Chapter 504 Being Controlled (1)
On Xuanyuan Tianzhan, a noble and elegant aura was released silently. Beside him, Wuying's face changed again and again, like a chameleon. The movement from the next door made him shudder.

He was not as powerful as the prince, and he only heard the fighting outside, followed by the sound of the door breaking, followed by the sound of weapons being unsheathed, and then there was no sound.

However, the prince has not moved, presumably the concubine is safe and sound!
"Or, what wind did your mother blow into your ears?" Her intelligence network is not for fun!
"Yun Feixiang, don't talk nonsense!" Helian Zhongyu couldn't help but change his expression immediately when he heard Yun Feixiang mention his mother.

Everyone in the Beixiang Palace knew that the father hated the mother and concubine being involved in political affairs the most. When Yun Feixiang said that, it was inevitable that the father would think too much.

What's more, this time, the mother concubine was really involved!
"It doesn't matter who it is, but you are going against your closest father with just a few sweet words from others, have you thought about the seriousness?" Yun Feixiang still sat where she was, pinching a cup of tea with her slender fingers, and took a light sip .

Helian Zhongyu froze in embarrassment!That's right, this is just the elder brother's one-sided words, and the concubine also listened to the elder brother's persuasion. In fact, everything is the idea of ​​the elder brother and some noble elders!

He actually listened to their words in such a muddleheaded manner. When he saw Yun Feixiang today, he felt that their thoughts had been verified, so he lost his mind in anger, and went to war to catch Yun Feixiang regardless of his father's feelings.

Helian Zhongyu looked at Helianbei, only to see that Helianbei's expression was so pale that no one could see what he was thinking.

He Lianbei was disappointed in his heart. The child who has been closest to him since he was a child, actually listened to other people's words and openly challenged his father's authority!
"No, I'm going to kill her!" Helian Zhong Yu's eyes suddenly lit up, and a ray of light shot out of them, as if he had never awakened before.

As soon as he finished speaking, he had already pulled out the sharp sword from his waist, and flew towards Yun Feixiang's direction.

Yun Feixiang was startled suddenly, Helian Zhong Yu clearly seemed to have come to his senses, but why did he suddenly become manic?
"Kill her!" A voice roared from the bottom of my heart.

"Kill her!" The ancient and secluded place was in an inn in Liaoyuan City, chanting words, and the man's throat made a cold voice, like a ghost spell from ancient times.

She was too careless just now, and it was too late for Yun Feixiang to dodge. She just wanted to move Helian Zhongyu away quickly, but Helian Bei rushed over and hugged her tightly in his arms.

The next second, Yun Feixiang heard an extremely dull growl, followed by the tearing sound of the flesh being cut!
Yun Feixiang's complexion suddenly turned cold, and when she turned her head, she saw Helianbei's pale and bloodless face. She felt an inexplicable pain in her heart, and supported him with her backhand.

Helian Zhongyu seemed to be stunned for a moment, his eyes were complicated, and soon, his eyes were full of light, and he drew the sword away without hesitation, and swung his arm again.

Yun Feixiang was about to make a move, when there was a "bang", a black shadow burst out of the wall with lightning speed, and the huge room was suddenly filled with dust, and bricks were flying everywhere. When the person came, his eyes gradually softened, and his heart felt a lot more at ease.

She helped Helian Bei up, and seeing the foot-long wound on his back, the little woman suddenly choked up, her throat felt inexplicably uncomfortable, and her eyes were moist.

Helian Zhongyu was bounced away by the man's strong internal force, and the hidden guards of the Hanhai Kingdom's royal family rushed up, tapped his acupuncture points, and restrained him!

"Break!" Gu Youzhi suddenly opened his eyes!

"Break!" Helian Zhongyu, whose acupuncture point was tapped, suddenly roared angrily, and stood up straight away!

Everyone was horrified, and suddenly paled, no one had ever been able to open the acupoints so quickly!According to Helian Zhongyu's cultivation and martial arts, it is even more impossible to do it!

The color of Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes changed slightly, and Helian Zhongyu had rushed over again, the target was not him, but Xiang'er? !
Yun Feixiang glanced at her head and saw the pain in Helianbei's eyes looking at Helian Zhongyu. She seemed to have softened suddenly. She knew that with Xuanyuan Tianzhan around, she would not be able to suffer any harm!

The little girl glanced at Helian Zhongyu again, and said softly to Xuanyuan Tianzhan: "Ah Zhan, be merciful!"

The man nodded, the golden aura in his palm faded, and Xuanyuan Tianzhan seemed a little careless when dealing with a young man like Helian Zhongyu!
Suddenly, the man seemed to have figured something out again, the golden light in his palm strengthened, repeated several times, and finally, the man still weakened his inner strength, just because of the little woman's words!

Yun Feixiang is not really a soft-hearted person, but seeing the way Helian Bei looks at Helian Zhongyu, he knows how much Helian Zhongyu holds in his heart!
Judging from various situations, Helian Zhongyu is obviously not in a normal state. If Ah Zhan makes a heavy shot, Helian Zhongyu is likely to die.

She didn't want to see that result!Maybe Helian Zhongyu is just an insignificant person to her, but to Helianbei it is his hope.

Helianbei was the biological father of this body and was injured for her.

The reflection of Helian Zhongyu flashed in his eyes again, and a scorching pain came from Helianbei's back. After that, his consciousness suddenly became a little blurred. In the eyes of everyone, the man who was always as tall as a mountain passed out!

"Helianbei!" Yun Feixiang turned pale with shock, and fell to the ground along with Helianbei's body. She seemed to feel that she had lost something suddenly, and she felt inexplicable pain.

When Xuanyuan Tianzhan saw the panicked eyes of the little woman and heard her roar, he also became entangled in his heart.When exactly did Xiang'er no longer have any hostility towards Helianbei?
The back of the comatose man was bright red, and the seductive blood soaked his entire broad back. Yun Feixiang supported his body with trembling fingers, trying not to let the man's wound be stained with dust.

Everything became chaotic in an instant, messy room, messy people, messy lights and swords!
Helian Zhongyu's eyes were bloodshot, and he rushed towards him waving the long sword in his hand, his twisted and ferocious face was no longer as handsome as when he first saw it!

"Kill!" Gu Youzhi's lips evoked a faint evil smile, and the purple light of the bewitching eyes suddenly appeared!
"Kill!" Helian Zhongyu roared wildly, and the veins on his temples would pop up, but soon, his voice was swallowed by the powerful air waves that hit him, leaving only a trace of ruined breath.

The faces of the crowd were horrified, and their eyes were worshipful. They only saw Xuanyuan Tianzhan raise one hand, a golden light flashed out, and they easily stopped Helian Zhongyu.

Everyone saw the unbelievable results, but no one knew that the man's attack seemed easy, but it actually used [-]% of his internal strength!
Withdrawing his palm, Xuanyuan Tianzhan couldn't help but look at the abnormal Helian Zhongyu again, thoughtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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