The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 481 Father-Daughter Relationship

Chapter 481 Father-Daughter Relationship (1)
Once this man encounters her affairs, he will become flustered. How can people not love him like this?
"Xuanyuan Tianzhan, it's worth trading your life for the antidote, isn't it?" He Lianbei's still wishful thinking came, and the soldiers once again tightened their arms. The life of the little prince is certainly important, but the prince is even more important. .

They absolutely do not allow anyone to harm the prince's life!

Yun Feixiang suppressed a deep breath in her heart, her throat felt like a fishbone was stuck, it was extremely uncomfortable!
He Lianbei held a milky white porcelain bottle in his hand. He opened the cork and slowly tilted the mouth of the bottle. A trace of liquid slowly flowed out from the mouth of the porcelain bottle. Tell Helian Bei to stop.

At this moment, Yun Feixiang made a major decision. She broke free from the man's hand, spun out, and came to an archer in the blink of an eye.

With a slight shake of her internal strength, a soldier's hand suddenly loosened, and the bow and arrow had already reached the little woman's hand.

Nocking the arrow and firing the bow, the time was so short that people had no time to react, a long arrow infused with huge internal force soared up into the sky and flew straight to the tower.

The wind blew even colder, carrying the arrow that left the string and marched forward bravely.

With a sound of "bang", Helian Bei's hand was numb from the shock, the porcelain bottle in his hand cracked, and the pure colorless liquid scattered in all directions.

As soon as Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes darkened, golden light flew from his palm, and he was about to use Longteng Juling to collect the splashed liquid.There is only one thought in his mind, if this is the only antidote, it must not be ruined by it.

Unexpectedly, the little woman grabbed Xuanyuan Tianzhan's hand and prevented him from moving. Xuanyuan Tianzhan didn't dare to move again for fear of hurting the little woman, and looked at the little woman suspiciously.

Accompanied by the sound of porcelain shattering, until the crystal clear liquid fell on the bluestone and soaked into the cracks, Yun Feixiang let go of the man's hand and sighed softly: "If someone threatens you with me and my child , why not let me die!"

The little woman's tone was a little heavy, but Xuanyuan Tianzhan became more and more confused.Xiang'er seems to be angry?

"Did you know? It's impossible for Helianbei to come up with a real antidote!" Yun Feixiang's chest heaved violently, and something hit her heart, turning it into a puddle of softness.

The little girl cried, but said in a vicious tone: "For me, you don't believe the judgment in your heart, and you are willing to be threatened!"

"Xiang'er, don't cry!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan panicked, even speaking incoherently, but hugged the little woman's body tightly.

"Ah Zhan, I don't want to be your weakness! I'm not a fool, I won't risk my life and my child's life, but if anyone wants you to trade your life for something, I will never agree!" Tears said With cheeks flowing down, the little woman beat the man's shoulder with seven points of distress and three points of self-willedness.

"Fool, I got it! Don't cry!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan leaned over and kissed the tears off the little woman's cheeks. In fact, he didn't lose his mind, he just wanted an extra layer of security!

How dare he take the risk of a little woman whom he values ​​more than his life?It's just that Xiang'er thought that she had become his burden.

Fool, how could I take you as a burden?You are the wife of my Xuanyuan Tianzhan, the love of my life!I will devote my whole life to loving you and loving you!
For this sudden arrow, Helian Beida was shocked, his palms were still numb, the evidence clearly showed what happened just now, he really didn't expect that Yun Feixiang's temper would be so strong!
All the soldiers were stunned and couldn't believe their eyes!
The scene just now was too shocking, many people hadn't recovered their senses, Xuanyuan Wangyue stared at the liquid flowing into the cracks in the ground until the last drop soaked into the ground and turned into a pool of wet shadows.

With a move in Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart, he resolutely decided on a bold idea. Since Xiang'er didn't want him to be threatened in any way, he no longer had any scruples. The army has already arrived. Instead of winning a battle, it is better to fight a meaningful one. battle.

"All the generals listen to the order!" The man's majestic order sounded, and everyone felt as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and all of them came back to their senses, staring straight at the godlike man in their hearts.

Xuanyuan Wangyue and Ganlu vaguely guessed that the big battle was coming, and they couldn't help but glance at the tall and deep city wall. At the same time, their hearts were filled with self-evident excitement and solemnity. The excitement was because this would be a tough battle that would test their abilities in all aspects. He was dignified because this battle was crucial, and the opponent was Helianbei, so he couldn't take it lightly.

"The end is here!" Hanhai Kingdom's elite soldiers, except for Xiao Tianyue and some important positions that cannot leave, almost all gathered here. Everyone was excited, eager and worried about this rare battle in history.

Liaoyuan City is the center of the north, and it is also Helianbei's old nest. Taking Liaoyuan City, this time's northward movement is a complete success. As for the city behind Liaoyuan City, it is not worth mentioning.

There are many talented people in the Hanhai Kingdom, and each general has many counselors who advise and advise. Most of these people have fixed official positions, but they deal with the soldiers all the year round in the army. The civil and military commanders coordinate and complement each other. The growth of the company has made great contributions.

"This battle, let's look at your performance. This king will wait for your news in the base camp. With General Xuanyuan Wangyue as the commander and General Ganlu as the deputy commander, whether you can take down Liaoyuan City depends entirely on your ability! Everything, The general will make the decision, and this king will only watch the battle." The man's eagle eyes scanned the surroundings, his tone was loud and loud, even the cold aura on Dugu Piaojian's body was moved by him, and a rush of blood surged in his heart.

What is total trust?This is!
Many people finally understood why the emperor was willing to hand over the power to the prince even though he was far away in the imperial city of Xuanyuan. It was because this precious trust was just like the prince's trust in Xuanyuan Wangyue.

Xuanyuan Wangyue's heart was filled with something soft, like the winter sun, shining directly into the bottom of one's heart, warm and comfortable.

Brother Huang's self-evident touch and trust made him feel more responsible for himself.

Yun Feixiang is clear, she has already understood the man's thoughts, how did he become a general?It is to let him display his talents on the battlefield, not only to fight, but more importantly, to control the overall situation and spread the words and ink in his chest on the battlefield.

How many soldiers are there, millions of them, so what about the general?No shortage!So what about the Commander-in-Chief?Such a person is the most rare!If one day Xuanyuan Tianzhan no longer commands the three armies, then who will take up this responsibility?

"The final general will not disgrace his mission!" Looking at Helianbei on the tower, Xuanyuan Wangyue knelt on one knee to accept the order. This solemn and sacred gesture represented his firm determination.

(End of this chapter)

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