Chapter 491
The little woman's body was still trembling, tears streaming down her cheeks little by little, she seemed to be still terrified, and cried again, the brocade handkerchief in Xuanyuan Tianzhan's hand was already wet, and her heart became cold with the little woman's sadness.

"Xiang'er, don't cry! I will never leave you again." Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart sank slightly, but he didn't say what he should have said. He couldn't bear to blame her, let alone her being sad. The big deal is to follow her all the time in the future, and not let her slip away again.

The man patted the little woman on the back, just like coaxing a child. Time stopped at this moment, stopped, and the two embraced tightly, harmoniously.

Not far from the two of them, Dugu Piaojian made a stop gesture to the people behind him, and everyone understood instantly, and retreated quietly.

Xiao Bai and Xiao Mo hid in a tree, and the rest of the hidden guards hid in different places. This time, Xiao Bai didn't say a word strangely.

Naturally, Xuanyuan Tianzhan knew the surrounding situation clearly, he even knew the purposely lowered breathing of the hermit guards, and there was no one who could hide his breath within 300 meters of him, except Chasing Soul. But if it is within 150 meters, Zhuihun can't hide his breath from him!

After crying for a long time, Yun Feixiang stopped her tears suddenly, and said, "I can't blame you for leaving me, but I can't blame you for not holding you back! I was too anxious at the time, thinking that you are good at martial arts, so nothing will happen."

"But I ignored how much you care about my existence! It's like the moment when a poisonous insect dies and sees the light but can't see you, I know what your existence means to me!"

"Xiang'er!" The man was startled, feeling her deep trust and love for him!

"Ah Zhan, listen to me!" The little woman stretched out her hand to cover the man's mouth, Xuanyuan Tianzhan pursed her lips and nodded lightly.

"Perhaps, I can't understand the lonely and deep-seated love that I am not by your side, but I know the call and expectation in my heart, just like the [-] days in the secret room, I look forward to seeing you all the time! "

"Maybe, I don't know your pain when you lost my news, but I can feel the dawn of hope when you exist."

"You are like a ray of sunshine that sprinkled into my life. Since then, you accounted for 80.00% of my world. A man occupies too many places in a woman's heart. It is both a kind of happiness and a kind of happiness. Sad, I am happy!"

"However, in fact, women also have a lot of things to do on their own. For example, she also has to protect her comrades in arms. She also needs to do her best at the most dangerous moment and do what she can do, instead of forever Hide under the wings of men."

"I have to admit that I have always liked your embrace and that you surrounded me tightly, but I am also a woman with high martial arts skills. I will make the right judgment and protect myself while protecting myself. people."

"Today, I really shouldn't be so impulsive! Otherwise, you wouldn't be furious after I broke free from your big hand, and even released the phantom dragon, killing waves of poisonous insects devastatingly."

"Xiang'er, how do you know it's me?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan was stunned, it turned out that Xiang'er knew he was angry.

Yes, Yun Feixiang knew that he would be angry, she was ready to appease him, but unexpectedly, he disappeared!
"Warm, fiery, domineering, familiar, all kinds of feelings are intertwined, and there can only be one person—Xuanyuan Tianzhan! You are my sun, and you will always be unique!" The little woman had a serious and holy light on her face, The love in the eyes surrounded Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

At this moment, the man is satisfied!

"Xiang'er, it's all my fault!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan sighed softly, and hugged the woman in his arms even tighter.

He was just worried about her and their baby. He hoped that Xiang'er could trust him with confidence. He would definitely do his best to protect the people around him.

"The baby asked me to tell his father that he is fine!" Yun Feixiang suddenly approached the man's ear and said with a cheerful smile.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan felt that these words were very familiar, as if he had said them himself!The man heard the low laughter of the hermit guards around him, and couldn't help but glance away, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Everything is back to normal.

"General Qi, Helianbei's army was seriously injured by poisonous insects, and Helianbei was also bitten by poisonous insects. I heard that he is about to die!" A guard suddenly stepped forward to report.

Yun Feixiang's eyelids twitched, didn't that man die so easily?However, why did he hear the news that he was about to die, so he didn't feel any excitement at all, but a deep sadness rose in his heart.

Previously, Mu Rujing's poisonous insects only attacked Xuanyuan Tianzhan's army, but did nothing to Helianbei's army. She originally wanted to cooperate with Helianbei to deal with Yunfeixiang together, but what she didn't expect was that Helianbei Lian Bei rejected her straightforwardly, and even fought back and forth with Yun Feixiang, forcing her to the point of desperation.

Therefore, in this wave of poisonous insect attacks, she spent a lot of effort to deal with Helianbei's troops!
Due to the lack of timely preparations, Helianbei's troops suffered heavy losses. If Yun Feixiang hadn't reminded them to use smoke to kill insects, the losses would have been even greater!

The situation in Liaoyuan City was very complicated. There were many casualties among the soldiers, the people were terrified, and outside the city was surrounded by the army of the Hanhai Kingdom. Now the whole city is in chaos.

He Lianbei seemed to have disappeared, his whereabouts became a mystery, and the most rumored outside was that he was bitten by poisonous insects and was hovering on the verge of life and death.

But at this moment, the biggest maker of this chaos was walking in the suburbs with difficulty. After escaping from danger, she was Mu Rujing who used her supernatural ability to control the poisonous insects again.

Mu Rujing's footsteps were flimsy, his whole body was weak, and his body seemed to be emptied, as if he would fall down at any time.The orange-red veil hangs by her ears, she has long lost her previous look, and Mu Rujing's face is pale and bloodless.

She raised her hand to touch her face, and slowly slid her fingertips along her cheeks to the corners of her eyes. As far as she could feel, a bump emerged from the skin. Mu Rujing was horrified to find that she had crow's feet!
How could this be?How can it be so fast? !She just used her ability twice.

"Yun Feixiang, I hate you!" The vicious and frantic voice roared in the fierce cold wind, the leaves scattered and fell in all directions, desolate and lonely, the dead branches broke in the wind, a desolate scene.

A group of women in white clothes were meditating in a hidden corner of the woods, but many of them were sitting on pins and needles. The young master took a team to discuss cooperation with Helianbei, but there was no news until now.

Could it be that something happened to the young master?
(End of this chapter)

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