!

"Rujing, have you seen it?!" Seeing that Mu Rujing's complexion was not good, Ji Lan quickly added fuel to the fire and continued to persuade.

"I'm not blind!" Mu Rujing said angrily, after a pause, she spoke slowly again, "In other words, so what if you see it?"

"Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Yunfeixiang..." Ji Lan wanted to say something, but was abruptly interrupted by an angry voice.

"Okay! Don't say any more words that brother Zhan doesn't have me in his heart, I don't want to hear it! Brother Zhan originally loved Yun Feixiang, and Yun Feixiang is not dead, so he won't fall in love with me." Mu Rujing's eyes suddenly flashed There was a sliver of pungent light, but at this moment, the fingers were in severe pain.

"..." Ji Lan was completely speechless, Mu Rujing's thoughts were really beyond the comprehension of ordinary people, could it be that she had spent so much effort but still had no effect?Mu Rujing still wants to go her own way?
"So, I can only kill Yun Feixiang." Mu Rujing suddenly half-closed her eyes, and said harshly.

"Rujing, even if you kill Yun Feixiang, Xuanyuan Tianzhan won't fall in love with you, why can't you figure it out?" Even fools can see Xuanyuan Tianzhan's feelings for Yun Feixiang. Why torture yourself?
"That's enough! What right do you have to say about me? You better take care of your own mess!" Mu Rujing finally couldn't bear it anymore, and roared explosively.

"Ru Jing, what do you mean? What does it mean to take care of my own shit?" Ji Lan's heart also burst into anger. Who is she doing this for?I didn't expect that people not only didn't appreciate it, but also said some heartless and hurtful words.

"Do you think He Lanyu is a good man? He is looking for the top card of Piaohong Academy behind your back! I heard that a high-ranking official has hired the top card of Piaohong Academy. Since you are back, why don't you go and see for yourself. "

Mu Rujing didn't want to say it at first, because she knew that Ji Lan liked He Lanyu very much, but Ji Lan's act of understanding made her very upset, so she had to say it!

He Lanyu is not even worthy to lift Brother Zhan's shoes!Apart from being able to talk sweetly, that man is simply an idiot!Of course, rhetoric to a certain extent is also a state.

"Ah..." Mu Rujing suddenly covered her chest and let out a strange cry, this time the silver needle actually pierced her chest!Almost got hurt!
"Xiang'er is so powerful, she hit the target again." The man's warm and pleasant voice sounded, followed by a series of cheerful laughter and cheers from the little woman.

hateful!How could Yun Feixiang live so recklessly?
Suddenly, Mu Rujing threw up his sleeve, and a black token flew into the air. This token is different from the token used to summon Fengyimen before. This token is all black, hiding a kind of mystery and cold.

"Rui, that's not good! They're wizards from the Western Regions. They're so powerful. That's how Long Ruhuo was killed by them." Yun Feixiang's eyes darkened, and she didn't dare to be careless at all.

There are many wizards in the Western Regions, some control poisonous insects, and some control weapons. This is a typical one that controls silver threads!These silver threads are as thin as a hair, but once infused with internal energy and used, they will become deadly weapons for killing people.

"Xiang'er, give me a chance to protect you!" Murong Rui tightly clenched his little hand, feeling that he had earned a lot.Her hand was very soft, as soft as boneless, a little nervous, a little cold sweat, but it made him reluctant to let go.

"No, I've seen the power of Yinsi Qianshou, I can't let you take risks! Let's find a way to leave first." Yun Feixiang said while pulling Murong Rui to retreat cautiously the way he came.

"Xiang'er doesn't believe me?" Although she knew she was worried about herself, she hoped that she could believe in herself. Xuanyuan Tianzhan is not the only one who can protect Xiang'er. Murong Rui can as well, and he will not lose to Xuanyuantian Cham.

"Of course I believe you. Aren't they worried about you? Don't be stupid, let's go!" You are so thin and weak, why do ghosts believe you?This is the case in the little woman's heart, why do men nowadays rely on coaxing?

Yun Feixiang pulled Murong Rui and left, but it was too late, silver-white silk threads rushed from all directions, wrapping around their bodies in the blink of an eye.

Yun Feixiang suddenly remembered that when Long Ruhuo died, those extremely thin silver threads cut through his internal organs, and finally pierced him...

The silk thread was flexible and soft, flying in the air, and here, it was already wrapped around Yun Feixiang's wrist, only to hear the wizard say a "spell", and the result——

The wizard spit out a mouthful of blood, clutching his heart in pain, the silver thread was cut off in the air, which shocked Yun Feixiang, but it was a pleasant surprise, what happened?
Did the wizard pronounce the spell wrong?Why did he spit out a mouthful of blood instead?

The answer is no. After countless times of professional practice, the wizard has mastered the Yinsi Qianshou to the point of proficiency. It is absolutely impossible for her to miss, and she didn't make a move just now. Obviously, the real answer lies in the man beside her !

Turning his head slightly, Yun Feixiang's bright eyes looked at Murong Rui's side face, and he saw a faint purple light exuding from his body, his face was slightly rosy due to luck, and his ugly complexion had also improved many.

Murong Rui focused his eyes, held the little woman's hand tightly with one hand, and flipped his luck with the other. Since he was instructed by his master, his skill in Long Fei Tian Tian has been rising all the way. Now he has broken through the ninth level of Long Fei Tian Tian, ​​not only can he move freely Create qi swords, and successfully control these qi swords through true qi.

The so-called qi swords are swords formed by condensing true qi. The shapes of these qi swords can change continuously, and they can also disappear from the invisible, hiding the light of the sword, making it difficult for people to distinguish the location of the qi sword.

"It's impossible!" Mu Rujing screamed frantically in a low voice, Yinsi Qianshou has never failed before, what is going on?
Yun Feixiang didn't have time to think too much, just hearing this sudden voice was enough to make her feel happy.

"Rui, you are amazing!" The little woman cheered, she did not expect this guy to be so thin, but his martial arts increased abnormally. Although this is very unscientific, she has seen too many unscientific things, and it has already happened. immunity.

(End of this chapter)

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