The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 462 Provoking Helianbei

Chapter 462 Provoking Helianbei (2)
Helianbei's guards were immediately vigilant and looked around alertly. In such a complicated and undulating plateau area, the most feared thing was an ambush. They consciously changed their formation and surrounded Helianbei in the center.

From a distance, Helianbei noticed a smear of bright red blood-like flying forgings, and the flaming firefox shawl on the woman's shoulders flew up like a rainbow. She galloped wildly on the plateau, like a flower of blazing flames in midsummer, blooming hot , can attract all eyes of people.

All the guards noticed such a woman, and they couldn't help but imagine, who is she?

The man suddenly thought of the woman deep in his heart, Bing'er was so gentle and submissive, but her daughter was so passionate and unrestrained, it was the most stark contrast between mother and daughter he had ever seen.

The moment Han Bingyu saw Yun Feixiang, her face turned pale instantly, and the scenes of the ruined temple outside Yundu instantly flooded her mind, as if her mind had exploded, surrounded by a raging fire.

She will never forget that Yun Feixiang stabbed Long Ruhuo's eyes blind in the design of the ruined temple.

She will never forget that Yun Feixiang mercilessly ordered her to be set on fire.

She will never forget that when she jumped out of the window of the ruined temple, Yun Feixiang ordered his subordinates to kick her back into the flames.

She will never forget that when she woke up, she was like a devil in the mirror.

Thinking of such a scene, she would feel suffocated, Han Bingyu touched her face subconsciously, her skin was smooth and delicate, and her beauty had already been restored, but the hatred and resentment in her heart were like a violent wind on the plateau, crazily She poured it into the bottom of her heart, and she ran towards Yun Feixiang desperately.

There was something bewitching her, hatred, anger... various emotions were suppressed, and they seemed to be aroused in an instant.

"Stop her!" He Lianbei's complexion changed, and he looked at Han Bingyu in annoyance. He is so old, why is he still so ignorant of composure?He made such a rash move without even understanding the situation!

The guards all moved out and ran after Han Bingyu.

Yun Feixiang stopped suddenly, stood on a higher place, and watched the scene condescendingly, with a smile on her lips, calm.

Going down the slope, Han Bingyu was walking up the slope, behind her were guards chasing her, but Helianbei stood motionless, with a dozen guards guarding her side.

"Auntie, long time no see, how are you?" Yun Feixiang smiled, and on the white horse, a provocative voice came along with the wind.

Auntie?Calling Aunt Han Bingyu really insulted her!
Han Bingyu looked at Yun Feixiang with a ferocious face. She laughed so wantonly and acted so recklessly. How dare she dare to provoke her by herself?
Yun Feixiang stood there, her long hair was blown by the wind, her body was bright red, as bright as peach blossoms in March, her expression was indifferent, her eyes were smiling, and she had no fear at all.

Han Bingyu suddenly stopped moving. She was indeed too impulsive just now. She couldn't beat Yun Feixiang alone. She couldn't beat Yun Feixiang three years ago. Over the years, she only paid attention to her own beauty. Nothing improved.

However, the prince is here today, and the prince is a top expert. Besides, she has done so many things for the prince, and she also wants to see the prince express his heart for her.

Although He Lianbei never gave herself a title, she believed that He Lianbei still had her in his heart, besides, capturing Yun Feixiang was a beneficial and harmless thing for Helianbei.

"Come back!" The man behind him had a cold tone, his complexion darkened, Han Bingyu's heart sank, and he looked at the man behind him in disbelief.

As soon as Helianbei's eyes moved, something flickered in his mind.

He only fought with Yun Feixiang once, and that was on the tower of Shengjing Imperial City. He poured his inner strength with a long spear and pierced Yun Feixiang's eyebrows at an extremely violent speed. Xiang resisted with a cold sword, within a very short buffer time, she staggered the position of the tip of the spear, and was safe and sound. He Lianbei still clearly remembered the scene of her long hair pouring down.Then, she silently attacked his chest with a silver needle. In the end, the mutiny failed and he returned home in a disastrous defeat.

Now, it has been four years in the blink of an eye. A woman like her will only grow faster in these four years, and will only be more intelligent and alert than before.

Such a woman, even He Lianbei, would not dare to underestimate her!
"My lord, it was she who ruined Yu'er's face!" When Han Bingyu thought of the pain of changing her skin every time, she felt heart-piercing pain, but she never paid attention to those who were skinned alive by her. women's feelings.

Of course, He Lianbei knew about this matter. Until now, Ouyang Ren was still imprisoned in the dungeon of Frost Jade. Her face needed constant maintenance, otherwise it would probably become old.

"You come back first. If you want revenge, you have to find the right time. Don't forget that this is not our territory. We must focus on the overall situation. We said it in advance, have you forgotten it? Or, you will never Don't want to appear in front of me?" He Lianbei didn't take a step forward, he directly lowered his face, with an irresistible command tone.

Han Bingyu hesitated for a moment, and then prepared to go back. Although she was unwilling, she did not dare to violate the man's bottom line.

She used to torture Han Bingxue behind Helianbei's back, and Helianbei already knew about it. Because of this incident, Helianbei almost killed her. Later, she knew that some bottom lines of men cannot be touched.

Yun Feixiang couldn't help squinting her eyes, Jiang was indeed old and hot, and with just one word, she was able to coax and frighten people.

"Hahahahahaha, it turns out that the King of Beixiang is actually a softie. Auntie, I think your fate is really sad. What is so good about this King of Beixiang? Long Ruhuo knows how to get out of the fire desperately. You rescued him, but this man you followed with all his heart refused to do anything for you, even to vent his anger on you. Tell me, are you very sad? "

Yun Feixiang smiled recklessly, she was talking to Han Bingyu, but her eyes were looking at Helianbei through the vast plain, and Helianbei looked back, feeling a provocation never before.

Han Bingyu clenched her fists tightly, pursed her lips and looked at He Lianbei. She knew in her heart that Yun Feixiang was telling the truth, but what else could she do other than be patient?
Being hurt like this, He Lianbei's expression was a little uneasy, but he also had some scruples in his heart, maybe he could try it out.

"Little girl, if you are so confident, is there a helper behind you?" He Lianbei was most worried about this. Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Murong Rui went north together, how could Yun Feixiang appear here alone?
As soon as Helianbei thought about it, an idea popped up.

(End of this chapter)

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