Chapter 506 Sadness and Pain
"Yes, kill him, relieve your anger!"

"..." One person shouted and thousands of people responded, talking about this moment.

In the feudal society, it always had the same effect. After someone took the lead in a thing that was dispensable, everyone acted vigorously, saying that the wind is the rain.

Helian Yufeng suddenly had a bad feeling, these old stubborns didn't seem to be as easy to deal with as he imagined?
But that's okay!Based on what he knew about them, between Yun Feixiang and him, they would still choose to trust him!
"Sanbo, my nephew listened to other people's slander and did a lot of ridiculous things before, but now I really know that I was wrong!" Helian Yufeng had a sincere attitude and bowed respectfully to everyone.

There were cold snorts all around, everyone was naturally not prepared to forgive Helian Yufeng like this, if everyone made a mistake and an apology solved it, wouldn't everyone make mistakes?
"I know that uncles don't intend to forgive me so easily, but the top priority is that we should work together to deal with our enemies!"

"Enemy? Who is our enemy?"

"It's not like everyone didn't get any news, did they? Don't you know about the eyeliner arranged by the uncles in the palace?"

As soon as Helian Yufeng said this, most of the elders of the family suddenly darkened their expressions and stopped talking. No one would admit that they had arranged eyeliner in the palace, but everyone knew it well!
Sure enough, they are all old foxes who have become elites, and no one is willing to take the lead to stand up and appeal to everyone.

"Yun Feixiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan broke into the palace secretly, seriously injuring their father and second younger brother. Now they are in the courtyard, guarded by experts, and those inside and outside the courtyard have been isolated." Helian Yufeng said in a deep voice. .

"What? Both the prince and the second son were seriously injured. How is this possible? This is absolutely impossible!" How could the prince, who is like a god, be injured so easily?

"Uncles, if my nephew speaks half a lie, there will be a thunderbolt!" Helian Yufeng acted more sincerely, as if he was trying his best to make everyone believe him.

"If God had eyes, you would have been bombarded to death!" Someone whispered.

However, some mature and stable elders began to frown, staring at the courtyard gate with deep eyes!

What is going on here?
The lacquered red door was firmly closed, and the high wall cut off the line of sight. The elders of the major families felt a little uneasy...

The warm winter sun can't warm the air, and the still cold sky is getting colder. The courtyard is so quiet that there is no sound. The elders stand quietly in front of the courtyard door. The wordless silence makes people feel like there is a huge conspiracy waiting ahead. them.

Time slipped away little by little, and the people outside were stunned.

Finally, someone who appeared to be bold ordered the guards to open the door urgently, and all the elders heaved a sigh of relief.

In fact, with their skills, they could easily open the door. However, the sense of uneasiness from the inside out stopped their actions.

No one knows what's going on inside, and it's also unknown how credible Helian Yufeng's words are. !

The guards were trembling, staring at the crack of the door knocker cautiously, their ears pricked up, as if a steel knife could suddenly emerge from this small crack of the door and pierce their bodies.

The sound of "Bump" came intermittently. Seeing that there was still no response in the courtyard, the guards couldn't help speeding up and hitting the gate!

The nanmu gate made a dull sound, but it didn't move at all!
The guards saw that the faces of the elders were not very good, so they couldn't help but work harder and hit the gate with all their strength. In fact, their legs and feet were already weak.

"What are you doing so hard, the old man flew up to the wall with ease to see what's going on inside?" The fourth elder who ordered the guards to knock on the door just now couldn't bear to see it, and volunteered to stand up.

"Fourth, what are you in a hurry for?" The person who spoke was the person who satirized Helian Yufeng earlier, he was the third elder.

The impulsive elder seemed to disagree with him a bit!

"Third brother, since the prince is trapped inside, we should try our best to rescue him. The younger brother is not like some people who are obedient and obedient. They treat the prince with respect on the surface, but in fact they have evil intentions in their hearts. We hope that something will happen to the prince." The fourth elder Looking at the Sixth Elder, he pointedly said.

Compared to the impulsiveness of the fourth elder, the sixth elder was extremely calm, as if he hadn't seen the provocative and sarcastic expression of the third elder at all, his expression was as pale as a wisp of smoke in the air...

The Fourth Elder snorted coldly, disregarding the Third Elder's persuasion, and flew up to the high courtyard wall with a little kung fu.

The courtyard wall was covered with withered roses, and the dry branches spread out, making it look extremely bleak.

His dark blue belt was blown by the wind, and the figure standing on the courtyard wall suddenly became abnormally tall, and the guards all looked at him eagerly.

The fourth elder glanced at the courtyard, and couldn't help laughing out loud!
The man in his 60s smiled unrestrainedly. Due to years of practice, he looked only in his 40s. At this moment, his eyes swept over every corner of the courtyard. Where could there be the shadows of Yun Feixiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan?

Not to mention Yun Feixiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan, they didn't even have a single guard.Helian Yufeng babbled so much nonsense that he didn't even know the actual situation, how ridiculous!

"Third Brother, I'll go down and open the door for you!" The Fourth Elder became more and more proud. This feeling of being in the top not only brought him face, but also enhanced his prestige in everyone's mind. It really kills two birds with one stone!
The eyes of the people below were burning. Seeing that the four elders were fine, they couldn't help secretly regretting that they were too cautious and had a good kung fu, but they were timid when they could show themselves the most, and failed to let everyone see their own strength!

They are all members of the highest status in the Helian family, but they look so small in front of the calm, decisive, tough and domineering Helianbei. The reason for the North!
"Why hasn't the door been opened yet?" After a long time, the door still didn't open, and there was no sound coming. Everyone finally felt that something was wrong!

"Yeah, the fourth elder's voice is gone."

"It's so weird!"

"..." All kinds of guesses and discussions started, and everyone panicked.

"Fourth elder, are you still there?!" Someone ordered the guards to shout.

However, there is no sound at all!

"Third Elder, Sixth Elder, what do you think we should do?" Usually these two people had the most ideas, and at critical moments, everyone naturally pinned their hopes on them.

(End of this chapter)

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