Chapter 465 A green hat (2)
Yun Feixiang quickly looked away and put on a smiling face.

"Old Prince Helian, tell me, can you leave successfully by yourself?" Yun Feixiang smiled sweetly, her brows and eyes were full of casual and indifferent smiles.

Her spring-like smile made He Lianbei a little distracted. This face was too similar to her mother's concubine, but she had a very different personality, but she really turned around faster than turning the pages of a book!

Just now it was a rainstorm, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and in an instant, the sky was clear and the sun was shining, such as the cloudiness of this plateau, it makes people helpless, the little girl's mind is really unpredictable!
It's just that He Lianbei really doesn't like to hear her phrase "Old Prince Helian". He is just old, but because of his martial arts training, his body has always been in a state of around 30 years old. He really can't afford a " Old" word.

"It's still unknown." The man spit out a few words without changing his face, and also smiled lightly like a spring breeze.

"Give the prince a chance. If the prince kills Han Bingyu, I will let you go immediately. Look, how about it?" If the man Han Bingyu cares about the most kills her, what will happen to her?
Yun Feixiang thought evilly, the best way to punish a person is to make her feel endless pain.

The sufferings and pains that the mother concubine has suffered are like pain on her body. Today, she will not let Frost Jade go anyway. As for Helianbei, he must not die so easily. Want to see what his next move is.

The problem now is to solve the cold ice jade first, so as not to have too many nights and dreams.

Han Bingyu turned pale immediately, and looked at Helianbei cautiously, but Helianbei's words pushed her to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

"Little girl, if I kill her, if you are willing to follow me, I can consider it. I don't need you to let me go, I can take you with me." He Lianbei still smiled It's like a spring breeze, but this smile makes people feel extremely evil!

In an instant, the plateau was densely covered with low pressure, and the atmosphere was unprecedentedly gloomy...

Yun Feixiang was a little taken aback, Helianbei was indeed prepared, but where did he come from for his confidence?What other tricks does he have?
No matter how strong an expert is, can they defeat the combination of Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Murong Rui?Yun Feixiang really wanted to see how he would escape this seemingly impenetrable net!
"Are you worthy of letting Xiang'er follow you?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan flicked his sleeves, shifted his shape and stood in front of Yun Feixiang. The man's face was as handsome as frost, and his flawless figure was slender and straight. He stood in front of the little woman, Like a towering mountain, blocking all the wind and rain for her.

Murong Rui was also angry, looking at Helianbei with cold eyes, wanting Xiang'er to follow him, what a toad wants to eat swan meat!
He Lianbei is still thinking about this matter?Yun Feixiang rolled her eyes, and signaled Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Murong Rui to be calm, she would naturally not go with Helianbei, but she knew that what Helianbei said would mean nothing to Han Bingyu. It is a fatal blow!
"You mean, for me, you can kill the Frost Jade?" The little woman seemed to have discovered something new, her eyes widened in feigned surprise, and there was an unexpected surprise in her eyes.

Han Bingyu's face turned pale in an instant, and she looked at He Lianbei pitifully, but He Lianbei's gaze was always on Yun Feixiang, and she did not move away.

"Little girl, Yu'er has been with me for so many years anyway. If she dies, there will be no one to accompany me. If you are willing to accompany me, of course I don't want her!" What breakfast is generally simple.

Helianbei's words were undoubtedly cruel, Han Bingyu almost couldn't stand still, and fell headfirst on the grass, she just felt dizzy and her head swelled, at this moment, she thought of Long Ruhuo.

That man who was not smart enough in her eyes did so much for her, and approached her desperately to help her, but she abandoned his care and love like a blind shoe. Until today, she didn't know that she was How ignorant of how to cherish, what kind of ruthless person did she fall in love with?
Just for the sake of a little girl he is interested in, is he going to kill him hard?Or is it God's punishment for her to do all kinds of bad things?
"Okay, if you kill her, I will naturally go with you!" The little woman replied without thinking.

"Xiang'er!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Murong Rui Qiqi stopped in disapproval.Although they knew what Xiang'er was thinking, they would never let Xiang'er take risks. They knew exactly how cunning Helian Bei was.

"Little girl, you have to think about it clearly." The man took a heavy breath, his eyes flashed with amazement, and the little girl readily agreed.

"If the prince can take me away in front of so many people, there will be no problem." Yun Feixiang's eyes flashed, but her tone remained firm.

"Okay, it's a deal!" He Lianbei agreed, with waves rising from the corners of his eyes. Although the Wuhe plateau was not his territory, he did not let go of using this plateau.

"Then the prince will do it now!" Yun Feixiang crossed her arms and embraced her chest, looking like she was watching the show. Behind her stood two men with solemn faces, staring at her dissatisfied.

Yun Feixiang stared wantonly at Han Bingyu as if she hadn't seen her. Her beautiful face was already full of fear. Helianbei pressed her every step, startling a group of guards.

Is the prince really going to attack Madam Yu?Madam Yu has been with the prince for more than twenty years!
"My lord, even if you kill Yu'er, Yun Feixiang will not go with you. Yu'er will follow you wholeheartedly. Even if there is no credit, there will be hard work. You can't ask for it just because of Yun Feixiang's words." My life!" Han Bingyu took a step back and sat down on the ground, looking at Helian Bei in horror, she knew better than anyone else the methods of this man.

Unmoved, Helianbei stepped forward slowly step by step.

Han Bingyu was anxious, so she said: "My lord, I already have your child, you can't kill me!"

Yun Feixiang raised her eyebrows, did Han Bingyu really have Helianbei's flesh and blood?This is a good show, but she frowned slightly, is the child innocent?
Forget it, it has nothing to do with her, she is not the Holy Mother, Han Bingyu has done a lot of evil, this is the result of her own evil!

He Lianbei's face suddenly changed, it was stained a little blue, and then a little purple, and then he said to Han Bingyu, "Extend your hand and let me see."

Han Bingyu stretched out her hand tremblingly, as if she had seen some light of hope, she stared closely at the man's expression. A man with strong martial arts generally knows medical skills. He Lianbei's medical skills are not very high, but he verified Ximai , is still trivial.

Helian Bei pressed his index finger on the pulse of Frost Jade, and after a while, his expression became even brighter.Yun Feixiang couldn't help being startled, Han Bingyu was indeed pregnant, He Lianbei might not attack her again, but——

(End of this chapter)

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