The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 461 Provoking Helianbei

Chapter 461 Provoking Helianbei (1)
Yun Feixiang felt that she was going to die of suffocation, what were these two men doing staring at her?Isn't it rare to wear women's clothing once?She was originally a woman, so could it be that she couldn't wear women's clothing?

Can we still happily discuss military affairs?

Xuanyuan Tianzhan sketched in his mind the appearance of the little woman transformed into a cartoon in this dress, imagining whether he could draw an interesting cartoon. Although Murong Rui is a good painter, Murong Rui doesn't know how to draw cartoons.

In Murong Rui's mind, he imagined the posture of the little woman jumping on the rice paper, proud, condescending, yet mischievous, bright and charming...

Yun Feixiang gritted her teeth, turned around and left the big tent, and walked into the stable without raising her head. This day is almost impossible, she wants to go out, she wants to stay away from them, these two men, go on their own Bar.

Yun Feixiang got on her horse, whipped her whip, and headed towards the Wuhe plateau in the north. After crossing the plateau, there was the headquarters of Helianlie in the north. Perhaps, she could go there and have a look.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Murong Rui were startled, and they quickly followed. Seeing the direction Yun Feixiang was riding, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's expression turned ugly instantly, and Murong Rui's expression was not much better. Then chased out.

I just got the top-secret news this morning that Beixiang King He Lianbei is going to visit the door in person, and come to Wu Yaer to discuss with He Lianlie about the joint fight against the enemy. Xiang'er is going now, maybe he will meet him!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Murong Rui chased all the way, but they were thrown farther and farther by Yun Feixiang. They both felt very strange, how could Xiang'er ride faster than them?She doesn't seem to be very good at riding a horse, does she?
And what's even more strange is that the distance between them is still widening. Logically speaking, this is simply impossible?

Almost at the same time, the two thought of chasing the little girl with lightness kung fu, but felt a strong pulling force when doing the kung fu, the surrounding scenery changed, and the stars moved. Started turning in circles, only to appear to keep going forward.

In fact, Xiang'er was already a certain distance away from them.

"Hmph... my sister won't play with you anymore, bye!" Yun Feixiang waved his back to the two men from a distance, leaving only the two shocked men behind, then turned around and continued to gallop away, running wildly all the way The feeling, it turned out to be so wonderful.

Giving the heart to nature, letting the heart open to welcome the beauty of all things in the world, Yun Feixiang felt free instantly, as if even the air belonged to her.

Two volcanic men, you go hypocritical yourself!Let's see if you will need her as an intermediary medium even for communication in the future.

The sky on the plateau is high and the clouds are light. Looking up from a distance, the sky is dark blue. It is indeed a beautiful scenery. It has not been polluted by modern industrialization, and it looks even more lofty and blue. It is as clean as water, bright and spotless.

The figure of the little woman had long since disappeared, but Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Murong Rui were still circling in place. The horse hissed, as if in endless pain, and was unwilling to continue walking.

"Vinegar, didn't you teach Xiang'er's formation? Could it be that you can't break it?" A drop of sweat dripped from Murong Rui's forehead, and he became anxious.

"You have the ability to break it?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan glanced at Murong Rui, earnestly looking for a way to break it, he had to admit that Xiang'er had improved a lot in all aspects compared to three years ago.

If they could get news about Helianbei, Xiang'er might not be able to get it, maybe Xiang'er knew everything? !Besides, Xiang'er's Dulong team has penetrated into Helian Lie's forces, has the little girl already prepared for it?
And what happened today was just an opportunity?
Murong Rui stopped talking, and looked into the distance quietly. He suddenly remembered that Xiang'er seemed to go around in a circle when passing by here. Perhaps, the cracking point was here.

As soon as Murong Rui thought of this, he prepared to search in a small area, but at this moment, Xuanyuan Tianzhan was already standing somewhere, his eyes were fixed on a raised stone, and the spiritual power in his hand flew, and the stone was shattered into powder.

The surrounding scenery moved a position in an instant, giving way to a hole, but in fact nothing changed, what changed was the position in his heart, Xiang'er's move was a form of confusion.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan came out of the opening, but instead of going straight ahead, he turned in a different direction, and then flew away with light steps.

Murong Rui tilted his head and followed him out.

Looking from the plateau, the road is boundless. Yun Feixiang narrowed her eyes slightly when she heard the sound of horseshoes in the distance. He has already set off from Liaoyuan City and arrived at the Wuhe Plateau.

It takes only half a day's journey from the Wuhe Plateau to the northeast to reach the headquarters of Helianlie, but I don't know how Helianbei will resolve the deep family enmity with Helianlie. They will forget the tragic killing of their parents. Reunited for profit?

As the crowd approached in the distance, Yun Feixiang had excellent eyesight, she could see the woman next to Helianbei with just one glance, a familiar face, a familiar black and enchanting, that woman was indeed Frost Jade.

Good guy, the skin on Han Bingyu's face is as white as snow, with a cool light, and the black windbreaker flies up, revealing a slender waist and rolling mountains, what a charming figure with icy muscles and bones , even looks more moving than before.

Looking at Helian Bei's attitude towards her, it was obviously very good. The two walked side by side, as if they were discussing something.

A flame burst out from Yun Feixiang's eyes, scorching fiercely, this woman is cruel and merciless, she has done all kinds of bad things, but she is still living in this world... God has no eyes!

Even if the fire outside Yundu City didn't kill her, it wouldn't have burned her. Even a master like Long Ruhuo was burnt beyond recognition. How could this woman be intact?
But the cold ice jade did appear intact in front of Yun Feixiang.

Could it be that he met a genius doctor like Ouyang Ren and healed her?It can only be said that this woman is extremely lucky, but when she meets Yun Feixiang, she will make Han Bingyu extremely unlucky.

As soon as the little girl's eyes rolled, she felt a sense of playfulness and provocation in her heart. She never provoked others, and always waited for others to make trouble, and then rose up.

But sometimes, I also let myself become very passive, Han Bingyu, that is a vicious woman who has deceived her severely and hurt her mother cruelly, how can such a woman let her go?
Thinking of this, the little girl rode her horse forward, shuttled across the plateau like the wind, and the sound of rattling horseshoes successfully attracted the attention of He Lianbei and the others...

Then, Yun Feixiang flicked his whip again and walked back.

"My lord, is there someone there?" Suddenly, someone shouted in panic.

(End of this chapter)

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