Chapter 502 Inexplicable (2)
"As expected of my Helianbei's daughter, she is really smart for responding so quickly. I just don't know if the little girl can crack it?" Helianbei glanced at the little woman appreciatively, and a smile subconsciously appeared on his lips.

He still remembered that once when Helian Zhongyu was tested, the two of them sat in the room for a long time, and in the end, Helian Zhongyu asked him calmly when the formation would start.

This girl can tell at a glance that the formation has been set up long ago, this is the gap!
Yun Feixiang's bright eyes began to shoot around, every place might be a key point, she had to be meticulous to the extreme.

Helianbei's room is grand, spacious and bright, but at the same time, the cumbersome decorations and various utensils inside also give Yun Feixiang a headache.

It was as if an illusion had appeared in her mind. She saw He Lianbei who was clearly sitting suddenly stood up, and changed his position. In an instant, he was in front of her, and shot at her impressively.

The little girl waved her hand and met the man in the void. At this moment, Helianbei's figure seemed to be shattered, and there was nothing in front of him.

It turned out to be an illusion!
Yun Feixiang shook his head fiercely, calmed down and took a closer look, and found that He Lianbei was still sitting where he was, with steaming tea still on the table in front of him, and the man looked at her with a slight smile, as if he was not at all. Just didn't move.

It was rare for Yun Feixiang to sigh, what a powerful ecstasy array!
He just sits there, but creates infinite fantasies for people. Once people are immersed in it, they will regard the people they see or even think of in their minds as enemies. .

Yun Feixiang suddenly remembered the time when she entered the Demon Sect by mistake. She was clearly in a meadow less than [-] meters away, but it felt like she had entered a boundless realm. The more she struggled, the deeper she fell into it.

At that time, she didn't see anything, and she didn't know anything about the formation, so she was fine, but a master like Ah Zhan was left behind for a long time.

The little woman made a sudden move and attacked Helian Bei angrily. The inner strength in her palm was concentrated, and a red apple-like luster appeared on her face.

He Lianbei was a little surprised. Why did she, who was always calm, suddenly go crazy?This is not the result he wanted!

"Xiang'er, if you can't crack it, then admit defeat." He Lianbei said worriedly while taking her palm.

After all, this formation was handed down from the Helian family and no one has been able to break it. It is understandable that this girl can't break it, but if she continues to do it like this, I'm afraid it will cause immeasurable damage to her body.

She was still pregnant with a child, how could her body withstand such a blow.

In fact, Yun Feixiang has her own considerations, and only by understanding the formation can she break the formation. Of course, she will never joke about the lives of herself and her child!

As soon as she made a move, the little girl immediately understood that the more forceful the formation, the stronger the reaction, and the more attentive she was, the more enchanted she would be!
The devil is born from the heart, and the mind will be at peace naturally!
Her angry state of mind just now was just a test, but she didn't expect it to be as she had guessed, the formation burst out with great power when she made a move.

She knows what to do!

Afterwards, He Lianbei saw that the little woman who was still "angry and violent" suddenly sat down beside him, poured a cup of tea, and drank it leisurely.

There was the sound of fighting outside, and it was the members of the Dulong team and Xuanyuan Tianzhan's hidden guards who, seeing that Yun Feixiang hadn't left for a long time, rushed into the Beixiang Palace.

Yun Feixiang knew that she couldn't walk to the door, let alone open the door and tell them that she was fine!
The thoughts of the people inside may be muddy, but the people outside can perceive the changes inside by the air. Today is an accident, and Helianbei sent people to set up a barrier outside.

But if it is normal, once someone breaks into his room, not only will the formation be trapped and he will not be able to get out, but he will also be discovered by outsiders.

High, really high!
It's just that Helianbei doesn't seem to be able to use his skills to resist here. What she attacked just now was just a phantom of him. Now, she can attack the real Helianbei!
The little girl gradually quieted down, and suddenly there was no movement in the room. The people outside were nervous and confused, and the sound of fighting became more and more intense, but relying on her hearing, Yun Feixiang was almost convinced that the Dulong team had met a master .

"Daddy..." Yun Feixiang smiled like the sun in the sky, a noble and holy light came from the woman's slightly raised face.

She laughed happily, her voice was so clear and sticky that it was fatally seductive!
He Lianbei was shocked all over, and looked up at the little woman's sudden obedience and quietness in disbelief. At this moment, the man seemed to be possessed by a demon, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

The shallow but clear voice was calling him, like a drop of water, moistening my heart!
This is his daughter, with blood thicker than water.

The sound of "Daddy" that spanned more than 20 years made his figure freeze in place in a daze.

Yun Feixiang retracted the hands under the sleeves abruptly, and she saw too many emotions in those weather-beaten eyes.

She was tentatively joking and joking, she just wanted to sneak up on him while he was in a daze, so as to find the key to breaking the formation.

Perhaps, this is God's will in the dark, there is a familiar and strange feeling, tying the two ends!She finally withdrew her hand, perhaps because she couldn't bear it, or because of this self-evident love.

Both of them were stunned, He Lianbei's expression was slightly nervous, and his eagle eyes looked expectantly at the woman's clear and pure eyes!
"Xiang'er, what did you call me just now?" The man finally couldn't help it, his heart was surging.

Yun Feixiang also seemed to set off a huge wind and waves, just like the waves of the sea rolling against the coast, this delicate family affection impacted her heart.

"Hmph..." The little girl suddenly snorted willfully, and stared at Helian Bei with her big dark and bright eyes.This stare contains too many meanings!
She remembered that when Helianbei and Helianbei fell into the secret room from the Wuhe plateau, Helianbei had always been gentle and caring.

She recalled Helianbei's nervous expression when he accidentally touched the mechanism and grabbed her.

She even saw He Lianbei standing on the top of the city tower, trying his best to claim that he had been poisoned by his chronic poison, just to test Xuanyuan Tianzhan's sincerity towards her!
Before she came to the north, she had always thought that Helian Bei was an ambitious wolf, but she never expected that he would be so nervous and panicked.

He Lianbei couldn't understand why he was stared at, and he couldn't help but look at the little woman in doubt. He was obviously a little nervous, and he opened his mouth, but his throat seemed to be blocked, and he couldn't say anything.

Yun Feixiang suddenly laughed again, when the old man was so cute, looking at Helianbei's handsome face that was still about 30 years old, she suddenly understood why Han Bingyu fell in love with him desperately.

(End of this chapter)

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