Chapter 503 Chaos
When a man attracts a woman, it may be based on appearance at first sight, but after the first sight, it depends on charm!
Helianbei has such a charm!

Ever since she saw the Big Dipper Pearl on her elbow that was exactly the same as Helianbei's, she no longer doubted that the real father of this body was Helianbei.

Yun Feixiang was now thinking, besides inheriting her beauty from her mother, did she also inherit her beauty from the man in front of her?But she is so mother-like, the rest can be ignored!

He Lianbei was still puzzled, and seemed to be waiting for the little girl's further reaction, but Yun Feixiang suddenly felt relieved, and said with a nonchalant smile: "I just came here to see the situation in Liaoyuan City with my own eyes, your ability is really extraordinary .As for the food in Liaoyuan City, you should keep it for yourself. Since you don’t want to rely on your daughter and son-in-law, let’s fight fairly.”

Yun Feixiang's sentence of daughter and son-in-law instantly seemed to have given He Lianbei the blood of chicken blood.

"No, Xiang'er, everything that belongs to my father is yours, but you have to give my father some time and give the Helian family some hope." Helianbei's eyes gradually blurred, and no one knew why he made this decision. How difficult.

No one in this world would like to see the family that he personally managed and became stronger fall into decline in his own hands. However, he also knows that this is the general trend!
No matter how many back moves he had, it was nothing more than procrastinating and slowing down Xuanyuan Tianzhan's progress!A drop in the bucket, in vain!

Yun Feixiang didn't expect Helianbei to make such a decision, and couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in her heart.Just as the little girl was about to say something, she felt a similar aura, a murderous aura!
Suddenly there was no sound from the fighting outside, and then, a muffled voice came. Yun Feixiang looked towards the door, and saw that the solid and heavy wooden door had been split open. hostility.

"Eldest son, will it be difficult for the prince to do this?" After all, they are all from Beixiang Palace, and the prince is the pillar of the whole family. It seems that the eldest son is trying to sow discord by doing this? !
Everyone in Beixiang Prince's Mansion knows that the second son and the prince are very close. After the eldest son betrayed the prince, the relationship between the two has soared rapidly, and even others are envious of it!

"Embarrassing?" Helian Yufeng sneered, his eyes were cold from practice, would that man also have embarrassing times?

He wanted to see what would happen if his most beloved son disobeyed him?No matter in ability or experience, he is no worse than Helian Zhongyu, why is he treated completely differently?

Helian Yufeng even thinks that he is better than Helian Zhongyu to take on the big responsibility, but his father with high eyesight would rather choose his young son than him!
The man snorted coldly with a strange expression. It was his biological father who abandoned him. How can he be blamed for this?

The guard beside Helian Yufeng felt that his legs and feet were a little weak, and he closed his mouth resentfully, his eyes squinted nervously at Helian Yufeng's veined fist.

Looking at the angry man who suddenly appeared at the door, Yun Feixiang couldn't help raising her eyebrows. Although she had never seen this man before, she could guess his identity just based on his age and the fact that he was still standing here.

Helian Zhongyu can be said to be a replica of Helianbei when he was young, with a similar handsome face, the same thick eyebrows that slant, and bright and charming deep eyes, standing there, it seems to be shining!
However, at this moment, the hostility on his body completely covered up the original radiance.

"Yu'er, what are you doing?" He Lianbei's expression darkened immediately, and he asked dissatisfiedly.

This son has always satisfied him. He is thoughtful and cautious in doing things. He has never acted so recklessly, let alone trespassing on his room.

Today, his behavior is not only strange, but too bold!He knew his son very well, if he hadn't been provoked by others, he wouldn't have done such a thing himself!
The moment Helian Zhongyu saw Yun Feixiang, he was very surprised. He had seen many beautiful women, but a woman who was as lazy and casual as her, who was still smiling as if facing a big enemy, was really not much!

Is this really his sister?No, they all said she was his enemy!

"Father, she is the concubine of the Hanhai King, we should arrest her immediately!" As soon as Helian Zhongyu opened his mouth, the soldiers outside drew their knives, and the sound of cold weapons colliding penetrated into the room, which was a bit piercing and ear-piercing.

Yun Feixiang moved her ears, heard another wave of heavy breathing, and with a little bit of internal strength, she discerned eleven unique cold air pressures!
Dugu Piaojian and the ten members of the Dulong team happened to be eleven people. It should be Helian Zhongyu who suddenly appeared and interrupted their fight with the guards of the palace. The person behind Helian Zhongyu who drew the sword was actually The person brought by Helian Zhongyu himself.

"Father has thought about it in his heart. This should not be your concern. The flood has just passed, and the management of Liaoyuan City is your most urgent task now!" He Lianbei glanced at Helian Zhongyu behind him. The soldiers are full of unfamiliar faces. When did he develop such a group of forces?
"Father, it's important to capture the enemy!" The eldest brother is right, the father is indeed playing a trick, otherwise how could Yun Feixiang escape from Liaoyuan City safe and sound last time with the method of the father?
Although he didn't directly witness what happened on the city tower last time because of his official business, but with so many subordinates watching, he can't be wrong!
"Enemy? Then who is your friend? Those old stubborn people around you, or your elder brother Helian Yufeng?" Yun Feixiang laughed softly, and the clear and swaying laughter filled the room, as if the air became a lot more free.

However, the unique question and slight sarcasm in her tone poured cold water on people, making people feel even colder than the current cold winter night!

"You..." Helian Zhongyu was a little surprised.How could she mention big brother?Does she know all about it?
Eldest brother paid more attention and secretly sent someone to guard outside the door of the father's room, even the father never noticed it!

What Helian Zhongyu didn't know was that it wasn't that Helianbei hadn't noticed it, but was just planning to stop it with silence.

However, he didn't expect that the little woman would sneak into his room, and someone with a heart would take the opportunity to make trouble!

No father is willing to take a shot at his son, but only if his son will not take a shot at him.He originally wanted to give Helian Yufeng a chance, but he didn't expect that Helian Yufeng didn't know how to cherish, and instead thought that he was smart enough to think that everything was under his control.

In the next room next to Helianbei's room, a man in black stood quietly by the wall. He had a handsome face as beautiful as an exiled fairy, a tall and handsome figure, golden eyes, and sexy thin lips. Every part of her body seems to be carefully carved by the heavens, so beautiful that she is not like a man in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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