Chapter 490 You Are My Sun (2)
An overwhelming fear struck, Yun Feixiang trembled all over, she couldn't stand on her feet, Dugu Piaojian stretched out his hand to support her, and comforted her: "Xiang'er, don't worry, maybe he has something to leave."

"No, Ah Zhan won't leave me casually, something must have happened to him!" The little woman shook her head firmly, and was going to find Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

The guards were stunned and couldn't say anything, or they didn't dare to say anything, they could see the scene just now clearly, the prince was standing there, just outside the huge black sphere, until the black ball explodes.

"Wangyue, where's your brother?" Yun Feixiang asked hurriedly when he saw Xuanyuan Wangyue not far away.

"Um... Sister-in-law Huang, Wangyue just rushed over, but I didn't see brother Huang!" Xuanyuan Wangyue replied.

The guard beside him was trembling all over. He had joined the army for almost ten years, and he had never seen the prince up close. Now that the prince was standing behind him, how could he not be excited?Or, how can you not be afraid?
Ever since the prince appeared behind him, he felt a strong air pressure, which made him dare not even vent his breath. Now that the princess's icy eyes swept over him, he was even more frightened.

Yun Feixiang narrowed her eyes coldly, and a cold air flew out of her eyes. Then, she realized the fact that Mochizuki hadn't even seen Ah Zhan, so something must have happened to him!
The little woman insisted on her own ideas strangely!
Who said that only when Xuanyuan Tianzhan encountered Yun Feixiang would he lose all kinds of reason, isn't it the same for Yun Feixiang at this moment?The little girl didn't even notice Xuanyuan Wangyue's unnatural expression and the nervousness of the guards around him.

Now her mind is full of the fact that Xuanyuan Tianzhan is gone!

Yun Feixiang didn't care so much, and directly ordered: "What are you still doing in a daze, all of you are looking for your lord!"

The high-pressure air came oncoming, with infinite anger and anxiety, and there were trills and fears that ordinary people could not hear in the hasty tone.

The bodyguard next to Xuanyuan Wangyue suddenly went limp, and wanted to look behind him. He remembered that the prince was standing behind him, so he froze and didn't dare to look back, but——he really couldn't bear to deceive the princess.

Intentionally or not, the guard trembled and moved a step away in fear, thinking that the princess might be able to find the prince in this way.

When Yun Feixiang's gaze swept over again, it only stayed for a short moment, and then moved away.

The guard was stunned, and boldly turned his head to look, where is the shadow of the prince behind him?
Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart was hurting, but he was so stubborn that he didn't come out for the first time. He spoiled her, loved her, she could do whatever she wanted, but she absolutely couldn't just leave him regardless of her own life!
Most of the man's anger before was because of jealousy. In the final analysis, it was some trivial matter, but this time, he really had a surge of anger in his chest.

When she broke free from his hand and flew directly out of the air wall, he was going crazy!

"What? I asked you to find your prince, didn't you hear?" Yun Feixiang wondered why these people didn't move, couldn't help turning cold, and ordered again.

"Um, yes, the subordinates are going now!" The guards were scattered, and the unnatural voices annoyed the little woman, and she flew away and disappeared from everyone's sight.

The soldiers were shocked immediately, including the members of the Dulong team, their eyes widened, and they couldn't believe the scene in front of them.The red figure of the woman disappeared in place with only a flash.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's black sleeves flashed out quickly, chasing after the little woman, how could Xiang'er's martial arts rise so fast?The speed of her lightness kung fu has to catch up to his speed of shifting shape.

"Hurry up and find the prince and concubine!" Seeing that something was wrong, Xuanyuan Wangyue immediately ordered the soldiers to act. Needless to say, the members of the Dulong team chased after Yun Feixiang flew out.

Yun Feixiang flew westward all the way, and she felt that the biggest possibility was that Ah Zhan went westward, perhaps to chase someone, even if he really encountered a powerful master, he would only go westward.

The little girl felt infinitely annoyed, why did she leave him, she should have taken him to the position of the Dulong team, thinking about it, Yun Feixiang realized that she had already burst into tears.

The panic in her heart expanded infinitely, the little woman looked around while walking, her sharp gaze was restrained, it was extremely sharp at this moment!
The teardrops in the corners of her eyes were crystal clear and soft, combined with her sweeping gaze, it made people feel distressed.

"Xiang'er." A deep and hoarse voice came from behind.

Yun Feixiang suddenly stopped and froze. Is this A Zhan's voice?Although it was extremely hoarse and strange, it was Ah Zhan's voice.

"Ah Zhan!" The little woman turned her head in surprise, and seeing that the man was fine, she ran over quickly and plunged into the man's arms.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan opened his arms, letting the little woman's mischievous head rub against his chest, feeling the trembling of her body, Xuanyuan Tianzhan paused, and then hugged her tightly into his arms.

"Xiang'er?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan lowered his head, looking tenderly and pitifully at the little woman in his arms.

Yun Feixiang didn't speak, her nose twitched, she leaned her head against Xuanyuan Tianzhan's chest, smelled the familiar scent, and felt much more at ease in her heart.

But she never wanted to have that panic feeling just now.

"I thought you were missing!"

"I thought I'd never find you again!"

"Where did you go? Why did you disappear without saying a word?" The little girl couldn't bear it anymore, and the grievance and fear in her heart swept down like a torrential rain!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan raised the woman's chin with one hand, and she was already in tears.Xiang'er cried!
The man felt a pain in his heart, and he hugged the little girl tightly again. Unlimited self-blame welled up in his heart, and no matter how much anger he had dissipated at this moment, how could he let her be sad?How can I bear her crying?She must have been terrified just now!
"I'm sorry, Xiang'er, I shouldn't be by your side!" The man's tone was distressed and he blamed himself.

"What happened to you just now? Have you met a master?"

"Yeah, I met a master, I met a master that I can never surpass in my life!" Isn't the little woman in front of me that master?

She was like a thread, holding him forever!
"It's fine!" The little woman smiled through tears, and the combination of the light of tears and the bright smile made Xuanyuan Tianzhan stunned.

"Fool, my martial arts are so strong, how can something happen?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan rubbed the hair on the top of her head, and a leisurely fragrance wafted in. The familiar smell of cold alpine snow lotus made people feel as if they were in the snow and ice. , all pure and clean.

(End of this chapter)

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