Chapter 464 A green hat (1)
What kind of charm does Yun Feixiang have that can fascinate all men?
"Well, let's see if the lord can walk away from where he was." Yun Feixiang suddenly smiled slyly, and instantly ascended into the sky with light kung fu, and retreated far away to 20 meters away. Let's go with you and enter the wolf's den ?
She is not a fool, how could she automatically send herself into the tiger's mouth?

The woman's charming laughter came, wanton and lazy, and everyone reacted instantly, looking at the woman in red vigilantly opposite, thinking most of Yun Feixiang's arrival, He Lianbei also realized that there was something wrong. Something bad happens.

He Lianbei took a step forward, but was immediately flicked by a strong force. The horse hesitated and encountered an obstacle. He was slightly taken aback, and looked up at the woman opposite.

"Array?" With a shocked voice, there was an instant commotion in the surroundings, and the guards felt terrified and worried, but as expected of Helianbei's elite guards, the commotion soon stopped.

He Lianbei narrowed his eyes slightly, and the interest in his eyes deepened. There are very few people in this world who can use formations to trap others, and among these people who can use formations, women are even rarer.

It was beyond his expectation that Yun Feixiang knew how to form formations. It turned out that she purposely sucked them into this place just now. It looked like she was desperate, but she was actually trying to lure the enemy into it.

What a cunning and clever little lady!
However, He Lianbei also has a lot of research on how to play, and it is not so easy to trap him. Since the little girl wants to play, Helianbei has also got very energetic and wants to compensate the little girl for playing. Son.

It's a pity that the sound of horseshoes from far and near broke Helianbei's beautiful imagination, because he already felt the strong momentum around him, the people who came must be masters, and, moreover, a group of masters.

"My lord, we've been tricked. They've been prepared for a long time." Han Bingyu's face turned cold, and she didn't care about that much anymore. She only had one thought now, and she must not fall into Yun Feixiang's hands again. Hate herself, she will play herself to death.

He Lianbei didn't answer, and his mind was already on cracking the formation.

Yun Feixiang hooked her lips into a smile, isn't she a master?This is one of the best masters in the world!But these two masters don't know when, they have two nicknames, one is vinegar jar, and the other is sick seedling.

The little woman folded her hands on her chest, and looked at the group of people circling in the formation leisurely. The more chaotic they were, the better. The more chaotic they were, the less they could find an exit.

Yun Feixiang suddenly smelled two scents behind her, the left is the unique fragrance that is familiar with the soul, and the right is the elegant and elegant fragrance. She caught a glimpse of two pairs of boots, the same black and the same domineering, and then two pairs of boots appeared in the corners of her eyes. There are different colors, on the left is the flickering corner of the white robe, and on the right is the green shirt with the sleeves fluttering like the wind.

The speed of these two people is not bad, very fast, they came just in time, she just needed some helpers, and Yun Feixiang also knew that there must be many high-level hidden guards where Xuanyuan Tianzhan appeared, Murong Rui is also surrounded by expert guards .

Since there are so many pairs of eyes watching, Yun Feixiang will not be polite. Today, I will fix these two men well, and see if they are still hypocritical in the future.

The two men were in the same place, like two criminals waiting for the little woman to find out. The little woman couldn't help but hooked her lips, looked to both sides, and was about to go to the right.

Murong Rui's eyes widened in an instant, and he couldn't believe it. His eyes were smug, and although he was extremely restrained, the meaning still emanated unconsciously.

"Xiang'er..." Xuanyuan Tianzhan spoke hastily, and stopped the little woman.

In fact, Yun Feixiang only took two steps. She paused slightly, her face remained unchanged, but her heart was soft. She had never been able to resist Xuanyuan Tianzhan, but once the little girl became stubborn, she would be as strong as ten bulls. Can't pull it back.

"Do you know that you are wrong?" The little woman turned her head and asked Xuanyuan Tianzhan calmly in front of everyone.

He Lianbei, who was looking for the exit of the formation, was stunned for a moment, this girl was asking Xuanyuan Tianzhan if he knew he was wrong?Since when did a man like Xuanyuan Tianzhan get ridden on his head by a little woman, he really wanted to see how Xuanyuan Tianzhan would answer?

Han Bingyu was about to burst into anger, what was Yun Feixiang proud of in front of her?In order to show that his man treats her better than Helian Bei?
But the terrible thing is, she knew that Xuanyuan Tianzhan would spoil Yun Feixiang.

Sure enough, the man opened his mouth almost without hesitation, and said dotingly as if there was no one else, "Xiang'er, I know I was wrong."

After going through so much, Xuanyuan Tianzhan has already seen through it. The dignity of a man is not something that is said. He is willing to spoil the little woman, so why bother what others think?If he didn't spoil Xiang'er, I don't know how many people would line up.

After the man finished speaking, he quietly looked at Murong Rui who was not far away.

Yun Feixiang smiled lightly, and then heard behind Wuying, Xiao Bai, Xiao Mo and other hidden guards panting, sighing and sighing, and at the same time, there was the light laughter of the hidden guard on Murong Rui's side.

"That's right, so good!" The little girl boasted without hesitation, and was about to clean up Murong Rui, but she didn't expect——

"Xiang'er, I also know I was wrong!" Murong Rui said in a gentle voice without changing his face.After the man finished speaking, he walked towards the little woman in a flattering way.

Everyone immediately thought that they had misheard, and the majestic Emperor Shengtian admitted his mistake immediately without waiting for the princess to ask.This awareness is really embarrassing!
The light laughter of Murong Rui's hidden guards just now turned into silence, and the original low pressure of Wuying Xiaobai and others became a little cheerful!
"You are also very good." Yun Feixiang also encouraged Murong Rui a lot, seeing his gradually improving face, he felt relieved a lot, but his body was too thin.

He Lianbei almost laughed out loud, this woman is really interesting, it is really unexpected that two of the most outstanding men in the world are trained so obediently by her.

However, the little woman who was still laughing just now turned her face in an instant, and a icy cold light came out of her eyes, like a sword that had been sealed for many years, suddenly saw the light, cold ice jade, this woman must die today !
Yun Feixiang's glance made Han Bingyu feel a bone-chilling chill from the outside to the inside.She couldn't help taking a few steps back, and shrank her body behind Helianbei. Helianbei's tall body blocked Yun Feixiang's gaze, and the unstoppable chill in the little woman's eyes happened to hit Helianbei.

He Lianbei's heart was shocked, what kind of hatred should this be?What did the woman behind him do that disgusted her so much?
Han Bingyu hid behind Helianbei, as if the cold light in Yun Feixiang's eyes just now hadn't swept over her.

(End of this chapter)

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