Chapter 480 His Weakness (2)
Yun Feixiang felt that the man's cute and silly appearance was full of cuteness. She stretched out her hand and took off the man's mask, and a familiar handsome face appeared in front of her eyes.

The yearning in my heart suddenly poured in continuously like flowing water!

The soldiers cheered and shouted that the regent is mighty, but no one knew how complicated Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart was at the moment.

Xiang'er's skin actually carries toxins!

Suppressing the pain in his heart, Xuanyuan Tianzhan smiled foolishly.

"Xiang'er, the baby came so suddenly!" The corner of the man's lips spread into a big smile, and he lowered his head to kiss the little woman's forehead again.

Seeing that he was happy, Yun Feixiang pinched his chin and said teasingly, "I thought you didn't want a baby. You're so slow to react. Where's my smart husband?"

"Xiang'er, you despise me!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan pouted cutely, looking aggrieved.

Yun Feixiang thought it was funny, his face was as handsome as snow, delicate and smooth, his sexy and moist lips were pink, it made people feel like they wanted to eat...

"Do you think you can see your child?" Helianbei's voice came from the sky like a demon, and the cheers of the soldiers stopped abruptly. Yun Feixiang also raised his head, and looked coldly at the top of the tower Helen North.

Everyone felt as if they had been poured a basin of cold water in an instant, and they felt chilled all over their bodies.What exactly does Helianbei mean?
"What? Do you think you can poison this king's child?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes turned cold, and the golden eyes instantly froze the whole land. All concentrated on Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

"Xuanyuan Tianzhan, have you forgotten? This king reminded you about your having a child. I knew about it as early as on the Wuhe plateau. So, for such a long time, you know that I have done it. What?" He Lianbei smiled cruelly, which made people feel cold in the bottom of their hearts.

Everyone suddenly realized that it was no wonder that He Lianbei did not take any measures to tie up the princess. It turned out that he had planned to murder the innocent little prince long ago!
How despicable and shameless!
Yun Feixiang stretched out his hand to hold the man's big hand. He was trembling slightly, as if he was enduring tremendous pain.

The little woman felt a pain in her heart, hugged his waist, and comforted him softly: "Ah Zhan, don't listen to him!"

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes fell on the top of the little girl's head, and there was an invisible abyss in his eyes. God always had no eyes, and dealt them heavy blows on their happiest days.

When he got married back then, he almost lost Xiang'er. Now, even the unborn child has suffered. How can he not feel pain? !

"Xiang'er, believe me, everything will be fine!" The man hugged the petite person in his arms back, and his hoarse but firm tone sounded above his head.

No matter what, he wants to keep their baby.

Yun Feixiang nodded, sharp eyes shot at the man on the tower, and said in a sly and playful tone: "Helianbei, do you know what this girl has done for so many days?"

He Lianbei's pupils shrank, and her body froze suddenly. Did she still do anything to herself?Why doesn't he feel anything?

The man took his own pulse with a gloomy expression, and after a long time, he laughed at Yun Feixiang and said, "Little girl, don't try to scare me. I am in good health now, and there is nothing wrong with me!"

"Really?" Yun Feixiang smiled indifferently, and asked with a strange expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

He Lianbei was taken aback for a moment, and then said in a firm tone: "Of course! I am still very confident in my medical skills!"

There is no abnormality in his body, this girl is ghostly and clever, she must be trying to scare him, and then exchange for the antidote on him.

During the ten days in the tunnel and the secret room, the candles he lit every day were made of special substances and solidified wax. As long as he smelled it for a period of time, he would be slowly poisoned, but he didn't know it.

The smell of this substance has no effect on ordinary people, but it is a very harmful substance to pregnant people!
"You can take a look, is your chest a little black?" The little woman raised her eyebrows and smiled, and stopped looking at Helianbei, and let him do it himself!

"Ah Zhan, let's go back first, and attack this city after Helianbei dies of poison."

"Okay, listen to Xiang'er!" The man put his arms around the little woman's waist, and the two of them prepared to leave without hesitation.

Helianbei's eyes darkened, and he felt a knot in his chest and a dull pain in his heart.Could it be that he was really poisoned by the little woman?

Memories sprang up in his mind one after another, and Helianbei finally remembered that once he was thirsty, the little woman asked him to bring him some water.

She was actually poisoned in the water!How could she know that she was going to be disadvantageous to her, and she was prepared in advance!

This girl really shouldn't be underestimated!

"Little girl, do you really not care about the child in your womb, or do you not want Xuanyuan Tianzhan's child at all?" He Lianbei's voice came, and Yun Feixiang didn't turn his head.

Anyway, he won't offer the antidote obediently, it's better to go back and think of a way, this poison invades slowly, and it won't hurt the lungs for a while.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan would not listen to He Lianbei's nonsense, and his mind was full of creating the antidote formula. He must cure Xiang'er's poison and keep their child.

As for Helian Bei, sooner or later let him disappear from this world!

"Xuanyuan Tianzhan, there is only this bottle of antidote, and it is in my hand. If you take a step forward, I will immediately pour the antidote down from the tower!" The bottle in Yang's hand.

He only had this one chance, and when Xuanyuan Tianzhan calmed down, he didn't know what would happen.

Everyone really didn't expect Helian Bei to be so brazen, and they couldn't help but stare at the white porcelain bottle in his hand.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan stopped in his tracks. He really didn't want to risk Xiang'er's life. Maybe he could prepare the antidote, but what if he couldn't?

The child in Xiang'er's womb carried so much love and expectation from them. Imagining such a vivid life, a dancing child, he couldn't take risks easily.

However, the little girl didn't think so. She would rather be smashed to pieces than be a bargaining chip for others to threaten him!

When the man stopped, Yun Feixiang naturally stopped too!

Looking at the man's cold side face, she really felt distressed. She never thought that one day she would become his burden and trouble, and let him be restrained everywhere because of herself.

He was originally a confident and strong man, but because he fell into hesitation, he became extremely unconfident about his superb medical skills. In fact, as long as he carefully deliberates and explores the formula of the antidote, even she herself will know how to treat it. .

(End of this chapter)

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