Chapter 489 You Are My Sun (1)
The faces of the members of the Dulong team remained unchanged, but there were waves of nausea in their hearts. The black insects twisted their ugly bodies, and a pair of strange wings fluttered against the edge of the air wall, clamoring to make a "buzzing" sound !

It's just that the master who supported the air wall alone made them very distressed. They never thought that there would be a woman who would stand in front of them at the most critical moment and protect them with her petite body.

Yun Feixiang didn't think too much about it, Xiaoyao Tianxia made rapid progress, but she seldom used it in practice, just because there were a lot of guards around her and the men's airtight protection.

She suddenly felt very happy. In fact, she already had a lot. Not only did she have an excellent man who many women dream of loving her, but he also protected her meticulously.

This is the luck of her life!
Dugu Piaojian didn't have too much news, and soon he and Yun Feixiang set up an air wall, and the surrounding Dulong team who could support them also stood up to help.

Yun Feixiang smiled gratifiedly.Her Dulong team, she is proud of them!Even if it fails, it is the last moment of the battle.

"Everyone just hold on for a while!" Yun Feixiang had already told Xuanyuan Wangyue that she could use smoke to kill insects before she came, so she was not worried about what would happen to the army.

However, she can't guarantee that the method given by Master Miaoshou will definitely work!
"Princess, I heard King Zhan's voice just now." A Dulong team member reminded.

"En." Yun Feixiang could only hear the sound of black insects flying around, her mind was full of how to persevere, but she could imagine the man's situation at this moment.

The little girl was really annoyed at this moment, she should have let him come with her, seeing that the Dulong team was in an emergency situation, she came here without saying anything.

Ah Zhan must be very worried about her!
"Ah Zhan, I'm fine, you take good care of yourself!" The little woman knew that he was strong in martial arts and would be able to handle everything, but she felt a sense of uneasiness in her heart.

After Yun Feixiang finished speaking, he suddenly felt a world-shattering force hovering around the air wall, as if something was about to destroy and rush in.

Yun Feixiang and the others had their sights blocked by the black worms, and they couldn't see each other inside and out at all. What they saw was the aura of darkness.

Everyone held their breath, their ears pricked up to listen to the movement outside!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan's mood has never been more irritable, and the little woman's voice can't soothe his emotions at the moment, how can Xiang'er leave him alone to protect the members of the Dulong team?

It was agreed to let her stand by his side and never leave, why didn't she listen?Besides, she is pregnant now, how can she be so willful and disregard her own safety?
He must teach the little girl a lesson, so that she will never dare to run away casually again.Her martial arts progressed so fast that she flew directly out of the air wall before he caught her.

The golden phantom dragon sprang out from the body, and its huge body instantly filled the entire space surrounded by black poisonous insects. The phantom dragon acted extremely domineering, just like the man's domineering thoughts at the moment.

The sound of yelling and crowding wanting to break through the air wall gradually turned into moaning and moaning insects. Layers of black insects peeled off from the air wall layer by layer, and the sunlight gradually penetrated into the light.

The giant black sphere was peeled off, and the poisonous insect rolled to the ground, flapping its wings, but could no longer fly.

When Xuanyuan Tianzhan saw the light, a tall figure appeared like a dream, the man's eyes searched around, and the golden phantom dragon happily shook its head and tail around him.

Soon, Xuanyuan Tianzhan saw a huge black sphere not far away. The black sphere was so big that it must have accommodated a lot of people. Xiang'er must also be inside. As soon as the man thought, the dragon flew towards the black sphere past.

"What are you standing there for? Hurry up and light the fire!" Xuanyuan Wangyue couldn't help being furious. The situation was so urgent that this group of soldiers was still standing here in a daze.

The fuming method of brother Huang and wife Huang was indeed very powerful. He had already prepared for it. When the poisonous insects came to attack, everyone lit the torches and piled up wet grass.

He originally thought that fumigation could only drive away the poisonous insects, but he didn't expect that those poisonous insects would fly towards the smoke as if they were possessed when they saw the smoke. .

Xuanyuan Wangyue has not figured out until now, why those poisonous insects flew towards the smoke recklessly?He quickly finished dealing with the affairs in the army, and came here, and he saw many spheres solidified by the air wall, but filled with black poisonous insects!
"General, look!" One of the soldiers pointed in Xuanyuan Tianzhan's direction.

Xuanyuan looked at the moon, and the man stood there alone, his back was stiff, his tall body stood upright, and the ground around him was covered with dead black bugs.

Everyone couldn't see Xuanyuan Tianzhan's expression, but they could feel a strong pressure!

In front of the man was a golden dragon, surrounded by the largest black sphere, and then, a fiery golden airflow spewed out from the dragon's mouth!

Yun Feixiang felt a little hot, with sweat dripping from his forehead, Dugu Piaojian was standing next to him, trying his best to share some of her pressure, and all members of the Dulong team also concentrated their energy, struggling to hold up the heavy air wall.

Suddenly, accompanied by heat, a huge bright light suddenly appeared, and something exploded, it was an air wall!The wall of air exploded, and there were no poisonous insects around him, only the usual light!

Everyone was shocked and didn't understand what happened!
Yun Feixiang didn't expect that there would be a sudden strong glare from all around her, and her eyes were not used to it. She shook her head and saw a pile of disgusting poisonous insects on the ground.

However, the bug is dead? !

The little girl was still thinking about what was going on, but she felt something warm rubbing against her forehead. When she raised her eyes, she saw a giant dragon flying in the sky, and the people around her were already stunned.

She stretched out her hand in surprise and touched the dragon's beard, she retracted her hand in surprise, the golden dragon was not without any touch, but a warm feeling.

This feeling is like A Zhan's touch!

Cham? !The little woman looked around, and then remembered Xuanyuan Tianzhan, anxiously looking for the figure of the man, but looking around, where is his shadow? !

The man who I thought was right in front of me disappeared!

The man who had been standing beside her disappeared, Yun Feixiang's first reaction was that something happened to Xuanyuan Tianzhan!
Magic Dragon!Yes, you can find A Zhan through the magic dragon!She touched the Huanlong's beard just now, the little woman's eyes turned around quickly, and then turned around, but she didn't find the Huanlong's figure.

Yun Feixiang panicked, her eyes instantly became cold and sharp, her eyes were covered with ice, where did Ah Zhan go?What kind of things will happen to him with such powerful martial arts?
(End of this chapter)

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