Chapter 505 Being Controlled (2)
The man didn't think too much, and walked quickly to the little woman's side, protecting her personally.

Helian Zhongyu stopped suddenly, as if he had been frozen, and then his complexion became painful, his throat moved, a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, and his body fell to the ground in a daze.

The accident came too fast, and everything was too late to prepare!
In less than a quarter of an hour, the two most important figures in Beixiang Palace fell into a coma!
The entire palace suddenly fell into chaos!
The guards were stunned and didn't know what to do. The maids and servants in the courtyard knelt down on the ground, and there was a faint sobbing sound.

"What are you doing in a daze, don't hurry up and bring people in!" Yun Feixiang's tone was slightly cold, and the words he said were extremely majestic.Helian Zhongyu cannot die, he is Helianbei's hope!
The guards were stunned for a moment, they were trembling and didn't know what to do, when they saw someone talking, they didn't care about their position, and immediately regarded it as obedience to the imperial decree!

The Dulong team and the imperial hidden guards immediately surrounded the entire courtyard and sealed the exits everywhere!The news will spread soon, and there will be unexpected troubles!
At this moment, Helian Zhongyu's guards with knives suddenly made an important decision. They lined up neatly on both sides of the courtyard, and cooperated with the Dulong team and Yinwei to block the courtyard.

If you look closely, the hostility that can develop on their faces has disappeared a lot.

"Eldest son, the news has already been distributed, and the elders of the family will arrive soon." The guards around Helian Yufeng tremblingly reported the situation cautiously.

Helian Yufeng locked his eyes on the courtyard, and suddenly let go of his clenched fists. A strange light gradually appeared in the man's eyes. He seemed to see himself sitting on the highest position in the Helian family, looking down on all living beings!
Helian Zhongyu was carried in, his eyes were closed, his pale face was like snow falling in the sky, so crystal clear that only a patch of white remained.

"He was drugged, and this drug can make people burst out with power several times higher than their own." Xuanyuan Tianzhan took a careful look at Helian Zhongyu's face, and quickly made a judgment.

"Like those killers that Xue Zhongchen raised?" Yun Feixiang's eyes fell on Helian Bei's bloody wound, and he seemed a little careless about Helian Zhongyu's affairs.

Wuying squatted next to her, holding in his hand the golden sore medicine uniquely prepared by Master Miaoshou, and a hidden guard beside him was cooperating with him, carefully cleaning and wiping the wound for He Lianbei!
He still can't believe that He Lianbei actually blocked the knife for the princess!

"It's not the same. Those killers in Xue Zhongchen irreversibly caused irreversible damage to their bodies because of taking forbidden drugs. And Helian Zhongyu, his mind was controlled by someone!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said slowly, His breathing was slightly strange, and accompanied by his voice, it seemed that there was an ancient breath wafting over.

"What?" Yun Feixiang knew that the man's words were not empty words, but this man's ability may not be too great, how many people can be controlled by him? !
With such ability, wouldn't he be able to do whatever he wants?
"Xiang'er, this is mind control! A controller can use spells to control people from far away, and let people do things according to his ideas! Of course, he will also consume his mental and internal power."

Yun Feixiang was a little stunned, and he remembered the information mentioned in Long Yuyan's letter, the little girl frowned, and became worried!

However, before she had time to think more, there was a sound of footsteps coming from far and near outside the yard, followed by some deep and sophisticated voices.

"What the hell happened?" A puzzled and dissatisfied voice asked.

"Why is the prince's yard blocked?" A deliberately raised voice immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Yeah, yeah, what's going on?"

The elders of the Helian family really acted quickly, and it didn't take long for everyone to gather together!
Helian Yufeng showed a satisfied and relaxed smile when he saw a group of stubborn old men who got the news and came quickly, who were aggressive but didn't know the truth!
Now is a good time for him to play freely!
"Uncles, you must avenge your father and second brother!" Helian Yufeng's voice of "distressed" suddenly came from the corner.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Helian Yufeng with disdain, he is just a traitor of the family, what right does he have to speak in front of them?

If it wasn't for the prince who couldn't bear to do anything to him because of his family relationship, how could he have survived until now?
"So it's Yufeng!" A kind-hearted man came out and said kindly to Helian Yufeng.

"Uncle San, it's me!" Helian Yufeng was overjoyed, he knew that someone was still on his side, no matter what he said, he was the blood of the Helian family.

Although he once blatantly betrayed the Helian family and took refuge in Xuanyuan Tianzhan, anyone with a discerning eye knew that he was forced to do nothing.

At that time, after such a long period of development, he already had a lot of power in his hands. His father valued his second brother, but he also considered the power he had in his hands, so sooner or later he would remove this obstacle for Helian Zhongyu !

Now the reason why the father still keeps him, on the surface he has acted generously and forgave his faults, is actually because he has no more power in his hands, he can no longer make waves, and he can't stop Helian Zhongyu from inheriting the family. A stumbling block to power.

Now is his last chance, he must seize it!

"Oh... I remember wrong! How could it be Yufeng? Yufeng died a long time ago, and now the one in front of us is nothing but a traitor!" The man's smile suddenly turned into a sneer.

I'm still ashamed to call him Sanbo as if nothing had happened. Does he have the face to call him that?

The traitor Helian Yufeng has lost all face of the Helian family.

Helian Yufeng didn't even know how many people he had formed a relationship with when he led an army of 40 out of the control of the Helian family.

At the beginning, when Murong Rui went south, he was not in Shengjing. Empress Dowager Helian Fengyang joined forces with their forces in the Beixiang Prince's Mansion. With everyone's unanimous praise and persuasion, the prince finally agreed to go north to usurp power!

But at the most critical moment, when Murong Rui came back, Helian Yufeng spread the news of betrayal when they needed support the most!

The 40 troops left as soon as they said they would evacuate, which brought huge losses to their Helian family, and they could only rest and recuperate from now on!
This group of family elders all thought in their hearts that if it wasn't for Helian Yufeng's rebellion, their Helian family would have seized Sheng Tian's imperial power and replaced it with the Murong family!
Nowadays, they naturally regard Helian Yufeng as the scum of the family!
"Since he is a traitor, it's better to kill him!" said a man with his old eyes shining.

(End of this chapter)

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